Well, it's Teresa.

Only then did Kiana remember that Theresa could now see her.

Answering the phone with trembling hands, Teresa's voice came from the phone

"Kiana, it seems that you really don’t like studying."

"Let you study, you want to drag your teacher to a duel"

"Since you want to duel, how about I take Judas's oath and accompany you to my training room for a duel now?"

Bringing Judas's oath to a duel?

This is clearly meant to teach myself a lesson."

"Auntie, I was wrong. I shouldn't have dragged Teacher An Ling into a duel."

Although Kiana admitted her mistake, Theresa did not let Kiana go because of this.

"wrong? I think you are not wrong. I should be the one who is wrong. I should not let An Ling teach you or force you to learn."

After hearing this, Kiana suddenly panicked and hurriedly explained.

But An Ling glanced at Kiana, and then walked towards the kitchen.

Now Kiana really deserves her fate.

He just said Said that she actually wanted to drag her into a duel.

Not to mention Theresa didn't allow it.

Even if it was allowed, then Kiana couldn't beat him even if she put on the White Knight Moonlight.

This is not to say that the White Knight Moonlight suit Armor is weak.

But Kiana herself is too weak.

She is still a paramecium and has not experienced growth at all. It would be strange to be strong.

If it is Kiana in the Sky Ranger period later, not to mention defeating herself, at least she can compete with herself There are more than a few moves.

And if it is Kiana who becomes Xinyan, then it is no problem to be tied with herself.

As for the end, it goes without saying.

This is one of the pinnacles of the era's combat power.

Any one can stop it. You can kill yourself instantly.

When you walk into the kitchen, the first thing you see is the busy Leiden Meiyi.

The moment An Ling walks into the kitchen, Leiden Meiyi has already noticed him.

"Teacher An Ling, aren't you tutoring Kiana? Why are you in the kitchen?"

"Principal Theresa had something to do with Kiana, so I took advantage of this opportunity to come to the kitchen to take a look."

Leiden Mei nodded to show that she understood.

Then she continued to cook.

And An Ling stood by the kitchen and watched Leiden Mei cook.

Looking at Leiden Mei's skillful techniques.

He is truly worthy of being the Herrscher of Rice.

This is done The technique is very powerful at first glance.

It is no problem to say that it is the ultimate in this world.

For those otherworldly companions of Raiden Mei,

Raiden Mei is an alien.

The thunder movie on Teyvat adds all talent points to martial arts On the topic, there is no point at all in cooking.

In the pre-civilized MEI, all the talent points were added to scientific research, and they could not cook at all.

Moreover, MEI's genes in this area are still strong.

As a result, the entire Kaslana family can cook. There are almost none.

So compared to her peers from other worlds, Leiden Meiyi is really an alien.

At this time, Kiana sounded behind An Ling

"An Ling, what are you doing?"

"Watch Raiden Mei-san cooking."

An Ling replied without looking back.

"Cook? What’s so cool about cooking?"

"Let me tell you, playing games is fun. How about we play games now?"

Kiana was suddenly surprised.

In her opinion, cooking is really boring.

"But Kiana, you study……"

Before An Ling could finish speaking, Kiana interrupted him.

"study? We'll talk about this later"

"By the way, I just told my aunt that if I fail, my pocket money will be deducted instead of your salary. My aunt also agreed to this."

Thinking of something, Kiana quickly added.

She didn't want to be blamed for her grades. As a result, An Ling's salary was deducted.

So she specifically mentioned this matter to Theresa just now.

And Theresa agreed to her idea without hesitation.

Because Theresa had no intention of really deducting An Ling's salary.

The reason why I said this was just to get revenge on An Ling.

Now that Kiana came to the door obediently and offered to say that if she failed the exam, her pocket money would be deducted.

Why didn't she agree?

"ah? Don't charge me any money? That’s easy to say."

Since you are not deducting money, then just play with Kiana for a while.

Anyway, there is no loss for you.

Listening to the conversation between Kiana and An Ling, Raiden Meiyi wanted to say something.

But before she could speak, Kiana had already pulled An Ling out of the kitchen.


A few minutes later

"Are you sure you want me to come into your bedroom?"

Looking back and looking at Kiana behind him, An Ling was a little surprised.

"Um! Any questions?"

Kiana asked back.

What's the big deal if she just entered her room.

Raiden Mei and Bronya have all entered.

But who else is as incredible as An Ling.

Seeing Kiana inviting him like this, An Ling opened the door and walked into Kiana's room.

It was very clean.

This was An Ling's first impression of Kiana's room.

Kiana closed the door of her room.

Then she ran to the bookcase in her room and grabbed a book. A two-player game console.

Sitting on the bed, I turned it on very skillfully.

"An Ling, do you need me to teach you how to play?"

Shaking his head, An Ling refused.

Just kidding. It 's too embarrassing to just play a game and need someone to teach you.


"It’s not fun, I won’t play anymore."

When Kiana heard this, she immediately laughed out loud.

It wasn't fun.

That was An Ling Taicai, who couldn't play with herself.

So she said it deliberately for his sake.

I wonder if he will record this experience in his diary. If you record it, you can brag to Bronya about your superb gaming skills when you go to the hospital later.

Suddenly, An Ling turned around and looked at Kiana with a smile.

"Kiana, how about I do a magic trick for you."

Kiana was stunned for a moment.

"magic? An Ling, you actually do magic?"

She had never thought that An Ling could do magic.

But An Ling just smiled and didn't speak. He knew his own family affairs.

He had never learned magic.

Although he didn't know magic, he knew magic!

The Eye of God was in actual combat. Although it is useless.

It can be used to perform 'magic' and there is no problem.

It is just that using the eye of god to perform 'magic' is a bit insulting to the eye of god.

You must know that in Teyvat, a person's wish reaches the extreme, and the god casts his gaze to obtain the god's eye. Eye.

Therefore, the Eye of God is very precious.

So his behavior of using the Eye of God to perform 'magic' is indeed a bit insulting to the Eye of God.

"Since you said you can do magic, what kind of magic can you do?"

Kiana asked curiously

"I can do a lot of magic, so Kiana, I will show you whatever you want to see."

An Ling answered Kiana's question directly, but pretended to be mysterious.

After thinking for a while, Kiana recalled the magic tricks she had seen on TV before.

After a while, she wanted to see An Ling perform it for her. What magic.

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