At this time, the Herrscher of Space and Time has found him again. If the matter here is not solved quickly,

In his current state, he can't take care of both sides at the same time.

Honkai energy and mental energy are consumed at the same time.

The former can be replaced with elemental power. If you use it slowly, the conversion can keep up with the consumption.

But the latter can only rely on natural recovery, and the speed is still very slow.

He couldn't bear this consumption for long.

So An Ling began to threaten.

I believe that if Otto still wants to fulfill his long-cherished wish, he will definitely hand over the God-killing Spear.

Sure enough, Otto put the god-killing gun down on his desk.

After Wendy picked it up, An Ling didn't let his consciousness stay here any longer.

Otto looked at Wendy's back and narrowed his eyes.

"Rita...wait until he finishes dealing with K4 690"23, then use the fission bomb to deal with him and the Herrscher of Wind"

"You will tell Amber about this later. Remember, you must avoid surveillance and other equipment."

If An Ling is left alone, it will definitely have an impact on his next plan.

He is too dangerous and dangerous beyond his own expectations.

He doesn't like to follow his own ideas.

This is a threat, and threats should be dealt with Get rid of it.

As for what An Ling said before, this is a joke in Otto's eyes.

Because it is impossible for him to believe in these empty promises. He only believes in himself.

Therefore, he can only ask An Ling to die.

"Then, Lord Bishop, if An Ling goes first...if An Ling and the Fourth Herrscher go to a large city later, will they also launch Honkai fission bombs?"

Rita was going to call An Ling as usual, but considering the current situation, she immediately changed her previous name and asked.

"Well, as long as it is not Klosten, everything else will be launched, including North America and China."

Without hesitation, Otto nodded.

Klosten is related to his next plan and is very memorable.

Therefore, except there, everything else can be destroyed.

"What if An Ling continues to stay at Tianming Airport?"

"Get out of that section and use the Collapse Fission Bomb."

After finishing speaking, Otto thought of something and added

"By the way, tell Amber not to worry about the consumption and impact, just launch, and she must kill him in one go."

"Use manual when firing fission bombs, don't use automatic, it can be modified."

In a few words, he had already thought of a way to kill An Ling and Wendy, and made two supplements.

Rita felt scared when she listened to Otto's cold words in her ears.

Don't worry about the consumption and impact.

This is to say that Amber is allowed to launch.

Kill An Ling and Wendy at all costs.

It can be seen how much of a threat An Ling is in Otto's eyes to make Otto say such a thing.

"Rita, you will obey my orders, right?"

Turning around stiffly, Rita nodded without hesitation.

After Rita nodded, Otto waved Rita to leave.

Rita walked to a corner where no one was around and began to breathe heavily.

The oppression given by Otto just now The feeling was really high.

If she had nodded and hesitated, Otto would have killed her without hesitation.

The Otto I saw in the past was just his disguise.

Now is the real transformation from participating in the uprising to being in the past. Otto Apokalis, who used strong methods to cleanse the three major families of the Destiny and the Destiny House at that time, and then stayed in the position of Bishop of Destiny for five hundred years.

This sense of oppression far exceeded those of the collapsed Herrschers.

A few minutes later, Rita She recovered from Otto's oppressive feeling. She looked not far away with a complicated expression and shook her head.

Then she walked towards the current coordinates of Amber.

When leaving, Otto specially hit her and told her not to tell her about it. other people


Theresa walked to everyone's corner and opened the diary again

【It's about to end】

【She got the God-killing Spear.】

【All he needs to do is get the God-killing Spear and accompany the Queen to the imaginary space.】

【In the imaginary number space, I can stop hiding something】

【A single consciousness modification and control can subdue the queen, but I have to act like this, it's really tiring. 】

Well, I am really tired.

An Ling has to perform at a disadvantage without suffering any injuries, which seems very tiring0....

It's finally solved. (If you want to read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I’m tired from reading them

【Now the entire Tianming Airport is under my control】

【Otto is probably planning to kill me.】

【Then it shouldn’t be too much for me to disintegrate the entire Tianming Airport and sink it into the Mediterranean Sea, right? ]

Theresa glanced at the Destiny Airport outside Hyperion, and then at the diary.

She wanted to pull An Ling away and tell him not to do this.

If Otto dies later, she will be the Bishop of Destiny.

The Destiny Airport is gone, doesn't she have to go to Klosten, Destiny's original headquarters, to work?

After a second thought, An Ling sank the Tianming Airport into the Mediterranean Sea.

Then she can move Bishop Tianming to St. Freya Academy in the far east?

That's quite a waste of money.

But wouldn’t this allow us to distance ourselves a little bit from Otto?

He, Otto, was at the Destiny Airport above the Mediterranean Sea, and I, Teresa, was at St. Freya Academy in the far east.


Anyway, An Ling only needs to sink the Tianming Airport, and as long as Otto is not around to rebuild the Tianming Airport.[]

Then after Otto dies, whether it is to use Klosten as the headquarters of destiny again, or to go to the far east.

These are all her decisions alone, no one can restrain her

【Just do it】

【But I still have to pretend that I, 5.0, didn’t do this on purpose.】

【You don’t need to take care of Otto’s side, but I have to take care of Theresa’s side.】

【Not to mention that I still owe her a favor, just because I want to try to see if I can get Theresa too, I can't do it directly. 】

I don’t see that An Ling still thinks about himself.

But why do I dislike this so much?

It's a fact that I owe you a favor.

The fact that An Ling can still remember it means that An Ling is still affectionate and righteous.

But if you want to get it for yourself, it seems like you are so easy to fool.

How is it possible? She, Theresa, is the smartest in the world, and no one can be smarter than Theresa.

Therefore, this cannot happen

【By the way, I also asked Gray Snake to prepare a nuclear bomb】

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