The title alone is very exciting.

What’s even more exciting is that Kiana and the others are going to take the exam

【Otto is really awesome. He wrote his dark history into the columns that St. Freya will take the exam.】

【From this point of view, he has become very powerful, I admire him very much】

【It's a pity that there are no other dark histories of Otto in history textbooks, such as Yae Sakura or Mrs. Green Lily. 】

With a thought, his thoughts at this time began to appear on Kiana’s invisible corner diary.

"What happened? Why do you keep staring at the history textbook in a daze?"

Kiana's voice interrupted An Ling's thinking.

He raised his head and looked at Kiana with a smile.

"It's okay, I just remembered something funny and couldn't help but be in a daze."

It's indeed funny.

Yae Sakura and Kallen, Otto in women's clothing.

These and that are all very funny.

"Something funny? Can you tell me?"

Originally, Kiana was bored reading the history book, but when she heard An Ling say something funny, she immediately became interested. She shook her head and An Ling refused.

"Kiana, let’s start class."

It's enough for you to know those dark histories.

If you want to talk about it later, you will have to tell it in front of Otto.

Seeing that An Ling was unwilling to talk, Kiana did not continue to ask.

As An Ling said, it is still important to study now. Some.

She doesn't want to really become a D-level servant Valkyrie.

C-level can't go on the battlefield, let alone a lower D-level!


Two hours later, An Ling put away the geography textbook in his hand.

"Have you finished speaking?"

"Well, what else?"Nodding, An Ling asked.

"Oh, then can I leave and go back to play games with Bronya?"

After An Ling nodded, Kiana left without looking back. Normally, she wouldn't have left so quickly.

But today is the weekend, and weekends should be used for rest.

And this weekend is just for... Take this day off.

So she has to have fun next time.

An Ling looked at Kiana's back and didn't feel unhappy because of Kiana's behavior at this time.

She got up, closed the door, and headed towards St. Freya's He walked to the logistics office.

During the lecture he just gave to Kiana, he could clearly feel that the Herrscher of the Sky had woken up. He was just observing the surrounding situation.

If nothing unexpected happened, then Kiana would You will see another her.

And this plot will not change on its own.

After all, it would be meaningless if it changed.

Just let nature take its course.

【I will have fun watching it tomorrow】

【As for now, let’s go and help Jizi.】

【I hope she is at the logistics office and I am not running away. 】

After writing down his thoughts in the diary in his hand, he then put the diary into the system space.

An Ling walked quickly towards the Saint Freya Logistics Office.

He needs to finish these things quickly so that he can come back and sleep.

His mental state is a little bad now.

Have a good rest


An Ling walked out of the logistics office and walked towards the teaching building.

Jizi is not in the logistics department now, but in Theresa's office.

This is what he just asked about at the logistics office.

After walking into the teaching building and going up the stairs, he suddenly stopped after walking a few steps.

Wow! It’s a Shenzhou tablet!

No, it’s Red Kite Immortal Fu Hua

"Teacher An Ling, do you want to see me for something?"

The way An Ling looked at her at this time made Fu Hua feel a little uncomfortable.

So she asked.

Without hesitation, An Ling shook her head.


You're kidding.

If you say something is wrong, then you will really die.

Ridiculing Fu Hua's figure.

Fu Hua can't give him a chance to open the sky?

Fu Hua walked out of the teaching building and walked to a corner where no one was. She Stopping.

After making sure there was no one around, she wrote down the way An Ling looked at her just now and sent it to Otto.

After doing this, Fu Hua turned around and left.


After returning to the villa, Kiana quickly ran towards Bronya's room.

Just as she was about to push open the door to Bronya's room, the door was opened from the inside.

"Bronya, aren't you fighting some kind of Homu Tyrannosaurus in the Honkai God Realm? Why don't you play anymore?"

When asking this question, Kiana's head was full of question marks.

She had seen the BOSS refresh in the Honkai God's Domain.

Now it happened to be the refresh time for the Homu Tyrannosaurus in the Honkai God's Domain.

Bronya was not holding her computer. Playing games.

Instead, he put down his computer and opened the door for himself. This was very abnormal and inconsistent with Bronya.

"Bronya wanted to ask Kiana for something."

When Kiana heard this, she froze on the spot, staring blankly at Bronya in front of her with her eyes open.

When she came to her senses, she patted her head with her right hand.

After feeling the pain, Kiana Only then did he stop what he was doing.

But he still looked incredulous.

Bronya would actually ask for something from him.

He and Bronya have known each other for almost three years.

During this process, Bronya has never been like this. I have said such things to her.


And if I feel pain, it proves that this is not a dream, it was Bronya who really said this. She looked at Kiana quietly, although Bronya’s face There was no expression on his face, but his eyes were full of contempt.

"Stupid Kiana, can you be normal?"

"oh oh!"Kiana responded hurriedly.

Bronya turned around and walked into her room at this time.

She knew that she was a little unbelievable.

But Kiana wouldn't show such a big reaction, would she?

Follow Bronya's lead Entering the room, Kiana closed the door.

Then she sat on the bench prepared for her by Bronya.

As for why she didn't sit on Bronya's bed, that was because Bronya didn't allow it.

"Bronya, what do you want from me?"After sitting down, Kiana asked her doubts.

But Bronya did not answer directly.

"Qiana, how is your relationship with Teacher An Ling?"

Kiana recalled her time with An Ling.

"Hmm... It should be very good. Bronya, does your question have anything to do with what you asked me to do?"

"Bronya wants to make friends with An Ling."Bronya said her purpose lightly.

Kiana's face showed surprise:"Make friends? That's it?"

I thought Bronya was asking her for something big.

It turned out that she just wanted to make friends with An Ling.

It was just a small thing like making friends.

She could go to An Ling directly! What should I do to ask for it?

"Um."Bronya nodded, and rarely refuted Kiana.

Kiana tilted her head and looked at Bronya in confusion.

"Bronya, I noticed that you have become a little strange since we went to Canghai City to recover that throne."

"Yesterday I was discharged from the hospital without telling anyone in the middle of the night. When I came back, I spent the whole night typing on your computer and now you asked me for something."

"Is your IQ affected by that chip in your brain?"

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