Please answer Naruto

Chapter 431 Final Chapter Flowers and birds under the leaves, completion and graduation of us

A long piece of music composed of numerous tones.

Before the music of mountains and flowing water ends, we don’t know what will happen next, even if the previous foreshadowing may have set the tone for the follow-up. However, some people will feel unwilling to do so, and then try their best to change and modify the music as it progresses. What they crave may be those few tones.

But some fortunes have changed.

The Ninja Continent is a long elegy, constantly praising each and every group of dead people who have been chained in chains since ancient times. Yu Xiaobai's original world was also like this.

Looking at the more naked side, he did not choose to be helpless in the familiar story, the four seasons reincarnated, and then year after year passed.

Everything he worried about had real answers, Yu Xiaobai thought so.

Relying on the impulse of tuning, the Daybreak team he formed was in tatters and the members were loose. In short, it didn't look very good, but the future was bright. At least Yu Xiaobai has seen the beautiful possibilities. At this moment, with Zhenyi joining and everyone communicating awkwardly, this is the change of hope that can be foreseen, he firmly believes.

Yu Xiaobai has been a ninja for a long time, and has also become a student one after another, but he should have started as a student at the beginning; he has also lived in the ninja world for more than ten years, and is familiar with the country's map and can tell the difference between The customs and customs, from returning to Yongcheng for the first time to getting that magical tablet, all the stumbling and stumbling, in the end, the total time there is almost no less than the days in modern society.

Due to the coincidence of fate, he has gradually become a special stranger in the two worlds who are indistinguishable from each other. However, he still has to return to his original world.

This means that in the future, he will rarely come back to this land full of conflicting beliefs and constant disputes.

He will rarely participate in the disputes and fights that occur, and even choose not to pay attention to the comics that partially reflect this place.

People can only live one way with concentration.

Yu Xiaobai finally had to say goodbye to the profession of ninja, which he neither disliked nor liked, and those who had fought together.

The newly born Dawn Team has completed its formation and is preparing to show its voice and hands in the upcoming Ninja World War. Scorpion and Deidara, they will definitely embark on a different path. In fact, the original outcome of this massive and dangerous war, for various countries and peoples, ordinary people and ninjas, would not be unsatisfactory. The ending of this story on the continent of Naruto is good. What Yu Xiaobai wants to do is just a small part of it, to participate in the experience of a handful of people, and to have a beautiful and trembling tone.

The life experiences that Yu Xiaobai looked at may not necessarily have good results, he just didn't want to.

Applying some fertilizer and watering is probably all he can do, and seeing the Dawn Team slowly taking shape should be rewarding. Scorpion and Deidara are two characters buried in the darkness. They are still grumpy and impatient. They get angry when they disagree and are too lazy to reason. They have weird hobbies and interests that ordinary people can't understand. It's terrible.

How did Yu Xiaobai know what the other party's final outcome would be? He didn't have the ability to predict the future, and he couldn't predict such a distant future. What he understood was that the two of them were changing. When they kept running and fighting, when they saw the blooming emotions of human beings during the war, they crossed the Fourth Ninja War, moved little by little in the darkness, and walked to a place where the sun could shine. Things will inevitably happen differently in life, and those processes will be different.

The girl who was born in the Moon Country and grew up in Konoha has always attracted Yu Xiaobai's attention. To be honest, Zhen Yi joining this team did make him a little worried and anxious, but he also understood that this was an important part of his growth.

It's great to meet lovely people. Standing at the height of the Valley of the End, dawn breaks in the sky, and more and more light shines on the rolling mountains, vast forests, and silvery rivers... The world is illuminated with a new look, and Yu Xiaobai speaks from the bottom of his heart I feel that the ray of sunshine on my face has turned into brilliant golden light when the morning sun jumps over the sea of ​​clouds.

The girl's feelings were put down here at the same time, and the burden on his shoulders no longer seemed oppressive. He breathed a sigh of relief just like when he finished the decisive battle with Uchiha.

The light of the morning glow is at the end of the horizon, the mountains and the sky. His Shippuden has ended early, but the ninjas on this continent have not yet finished. Scorpion, Deidara, Makoto... the Dawn Team will have a new journey, The echoes continue to fall in the future.

The figure of Weasel appeared in his mind. The other party was continuing his unfinished business in an unknown corner. Yu Xiaobai knew that he could not stop the other party. After dismantling the misunderstanding between their brothers, the road after that, regardless of dedication, Death for his life's work, or something else, regardless of whether it is the best ending for Uchiha Itachi...

Yu Xiaobai will support each other and believe with all his strength that there is no regret.

The sun has risen diagonally upward, and it is a good day today. At this point, Yu Xiaobai finally had to say goodbye to them.

Tokyo, midsummer in July.

During the hot season in the northern hemisphere, the temperature is gradually rising day by day. Today, the unchanging heat is also torturing and scorching this international city.

