Raising her head slightly, she saw several golden threads on her body.

Her abilities are limited by these seemingly insignificant threads

"Opening your mouth and keeping silent is like an ant. You have truly inherited everything from Xilin. Except for the name, you have inherited everything else."

To be honest, An Ling didn't want to deal with the Herrscher of the Sky like this at this time.

Half of the Honkai energy was consumed in just a moment.

But otherwise, the Herrscher of the Sky would kill him, and there would be no chance at all. Chat

"I just call you an ant, what can you do to me? This body belongs to your friend Kiana. If you destroy it, she will have to die with me."

"By the way, she's watching all this now"

"Of course, based on your behavior of helping that hypocritical Bishop Otto, you shouldn't care about killing me and killing your friend Kiana at the same time, right?"

Seeing An Ling's silence, the Herrscher of the Sky laughed.

But after a moment, the golden threads on his body became more numerous and tightened.

"Anxious! You are in a hurry! Are you going to say something again for Kiana? If you say that, you are really hypocritical, just as hypocritical as that Bishop of Destiny. 04

While talking angrily and looking at the Herrscher of the Sky, An Ling couldn't help but think about a question.

Will becoming a herrist have a big impact on IQ?

Now as long as he wants to, that sword can kill the Herrscher of the Sky.

As for saying that this would kill Kiana as well, he wouldn't.

But he also has the ability of consciousness!

It is impossible for the Lawyer of the Sky not to know this.

After all, it was this that allowed him to enter Kiana's dreams many times before.

So why did the Herrscher of the Sky dare to say such things to mock him?

Did you really trade your IQ for power after becoming a Herrscher?

If so, then her original IQ must not have been much, otherwise it would be impossible to exchange for just this little bit of power.

Enter Huberli not far away.

Theresa looked up into the sky.

She really felt that An Ling was in danger.

The entire process from meeting the Herrscher of the Sky to now controlling the Herrscher of the Sky only lasted less than a minute.

In this process, An Ling used several different abilities.

Ideal fluids, electromagnetism, dominance.

The Ideal Fluid was only used to defend against the Archon Spear, and An Ling did not use it to attack.

Electromagnetism is used to break down the meteorites created by Herrscher of the Sky.

The final control is used to control the Herrscher of the Sky.

It was a simple three steps, but the result was that Herrscher of the Sky was restricted and unable to attack.

At this moment, the diary he carried with him glowed.

The moment she saw the diary glowing, Theresa's face showed shock.

An Ling raised his head and glanced at the sky, but he still pointed at the Herrscher of the Sky's neck with the fog cutter.

So, this means that An Ling is multitasking.

While fighting the Herrscher of the Sky, I was writing in my diary.

After thinking for a while and saying that she had something to do, Theresa walked into an empty room in Hyperion alone.

Sitting on the bed, Teresa opened the diary casually.

【I just want to chat with the queen, I don’t want to do anything now】

【But the Queen wouldn't cooperate with me. She would attack me as soon as we met, and even called me an ant.】

【If you say I'm an ant, you're an ant. Whatever she says, I don't care.】

【But she took action and wanted to kill me directly, without even giving me a chance to chat.】

【So, I can only follow suit】

【Now I win, I have her in the air】

【But I don't know what to do next】

【It is impossible to kill】

【Not to mention Kiana, as long as she is the queen, one of my favorite characters, there is no way I would do this.】

【Besides, Otto is still staring here. If I kill the Queen, Otto will kill me at all costs.】

【Even if you let it go, you can't let it go. If you let it go, I won't lose any face or anything.】

【Hollanddale, Theresa and the others are still looking here.】

【Waiting online! Quite urgent! 】

Looking up from the window and pointing at the Herrscher of the Sky with the Reflection of Mist Cut in the sky, An Ling looked very majestic.

The more Theresa looked at it, the more funny it became.

Finally she couldn't bear it anymore.

Who would have thought that An Ling's majestic appearance in mid-air was just an act?

This is not talking about An Ling's strength.

As long as he wanted to, he could really kill the Herrscher of the Sky.

But An Ling's indifferent look was just an act.

He could not kill the Herrscher of the Sky, nor did he want to kill him.

As for letting the Lawyer of the Sky go, he couldn't let him go for the sake of his own face. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Therefore, I can only point Kirigiri at the Herrscher of the Sky while riding a tiger.

On the one hand, I don’t want to be unable to do it, and on the other hand, I want to save face.

An Ling wanted both, but couldn't have them all.

After laughing for a while, Theresa thought about how she should help An Ling.

It would be best if he could let Herrscher of the Sky go without losing any face.

While thinking about this issue, an update appeared in the diary in front of me

【Why doesn't Herrscher of the Sky stop taunting me?】

【She seemed embarrassed if she didn't speak.】

【And it’s so tiring to hold the 380, I don’t want to continue lifting it.】

【How about I use my space ability to slightly injure myself?】

【Or pretend to have no Honkai energy and withdraw these dozen threads representing control?】

【Both of these would alleviate my embarrassment at the moment. 】

I can’t tell that An Ling really wants to save face.

In order to make himself less embarrassed, he was already planning to injure himself and pretend to have no Honkai powers.

The one who wants to save face and suffer the consequences can be said to be An Ling[]

【Looks like you don’t have to do this anymore, Beibeilong is here】

【If she comes to save the queen, I can also take the opportunity to take back Kirigiri.】

【The crisis is temporarily alleviated. 】


At this moment, Teresa suddenly heard a familiar voice.

Subconsciously look up at the sky

"Benares? Is this Beibeilong written by An Ling?"

Indeed, An Ling's embarrassment has been alleviated.

The reason for taking back the Kirigiri can be used to deal with the judgment-level Honkai Beast Benares.

It's perfect. Others can't find fault at all.

However, it is obvious that the Herrscher of the Sky can be directly dealt with. , but he is still confronting the Herrscher of the Sky in mid-air.

This is obviously letting go.

No one with any brains will believe An Ling's rhetoric.

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