It can also be said to be physically blocked.

I really don’t know how An Ling could write such cold words with a normal body temperature.

Putting down the diary, Theresa continued to revise the report she had written.

I was originally planning to submit this report today, but there were too many typos.

So it was extended by one day.

This report will be handed in later, and there are still some typos and grammatical errors that have not yet been corrected.

To speed up the time modification.

After revising the report, there are other things to deal with.

Originally, she thought she could rest after getting rid of the work in her hands.

But these two days were full of accidents.

For example, today is actually not a holiday.

But there was something wrong with St. Freya's power system.

Only in this case can we take an emergency day off.


"Bronya actually gave me that account. This was really a generous move. She was indeed a fool who could buy rice through stock speculation."

Putting down the account number that Bronya gave him, An Ling said very excitedly.

Kallen imagined that he still liked it very much.

But Bronya saw that he liked it, so she generously gave him one for her own use. The unused game account is used as a gift.

You must know that Bronya spent an unknown amount of money on this account. Even if she is not playing now, there are still many card drawing resources on it.

Therefore, the value of this account is still very good.

Take out the diary from the system space. This time he takes a pen and writes in the diary.

【You are so generous, you actually gave me Kallen’s fantasy account.】

【So I decided to find a chance to accompany her to the end of the sea.】

【Although I originally had this idea, what I wanted to see was to see her driver's license revoked.】

【And I definitely don’t have this idea】

【Forget it, I don’t believe what I’m writing. All I want is to see her driver’s license revoked.】

【As for reaching the end of the sea, there is still some time left. 】

Think of Bronya’s driver’s license being revoked by Kevin.

An Ling couldn't help laughing.

Just like what Shi Bao said, the core of the Lawyer is a disaster star.

Anyone who has used the core of the Herrscher of Modern Law, except Bronya, has been miserable.

Walter Joyce was killed by Otto.

Siren never won once after getting the Herrscher Core.

Although Walter Young was very happy in the end, he had a wife and a son.

But he sacrificed his life several times for mankind.

And Bronya only defeated Rita once when getting the Herrscher Core.

In the end, when facing Mistrine, the core of the Herrscher of Reason must be quasi-feathered, otherwise there is no way to win.

After writing the diary, An Ling turned off his phone, fell down and went to sleep.


At this time, Bronya was paying attention to the diary in her hand.

At the moment of the update she flipped over and started reading.

After a few minutes, she looked up

"The end of the sea? This should refer to the Quantum Sea. It seems that Bronya’s decision is right."

"But why did he want to see Bronya's driver's license revoked? Bronya doesn’t have a driver’s license now?"

She can drive ordinary cars.

But driving those cars is unlicensed driving.

Given her age, no matter how good she is at driving those cars, she still can't get a driver's license.

So An Ling said she wanted to see her driver's license. What does being revoked mean?

Could it be that her driver's license with a fake identity has been revoked?

But she doesn't have a fake identity at all!

I don't understand, and I don't understand.

After thinking about this question for a while, Bronya waited The next content of An Ling's diary.

After waiting for more than an hour and no new content appeared in the diary, she put away the diary and started to sleep.

There are still classes tomorrow, so she needs to go to bed early today.


The next night.

After saying goodbye to Kiana, An Ling walked towards the principal's office.

While eating with Kiana just now, he felt an obvious energy reaction from Herrscher of the Sky.

And Kiana is also very sleepy now, looking like she wants to sleep.

These all indicate that the Herrscher of the Sky has woken up and started to take action.

To be more precise, the Herrscher of the Sky found Kiana after she woke up last night.

He knew this yesterday.

But in order to surprise the Herrscher of the Sky, he didn't go into Kiana's dream to look for her yesterday.

Think about it, everything went smoothly yesterday, and something happened when I thought it was as smooth as yesterday today.

I believe that the expression of the Herrscher of Hui Kong will be very surprised and incredible.

As for why not go directly to Kiana now.

That's because Kiana hasn't fallen asleep yet.

Theresa still has something to talk to him about now.

The most important thing is that he hasn't drawn a card in the system in the past two days.

Before looking for the Herrscher of the Sky, you must drain all the crystals obtained in the past two days.

After knocking on the door and hearing the invitation, An Ling opened the door and walked into Theresa's office.

After An Ling sat down, Theresa, who was sitting opposite him, spoke.

"Not long ago, the S-class Valkyrie Rita from the Destiny Headquarters came to St. Freya. I have some things to go out to deal with tomorrow, so Rita, you can entertain her tomorrow."

An Ling knows that Rita has come to Jidong.

Not long ago, he said hello to this very dangerous maid.

But What does Theresa mean when she says she has something to do tomorrow? What does

Theresa mean now ? Isn’t the work all in the hands of herself and Ji Zi?

How could there be something else?

Theresa was a little embarrassed by An Ling’s gaze and coughed twice

"Ahem! I really have something to do, so I’ll bother you tomorrow and I’ll give you a bonus later."

He's drawing cakes for himself again.

Does a boss like to draw cakes for his employees so much?

This time, in a few days, Theresa has spent an unknown amount of cakes on him.

He just wants to say something about this. Can't finish eating, can't finish eating at all.

At this time, the office door was knocked again.

Then it was pushed open, and Rita walked into the office with a smile.

After entering the office, she just glanced at An Ling and said His eyes turned to Theresa.

After Rita came in, An Ling stood up and left the principal's office after talking to Theresa.

Rita must have something to do with Theresa.

They must have talked while he was there. It was a bit inconvenient.

So he left directly.

He was still very wary of Rita.

Although Rita was not as strong as Hollander,

Rita was more dangerous than Hollander.

Because Rita represented Otto.

Even if Without this meaning, she is also a destined S-class Valkyrie.

Although she is just a normal S-class Valkyrie, not an abnormal S-class Valkyrie like Orlandale.

After all, the reason why Orlandale is S Class S-class Valkyrie, that’s because the highest level of Destiny is the S-class Valkyrie, not that Orlandale is only that strong.

Walking out of Theresa’s office, An Ling quickly walked towards his dormitory.


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