"Well, I really came in with a purpose. Otherwise, why would I come in without a purpose? Are you so idle that you have nothing to do?"

In response to An Ling's admission, Kiana's face showed disbelief, while the Herrscher of the Sky looked at An Ling in front of her playfully, looking forward to his next explanation.

"An Ling, are you really……"

Kiana also wanted to make sure again that An Ling was not being coerced, but actually had a purpose.

But just as he opened his mouth, he was interrupted by the Herrscher of the Sky.

"Do you still want to deceive me? Kiana"

"This ant contacted you with a purpose, and now he admits it, and you still speak for him"

"hehe! You are so stupid!"

At this time, after hearing the lofty words of the Herrscher of the Sky, An Ling applauded the words of the Herrscher of the Sky.

His behavior caused great disbelief to the Herrscher of the Sky.

He himself was He was scolding him in front of Kiana!

Why was An Ling not only not angry, but also applauding himself?

The Herrscher of the Sky was a little confused.

"I have a purpose, this is true, I never thought of denying it"

"As for my purpose, it is very simple. I come to see the Queen, or Miss Herrscher of the Sky!"

"There is no doubt that this civilization is one of the strongest, the extension of Siren's evil, another Kiana, the messenger of God, the queen of collapse, these names are all yours"

"As for me, I have always admired you, Miss Herrscher of the Sky, and now I just have this opportunity, and I happen to have this ability, so I came."

At this moment, An Ling has no intention of hiding anything from Kiana.

He will tell Kiana the truth later if he doesn't tell Herrscher of the Sky.

And Kiana must have part of it in her own memory, but she has been escaping. , just unwilling to face it.

Kiana opened her mouth in disbelief.

The Herrscher of the Sky!

Now she is facing the Herrscher of the Sky in the history book!


Why did An Ling call the Herrscher of the Sky just now?

The extension of Siren's evil.

Another Kiana.

This does not mean that she is……

"You are right, Kiana, or I can call you the number Otto gave you - K423."

Looking back, An Ling said to Kiana.

If you have decided to say something, then (bfbi) will tell everything.

What's more, in the plot of Honkai Impact III, the Herrscher of the Sky will also tell Kiana This part.

It's just that he says it now.

"Ha ha! Kiana, ah, no, it’s K423. How do you feel? Did you suddenly feel that he was not trustworthy?"

"He knows everything but wants to hide it from you. If he behaves like this, he won't be your friend at all, right?"

While Kiana was in an extremely complicated mood, the Herrscher of the Sky seized this opportunity and once again started to sow discord between An Ling and Kiana.

It would do her no good to attack An Ling now, so it would be better to ridicule her like this An Ling is simple and more lethal.

"May I ask Miss Herrscher of the Sky, I know, I know, but as a friend, am I obligated to tell Kiana? Obviously not"

"Besides, it’s not like you don’t know the person behind this plan? You asked me to tell Kiana these things"

"Then I will be hunted by him all over the world, and Kiana will have her memory deleted by Yu Duchen to ensure the smooth progress of his plan."

"As a friend of Kiana, I would not do this for myself or for her, right?"

After saying that, after thinking of something, An Ling turned around and looked at Kiana with a smile.

"I didn't introduce myself when I first met you. Although this was an oversight on my part, I can make it up now."

"My name is An Ling. I come from outside the world and am a... traveler."

An Ling did not hide the news that he came from outside the world.

Because it is not important at all. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

You must know that this is the world of the Tree of Imaginary Numbers and the Sea of ​​Quantum.

The world Traveling is normal in this worldview.

The Star Train traveling on the Tree of Imaginary Numbers in Collapse of Iron.

Hyperion traveling in the Quantum Sea in Collapse 3.

The travelers in Genshin Impact[]

All this shows that world travel is really normal in the world view of the Tree of Imaginary Numbers and the Quantum Sea.

What's more, he still has strength, nearly invincible in this world.

Therefore, there is no need to hide the fact that he is a time traveler, it is meaningless.

As for calling yourself a traveler.

This is also true.

After watching this world pass the end, he will probably leave and continue playing in other worlds.

Kiana looked at An Ling in shock.

She never thought that An Ling would admit in front of her that he was a time traveler and came from outside the world.

In An Ling's diary, although it is already known.

But that was An Ling's private diary.

In An Ling's mind, he didn't know that his diary would be seen by others.

But now I really admit it!

Admit it to her face!

This shocked her no less than when An Ling revealed her identity with a smile.

The Herrscher of the Sky never thought that he couldn't refute the explanation given by An Ling.

As a friend, there is indeed no obligation to tell Kiana.

And even if An Ling said it, that damn Otto would use Yu Duchen to modify Kiana's memory and get rid of An Ling

"snort! What reasons you have are your business and none of my business."

The Herrscher of the Sky snorted coldly and didn't say anything else on this matter, because she couldn't defeat An Ling at all.

"Yes, yes, this matter indeed has nothing to do with Miss Herrscher of the Sky, but I had an idea before and wanted to try it. I don’t know what your attitude is, Miss Herrscher of the Sky."

An Ling didn't feel angry or unhappy because of the Herrscher of the Sky's words.

What he wanted was for the Herrscher of the Sky to speak to him like this.

This was really tempting to him.

"idea? Ask for my opinion? tell me the story."The Herrscher of the Sky suddenly became interested.

Since he has not decided to fall out with An Ling now, and An Ling has not done anything, he just wants to chat with himself.

Then we can have a little chat, just treat it as a boring time.

"I want to test my current strength, but in this world there is only Miss Herrscher of the Sky, your descendant, Bei Bei Long, which is Bella, a Judgment Level Honkai Beast. In this case, I want to fight with her.……"

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