It was such a simple piece of information, and she could find it with just a little bit of skill.

But she still believed the words of those in the Atlantic branch and her grandfather.

If Wendy becomes the Herrscher later, how will she face Wendy?

She didn't know and was confused.

In this case, she was unaware and deceived.

But she was still wrong.

It was obviously because he was dissatisfied with Otto's ideas that he came to the far east to establish Saint Freya.

But now what happened to Wendy has completely shattered her philosophy.

If she doesn't even care about her own students, what qualifications does she have to call herself Wendy's teacher?

After a while, Theresa began to contact Otto, and she prepared Kiana and the others to go to New Zealand to pick up Wendy.

Whether it's the desire gem"Two Nine Three" in Wendy's body or the guilt she feels towards Wendy, Wendy must return to St. Freya.

An hour later, Theresa put down the phone in her hand and sighed.

"If you want Kiana and the others to go to the Atlantic Branch, you have to go through the procedures. That’s right. The Far East Branch and the Atlantic Branch are equal. It’s normal to have to go through the procedures."

"It just so happens that I can give Kiana and the others a few days off during the process."

"Anyway, An Ling is in New Zealand now, and he will definitely come into contact with Wendy, so don't worry about Wendy for now and deal with Kiana's matter first."

Since An Ling is there, Wendy's matter can be postponed for a few days, waiting for the internal procedures of Tianming to be passed.

Now we have to deal with Kiana's matter first


"He has already left, and it is time for me to leave St. Freya and return to Tianming to report the situation to the Bishop."

"Next time we meet, he and I will probably be enemies! hehe!"

Rita walked onto the small battleship returning to Tianming Airport and murmured softly.

Based on her intelligence, she will definitely take action next time she meets An Ling.

Everything An Ling does now is because of him. Purpose.

To meet the Herrscher of the Sky, leave St. Freya, and then go to New Zealand to witness Wendy who is about to become the Herrscher.

And her intuition told him that An Ling would do other things during this time.

For example, contact World Snake.

Unsurprisingly, An Ling will participate in Otto's Sirin plan next.

Whether it is An Ling's fun-loving character or his relationship with Kiana's friends, An Ling will do it.

Since he wants to participate The Siren Plan.

So no matter how powerful An Ling is, it's useless.

Otto has been arranging for the Siren Plan for so long.

And the Siren Plan's fault tolerance rate is ridiculously high.

Based on the parts she has come into contact with so far, it is to use Kia Na's feelings.

From this point on, it was impossible for An Ling to prevent success.

And An Ling never meant to stop Xilin's plan.

He probably wanted to create obstacles for Otto and make the plan not go smoothly.

Even if he finally gets to the point that Otto wants, this process is enough to make Otto feel uncomfortable. In this case, An Ling must have a certain layout, or a bargaining chip.

His own strength can only be regarded as One of the chips.

Over the years, Otto has killed countless people who are stronger than himself.

Walter Joyce, Celine.

Which of these two is not stronger than Otto?

Aren’t they all dead in the end.

With An Ling Judging from his current behavior, Rita judged that An Ling would rope in the World Snake as one of his bargaining chips.

As for how he roped in the World Snake, she didn't know.

Whether An Ling had written it in the diary, she didn't care. I don’t know, relying on guesses is useless. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But Rita understands that they will be enemies next time they meet.


New Zealand.

Walking in the commercial street, An Ling was very casual at the moment. He would buy whatever he liked.

When he got off the plane just now, he asked Gray Snake to borrow money[]

Not much, just five million US dollars.

He was not prepared to pay back the money.

Why should I pay back what I borrowed on my own merit?

Just a joke.

The reason why this money does not need to be paid back is because Mebius paid him a salary.

He has now joined the World Serpent, with Mebius's personal approval.

Within the World Serpent, the only real lord could be Mebius.

Gray Snake is an accidental product of Mebius' creation of Klein.......

World Snake is the successor to Fire Chaser Moth.

And Mebius is one of the founders of the Fire Chaser.

In every sense of the word, the true master of the World Serpent is Mebius.

Only when Mebius doesn't care about these things outside, will the other heroes take their turn.

So if Mebius agrees to join the World Serpent, no one will object.

"I resigned from St. Freya in the afternoon of Eastern Time and joined World Snake in the evening. The job-hopping speed was really fast. It would be no problem if I found my next job before resigning."

Looking up at the blue sky, Ling said with a smile.

He even admired the speed with which he found a new job after resigning. It only took him a few hours to jump from the Eastern Branch of Destiny to Destiny's enemy, World Serpent.

He switched jobs to World Snake and directly became a cadre of World Snake.

Although when he was originally at St. Freya, Theresa didn't know whether it was due to mental problems or something else, but she valued him very much.

Apply for her identity and apply The teacher's qualification certificate was recognized by the whole world, and he was given money. Even the Valkyrie assessment was handed over to him to take place on her behalf.

I believe that if I stay in St. Freya for a few more months, I will be the number one person under Theresa..

In this case, it is not a problem to jump to the world and get this treatment.

But that is only logical.

He can achieve his current status within the world 5.6 World Snake because of his own efforts.

The identity from outside the world, knowing this The development of the world's original timeline, coupled with his strength, and his lack of resistance to Mebius's experiments.

These are the reasons why he can reach this point within the World Serpent.

Otherwise, if he wants to do it within the World Serpent Cadres, that can't be achieved in a short time at all.

"It’s just that the only colleague I have now is Gray Snake. Ah, no, Gray Snake is not an individual, it’s a group, so it’s a group of Gray Snakes who know about me."

"And none of my other colleagues know about me yet. It’s a pity that I don’t have time to meet them now."

If he had time, he would want to find Yutu now, that is, Mysterin.

But unfortunately, he doesn't have time..

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