"ten minutes? It's too slow!"The Herrscher of Knowledge complained.

This is still fast.

If you had chosen to leave the Tianming Airport first and then take a detour to where An Ling was, it would probably have been even slower.

On the side, An Ling heard this and showed a regretful expression.

"It's quite slow. It would be great if I could soar through the clouds and ride on the mist like in the myth of China. Then, it would only take a while to meet me."

Soaring in the clouds and riding in the mist!

The Herrscher of Knowledge was stunned after hearing this.

The next moment, she turned to look at An Ling

"An Ling, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Um? What's the meaning?"

Looking at the Herrscher of Knowledge in confusion, An Ling asked doubtfully.

"It's nothing, just leave quickly."

After noticing something, the Herrscher of Knowledge didn't say much, but quickly flew out of the Tianming Airport.

Looking at the back of the Herrscher of Knowledge, the doubts on An Ling's face suddenly disappeared.

The reason why he said"Teng Yun Jia Wu" just now, It was a reminder to the Herrscher of Consciousness.

Otherwise, how could he say the words"Soaring into the Clouds and Riding the Mist" so coincidentally?

Of course, in the opinion of the Herrscher of Consciousness, An Ling just said it unintentionally and did not have any doubts about An Ling.


One minute later.

Turning his head to look at Hollander and Rita who were chasing behind him, the Herrscher of Knowledge stopped.

She originally didn't want to do anything, so she wanted to leave.

But Youlandale and the others didn't give him any face. Not only did they refuse to express their gratitude, they also continued to pursue him.

Do you really think you have no temper?

At this time, a voice that was very familiar to the Herrscher of Consciousness appeared on the sea

"Old friend, why are you leaving in such a hurry? I really want to catch up with you."


The Herrscher of Knowledge immediately judged who the owner of the voice was.

His eyes immediately showed vigilance.

Neither Landale nor Rita were nothing.

But Otto was different.

This man is very dangerous, and he will be killed if he is not careful. Something happened

"Reminiscing about old times? Should you kill me, or should I destroy your soul steel body?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge looked at Hollandale and Rita in front of him and asked coldly. Reminiscing about the past?

What a joke!

"It seems that your personality, old friend, has changed a lot!"

"Change? It's a bit, after all, I have experienced life and death, I want to understand"

"Want to understand?"

"Think about it...why am I telling you?"

Tilting her head, the Herrscher of Knowledge said jokingly.

She wanted to understand something.

But why should she tell Otto who killed her?

There is no reason or sense.

"Oh, it seems you don’t want to tell me! It doesn't matter. After all, old friends have your privacy. It's not good for me to care too much."

Before the Herrscher of Knowledge could refute, Otto's voice sounded again.

"Old friend, is Mr. An Ling helping you?"

It seems like he is asking, but in fact there is no need to ask.

Everyone present knows it.

Free An Ling is the only one who can quietly help the Herrscher of Consciousness and has the courage and interest.

"Yes, it is indeed An Ling who is helping me. Otto, are you meeting her?"

The Lawyer of Consciousness did not hesitate and nodded immediately.

"It turns out that it is really Your Excellency An Ling. That’s just right. I also want to thank Your Excellency An Ling!"

Thank you An Ling?

Why thank you?

What did An Ling do that deserves Otto to thank him?

Could it be that Otto was scheming to say this deliberately?

Countless thoughts emerged in the mind of the Herrscher of Knowledge. possibility.

Before she could think about it, she turned her head and looked not far behind her.

Then she saw An Ling, who was holding a piece of cake and a spoon in the other hand.

"Thank me? No need"

"After all, with the relationship between Theresa and I, it doesn’t matter if I help you a little." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Besides, I would be happy to help you die quickly."

"After your death, Teresa can fulfill her promise to me. She promised me a lot of things."

"The castle owned by the Apocali family, money and so on."

Not long ago, Kiana noticed extremely strong Honkai energy fluctuations, so she pulled An Ling over here.

Just then, she heard Otto saying that he wanted to thank herself.

Otto, who was in Klosten, listened to An Ling After saying these words, the fake smile that had always been on his face immediately disappeared.

He said he wanted to thank An Ling because he was preparing to trick someone from the Herrscher of Knowledge.

Not only did the words not come out, but An Ling also listened to them.

After a while, Otto The complexion returns to normal

"It seems that the relationship between Mr. An Ling and little Teresa is very good!"

"uh-huh! It's pretty good. Not long ago, she even took the initiative to kiss me. She even gave me her first kiss. Alas!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was a little confused.

In the diary, An Ling had never written so straightforwardly.

There was still a bit of concealment when writing.

The Lawyer of Knowledge was extremely unbelievable at the moment.[]

She thinks An Ling is really strong.

Even Teresa dared to touch her.

Still sighing at the end! sigh!

Why is An Ling sighing?

He is a real winner in life, okay?

Why sigh?

For a moment, apart from the sound of sea water flowing, the only sound left was the sound of An Ling eating cake.

Very quiet.

The quiet atmosphere was finally interrupted by the Herrscher of Knowledge

"`An Ling, you……"

"Really, what are you lying to? Didn’t you see that I changed from calling her Principal Teresa to calling her by her first name?"

Nodding, An Ling interrupted.

The Herrscher of Knowledge did not speak, but looked at Kiana not far away.

Kiana knew what the Herrscher of Knowledge was looking at her for.

It's nothing more than It was An Ling who said this, what kind of expression she was wearing.

However, compared to her own expression, Kiana was more concerned about the expression of her sister not far away, Youlandale.

Unfortunately, she couldn't see any difference from ordinary times. , the same expression.

On the contrary, it was Rita. She looked at An Ling with a somewhat unkind look.

Thinking of the contents in the diary, Kiana understood the reason.

"Otto, please speak up! Now that you are not dead, I would like to talk to you more."

"By the way, your granddaughter has a photo of the last time you broke down after hearing her promise."

"When I called her yesterday, she seemed to be preparing to take the photo to share with Walter and the others."

Looking at An Ling who was speaking in front of him.

Everyone present was already numb.

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