Please answer Naruto

Chapter 28 Half a Year

The light of lightning climbed onto Yu Xiaobai's wrist, and the final jumping electric current wrapped around most of Yu Xiaobai's right arm like a well-behaved child. The jubilation of energy that was so close to Chi Chi brought him only a faint tingling sensation.

That's right, with the coin and the current, Yu Xiaobai's current posture is exactly the same as when Misaka Mikoto fired the railgun.

Misaka Mikoto, also known as Sister Pao, is the heroine in the anime "A Certain Scientific Railgun". Her ability is to control electromagnetic force. The new technique Yu Xiaobai wants to try is the opponent's signature ultimate move.

Yu Xiaobai's unique experience once again showed that, at least in this world, no one could have imagined that Lei Dun could be used in this way.

The performance in super animations is always very cool. With a flick of the finger, a huge and surging attack that drags out the tail light will destroy everything in its path.

Can fictional tricks become reality? Yu Xiaobai felt that nothing was impossible, he could pass through it randomly, and Sister Pao's electromagnetic gun was based on real science.

It is simple to activate, powerful, and so fast that it is impossible to dodge. It is natural for Yu Xiaobai to abandon Sasuke's Kirin and study the electromagnetic gun. However, although the idea has been around for a long time, this trick is not something that can be achieved just by thinking about it. The power of the Railgun.

The principle of the gun sister's launch of the electromagnetic gun is similar to that of the rail gun and coil gun. It creates an electromagnetic field in the arm. This electromagnetic channel will be aimed at the target, using its own electromagnetic force to correct the flight trajectory and accelerate the coin. To put it simply, it uses electromagnetic force to "beat" the coin out. The speed is very terrifying, reaching three times the speed of sound... which is basically equivalent to hitting the target immediately after launching.

(Don’t talk about physics... The author is a liberal arts student. Let’s talk about it with the author of the original work, Hippo...)

This move has an excellent pretense effect not only before and after it is used. It is actually a weapon for killing people and stealing money. However, in the anime, Sister Pao originally had the ability to control electromagnetic force. Yu Xiaobai only has chakra with the attribute of thunder. It is possible to imitate, but obviously that requires extremely high chakra control.

In the past, Yu Xiaobai couldn't do it, or it didn't reach that stringent level, so the electromagnetic gun never made progress, but now it has met the requirements.

Circles of lightning kept lingering around his arm, and Yu Xiaobai made adjustments little by little. He had no instruments and no solid knowledge of physics. Most of the time, he could only rely on feeling to find a correct and suitable "point", and then Memorize it through practice.

After a while, Yu Xiaobai's forehead was soaked with sweat. Controlling chakra microscopically was very exhausting, and ordinary people wouldn't even be qualified to try it. Finally at a certain moment, Yu Xiaobai felt that it was almost done and flicked his fingers.

The electric light that had been lingering for a long time suddenly flashed, and the energy that erupted according to the rules even made Yu Xiaobai, the caster, feel abrupt. The planned chakra movement was coordinated, and the coin in his hand twisted after moving less than one meter. …

Yu Xiaobai's eyelids twitched and he secretly said something bad.


The coins were directly torn into pieces by the chaotic energy. The roar was no less powerful than a dozen detonating symbols detonating at the same time. Yu Xiaobai rolled out in the smoke, coughed twice, and had several burnt marks on his body. Traces, this is the result of him throwing away the substitute technique at the last moment.

"Damn it." Yu Xiaobai couldn't help but cursed, "It's not safe to dare to do this!"

The noise caused by the failed test even attracted a group of Konoha patrol ninjas nearby. Yu Xiaobai explained it anyway, but the other party looked at him with a strange look, and finally left with a warning.

Yu Xiaobai wiped his sweat and sent his companions away. He looked back and saw that a large hole had been blasted into the ground. Even with his current master-level thunder attribute control, it was so difficult. Yu Xiaobai was unwilling to give up this ultimate move that could be used to suppress the bottom of the box, and gritted his teeth and continued to try.

The result was without exception, until Yu Xiaobai consumed all the chakra, there was still no success.

Yu Xiaobai sighed, it was always difficult at the beginning, even the development of low-level ninjutsu required knowledgeable people. He still has a way to go before he can use the railgun freely.

After taking a look at the sky, Yu Xiaobai decided to come here today. He was not in a hurry for the new ultimate move, but he was not in a hurry anyway. According to the original work, the era of strong men excelling and constantly exciting things would not begin for several years.

The rising sun illuminates the mountains and fields golden. In Konoha Village, ninjas and ordinary people get along with each other in a unique way. The river flows along the village fields, and when the setting sun disappears into the mountains, the sky and the earth are dyed orange again. .

Yu Xiaobai's life in the ninja world returned to normal. After the holidays, he continued to work with Hinata Aida and began to complete various tasks for the village as an ANBU.

Yu Xiaobai's normal days are spent in a series of dangerous or soy missions. Traveling outside the village takes up almost half of Yu Xiaobai's time, spying on intelligence from the secret service, protecting important personnel, and occasionally going deep alone to assassinate some unlucky guy. It's dangerous. The ninja career continues to occupy Yu Xiaobai's life as it should be.

Time passed, one month, two months, the mission experience became heavy, the danger became boring, it was such a daily life, and Yu Xiaobai never encountered the "to be continued" that connected the two worlds.

Maybe it won’t happen in the short term. Yu Xiaobai thought this way, and it was actually easier to deduce that To Be Continued appeared constantly in the serialized stories. If he was really drawn into the comics, then the passage of time in the comics would be worth pondering. The author needed it because of the plot. , a year or two passes by in one stroke, but in the comics, he still has to spend it day by day.

Therefore, the Naruto manga describes in great detail the life of the protagonists after graduating from the ninja school, one chapter after another, and it was only at that time that Yu Xiaobai estimated that he was only in a "prequel" or "wedge". , maybe the next time traveling will be six years later.

There are still six years left to explore the truth. Yu Xiaobai has not been disappointed by this huge time. On the contrary, he can make good use of this time to improve himself and meet the challenges. Accepting missions is undoubtedly one of the best ways to hone your skills and increase experience. No rookie can become an excellent ninja without going through blood and fire. ANBU missions are very valuable. Yu Xiaobai also continued to complete them in this environment. For high-level tasks, he was originally like a sharp blade, but his aura became more mature, the edge was restrained, and the dark light reflected would scare even an expert if he saw it.

The temperature dropped, snowflakes fell, and people came and went. Yu Xiaobai went in and out of the Konoha gate several times, and the wildflowers on the roadside shyly sprouted new buds again. When the last drop of melted snow water dripped from the branches, spring quietly arrival.

People's thick coats became thinner, and by the time Yu Xiaobai noticed it, half a year had passed by.

Thanks to Huan Yan Cheng Kong and Xiaolou N Fengyu for the reward~

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