Are you so unattractive?

Theresa was very dissatisfied.

At the same time, Theresa also learned a piece of information.

That is, An Ling is related to the World Snake.

An Ling said before that all his money was provided by this person named Snake.

Now he wrote in his diary that the Snake Lord of the World belongs to Snake Snake, and Gray Snake also listens to her.

It is conceivable that An Ling is related to World Snake, and it is even possible that An Ling has joined World Snake

【Let’s get back to the point】

【Otto came to me this time to confirm my attitude.】

【In the end, the answer I gave was also what he wanted.】

【It won't stop, it will help】

【The content of this conversation cannot be divulged.】

【If Chiana Theresa and the others really knew】

【Then what I joked with Wendy before and said that I would be dragged to court by Theresa would happen.】

【Not only did they not stop Otto, but they also helped him, which would definitely be uncomfortable from their perspective.】

【Therefore, if you are tried, the guarantee is indefinite, and the probability of death is very high. 】

It seems that An Ling still knows the consequences of what he did!

I thought he didn’t know!

Theresa burst out laughing.

Regarding what An Ling did this time, if she hadn't known that An Ling had other motives, she would have definitely asked An Ling why he did this.

He concealed the news of the fourth Honkai outbreak and helped Otto recover Kiana.

An Ling who did this doesn't look like a good person.

【At this time, Teresa should be planning how to rescue Kiana.】

【Maybe I can help her】

【For example, cancel the defense system of Tianming Airport for her, allowing her to enter Tianming Airport effortlessly.】

【that is it】

【She must still remember the time I knocked her unconscious.】

【After all this is done, I can still find a reason to say that I did this because I was threatened by Otto.】

【If something happens now, Theresa's first thought is that Otto did it.】

【From this, what is unreasonable to me will become reasonable from Theresa’s perspective. ]

It turns out that this is what An Ling said, saying something casually will fool him.

It turned out to be true.

If An Ling hadn't written this in her diary, she would really have believed An Ling's words.

If something really happened, the first thing she thought of was Otto, and the one she suspected was Otto.

Don't ask, just ask and Otto is the biggest suspect.

An Ling put the responsibility for knocking him out on Otto.

In the end, even though Otto explained to her that he really didn't threaten An Ling to do this.

But she definitely didn't believe it.

After all, Otto's words have no credibility at all. high! An Ling's skills are really good!

It's a pity that she knows that An Ling is deceiving her.

【By the way, I still think of Fu Hua】

【She should be at Tianming Airport now】

【Now, due to my reasons, there have been some changes from the original plot.】

【So will Xiaoshi appear in the original way?】

【If so, that would be interesting】

【And if not, she will probably appear at Fu Hua's place in other ways.】

【There is a saying that the world is corrective】

【I don't hope in other aspects, but I hope in this matter】

【Fu Hua cannot become the Herrscher, but the Herrscher can become Fu Hua.】

【And as long as she appears, I will take her with me when I go to the Paradise. I believe those in the Paradise will be shocked. 】

Theresa knew that Fu Hua was at Tianming Airport.

But what does An Ling mean by writing all this here?

I don’t understand, I can’t understand

【Waiting for more than ten hours is the beginning of the Queen's arrival】

【Long live the Queen, ever! 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【So I decided to give the Queen a hand】

【Originally, the Queen's arrival affected the Third Airport of Destiny.】

【This time, I decided to try to help the Queen transport at least half of the Tianming Airport to the Mediterranean Sea in one go.】

【I think the Queen will be very touched if she knows what I have done. 】

Deathly tranquility[]

After a while, Theresa put down the diary and looked out the window.

Send more than half of the Tianming Airport into the Mediterranean Sea.

To translate this sentence, it means taking the opportunity to destroy more than half of the Tianming Airport.

The Herrscher of Return will be moved if she finds out.

Now the Herrscher of the Sky should be dead in his dreams.

The Herrscher of the Sky must still remember what you confessed to her before.

When she arrives, you will be the first to be killed.

Theresa complained silently

【Forget it, I still want to learn how to sleep with the queen first.】

【It’s best to separate the Queen and Kiana in sleeping clothes】

【In this way, I will have two Sirins. When the time comes, I will transfer one from the Quantum Sea and I will have three.】

【By the way, should I get the real Kiana?】

【Then Cecilia's daughter will be mine. 】

Picked up the Oath of Judas lying next to her, and Teresa picked it up without thinking.

One wasn't enough, he wanted three more.

The key is that if he wants three, he wants three. He also wants the real Kiana.

Wait, the real Kiana!

Theresa was stunned for a moment.

Ever since Siegfried defected from Destiny, she has been looking for the real Kiana.

But it was never found.

This all made her begin to wonder if Otto had hidden the person, or...

Judging from An Ling's intention now, he should be still alive, as long as there was no problem.

As long as you are still alive, there will always be a chance to meet (King Zhao) in the future.

As for An Ling's plan to abduct Cecilia's daughters.

An Ling hasn't done it yet.

If he dares to do it in the future, don't blame yourself for finding a reason to drag An Ling to court and sentence him to death.

As for the things An Ling did, any one of them would be punishable by death.

Just look for it


Putting down the diary in her hand, Rita suddenly had the idea of ​​​​going to talk to An Ling now.

Others don't know who the real Kiana is, but she does.

These words were obviously talking about abducting her best friend Youlandale.

It happened that An Ling was also at Tianming Airport at this time, staying in the guest room of the villa in Youlandale.

It's easy to talk to An Ling.

At this moment, Youlandale on the opposite side spoke.

"`~Rita, how many daughters do you think Ms. Cecilia has~?".

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