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"The Forbidden Holy Land...Arpaiado……"

"No... You absolutely can't go!"

Conis cried loudly to Jin Yi with red eyes.

Qiqi, who had a good impression of Conis, saw that the little sister suddenly burst into tears and jumped to Conis' side.


"Angel sister, the uncle who was just hung is your father, right?"

"We can go to the place called Arpaio and help you rescue your father."

Qiqi blinked her eyes and looked at Connie suspiciously, not knowing why she suddenly stopped him.


"The angel girl with wings is so beautiful!"

""Hey! I also want a pair of wings to fly in the sky... Ah huh!"

Tiantian followed Qiqi and surrounded Conis, curiously observing the beautiful lady.

Luo Luo looked like he was going to sleep, yawning and rubbing his eyes.

The little girls couldn't understand the meaning of Conis's words, but Weiwei and Robin looked at each other, feeling uneasy.

Their father was in deep trouble, and they actually told those who hoped to rescue their father not to go to the place where the incident happened. This was too strange.

If Conis herself had no problem, the place called"Forbidden Holy Land Arpaillado" must be strange!

Jin Yi had no time to consider whether there was a problem with what Conis said. For him, who knew everything in the pirate world, he quickly opened the system interface and looked for the interface for exchanging navigation tools. The four-seater speedboat has an absolute advantage in speed, but as the team has more and more people, the four-seater is obviously not enough.

What he needs now is a sea navigation tool that can guarantee speed and carry more people.

"This express shrimp is really fast, it seems there is no time to waste!"

Jin Yi's eyes were fixed, and he was selecting from a series of lists.


【The host has selected a twenty-person unpowered sailing ship, which will cost 30,000 experience points to purchase!】

【Would you like to buy it now?】

""I bought it!"

Jin said without thinking.

After meeting his two daughters, his experience points increased by 100,000. He didn't need to think too much about using 30,000 to exchange for a 20-passenger sailing ship.

As he had more and more daughters, experience points were no longer a necessary condition for development.

""Miss Connie, what do you mean by holy? Why can't we go?"

Weiwei stood in front of the crowd and told Connie the doubts in her heart.

Connie looked at her father who gradually disappeared from her sight, her hands clenched in front of her.

As a resident of Angel Island, if she said something unfavorable to the omnipotent god Enel now, or leaked it to a first-level wanted criminal, her crime would be enough to bring down the punishment of God.

"Please, don't go, really don't go.……"

"The almighty god of this country, Enelu, is not something humans can deal with."

"All the captured executed prisoners will be sent to the human altar in Arpaiado and become human sacrifices!"

"If anyone dares to resist……"


"Please stop talking!"

McKinley, who was seriously injured in the forest, heard Connie's words and shouted loudly in panic, scaring Weiwei and Robin who were listening carefully to the message.


Just when Connies was extremely frightened and timid, Jin Yi's hand gently rested on her shoulder.

"Don't worry, no matter who the omnipotent god is, we will defeat him!"

"Moreover, there has never been any god in this world... whoever wins has the final say!"

Jin Yi said confidently, looking at Conis firmly.

Since Enel ruled Sky Island, everyone who resisted him was executed in the most brutal way.

Over time, not only did the rebels disappear on the island, but even the voices of doubt disappeared.

Since Conis was old enough to understand, it was the first time she saw someone dare to say such words so directly.

"Really, can you my father?"

With red eyes, Conis grabbed Jin Yi's arm, as if she had grasped a life-saving straw in the darkness.

"Don’t worry, little angel sister, your dad is the strongest man in the world!"

"That’s right, Angel Sister’s dad will definitely come back safely!"

"Ah, don’t cry, little angel sister… Dad, you are awesome!"

The three little ones also encouraged Connie.


The warm scene did not last long. The dazzling light in the sky directly broke the harmonious scene.

"What's going on? Why is there such a bright light?"

"I can't see clearly, is it the enemy's weapon?"

Weiwei and Robin noticed something was wrong and tried to look up to see what was attacking them, but they couldn't open their eyes.

"Get out of the way, little girls!"

"It is the divine punishment from the omnipotent god Eneel!"

"It will kill people!"

When McKinley saw the light rising in the sky, he knew that Conis had been noticed by Enel and had incurred an unavoidable punishment from the sky.

At this time, out of conscience, he could only call the children around Conis to avoid the scope of the punishment.

"Uh... uh……"

Connies' legs fell to the ground powerlessly, and she was extremely frightened.

Jin Yi pulled Connies to stop her from falling to the ground, and then he looked around and said to his daughters,"Girls, do you want to try this kind of long-range natural attack?"

……_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo

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