The bustling streets in the city center are crowded with pedestrians. Most people are pressing their mobile phones or hurriedly heading to their destinations with their heads lowered. The crowded crowds cause confusion and breathing. The red sun is shining, and the hot weather has intensified from the past few days. At this level, especially outdoors, the air is hot and heavy and sticky like water.

Most people are still busy with their lives on Friday. The intersection at Shibuya Station is completely dark. The businessmen in formal suits and collars have their suit jackets rolled up in their hands, frowning and patting their soaked white shirts; the ladies are holding umbrellas, fair-skinned Beads of sweat also rolled down my forehead, so I took out a small mirror to maintain my makeup when I had time.

The traffic lights changed, and people rushed past.

Although summer is very hot, it also has beauty that is not inferior to other seasons. Many things will happen in these short three months, such as watermelon breaking, Koshien Garden, firework festivals, and even become traditions that bring meaning over and over again.

On the streets where people are passing by, there are many banners and slogans in support of the Fireworks Festival hanging in front of shops. Some of them may be government organizations, and some may be individuals. This year's summer theme song is constantly playing in front of the ever-popular video store.

This year's fireworks are coming, and people passing by are suddenly enlightened, and a vague power rises in their hearts unconsciously.

Yu Xiaobai, on the other hand, mingled in the crowd, struggling and sweating profusely without feeling any encouragement. He got up early to go to an unknown store to reserve a yukata for tomorrow.

"Ah, it's so hot."

His extraordinary physical fitness was of little use at this time, and he followed the crowd silently until he got into a shopping mall and blew in the air-conditioning to feel comfortable.

Spreading out a note in his hand, Yu Xiaobai walked past an unfamiliar sign. He looked at the address on the note and asked the staff to avoid being confused.

He took the subway all morning today and got lost twice on the way, just to complete the task assigned to him by Chun Xia.

His girlfriend emphasized that there was no other way. Yu Xiaobai walked around the business district in a daze, and then found the store that specialized in renting out yukata in a corner outside the building.

Last winter, I made an appointment to watch the fireworks display again. Looking at Chun Xia’s beautiful face, Yu Xiaobai was so excited (gui), moved (mi), and moved (xin) (qiao) that he must have agreed. From this, he had A date on a midsummer night this year.

Of course, Yu Xiaobai must be happy and sweating. That's not because he's tired, but because he's enjoying it.

Junxia still works at the shrine and cannot accompany her. When Yu Xiaobai arrived at the entrance of the yukata shop, he was shocked to find that there was a long queue in such an ordinary place. Sure enough, he was a little lazy in preparing for the national celebration one day in advance. It took only half a day, but after a simple rest, he was stunned. I ran to pick up my girlfriend from get off work.

"Yu Baijun, thank you for your hard work~" Chunxia changed her clothes, came out to meet, and gave Yu Xiaobai a soft hug.

At this time, it is natural to act very calm, smile easily and say "it's nothing", with your arms full of fragrant jade, and the day's work does not seem to be hard.

One night of letting a single person think endlessly is unimaginably greasy, and Tokyo ushered in the fireworks of the summer festival on the second day.

It was still a sparsely crowded road by the river, and he was surrounded by a fragrant and fresh girl who had been with him for a long time and smiled sweetly at him.

To say what difference there is between summer fireworks and winter, the red, green, and colorful colors blooming in the sky are difficult to change in particular. The design style and the steps before and after the opening change every year, but they are generally the same. , the city night scene rendered on paper has always been quite thrilling.

As for the lovers under the fireworks, people who cherish each other, how will they feel? Yu Xiaobai and Hoshino Junxia looked at the sky. They knew that the fireworks festival was similar, but time carries the crowd. After a year, even if they arrive at the same place again, A place will be very different.

"That's great." Hoshino Junka said.

The girl wore a yukata with a rich style tonight, which seemed to show the difference from last year. Whether it is the ordinary and simplest solid color, or the complicated and expensive trivial grace, Chun Xia can control all the combinations, the more complicated it is. It is to bring out the nobler and more beautiful look. Even if she wears twelve separate clothes, it will not be difficult for Chun Xia.

Yu Xiaobai hummed softly, the fireworks display had already begun, the roaring roar spread far away, and the deep echo blew across the river reflecting the night scene, taking away the minds of countless people on the riverside.

He lowered his head and saw a woman in full dress. The delicate patterns of her yukata were outlined in soft lines. Several layers of heavy colors covered the cuffs and tails. Her makeup was red and pink, and her hair was neatly tied up, as if it was not stained by the dust of the world.

Similar fireworks, even people are the same person, this is the most fortunate thing.

He thought that "on this day last year, in this gate, the faces of the people and the peach blossoms reflected each other's red", which was exactly the opposite of the poem, and then he read the Tang Dynasty poem "Ti Capital City Nanzhuang" to the girl.

Chun Xia had already learned Chinese very well. She wrinkled her little face and tried hard to understand, then she kissed Yu Xiaobai on the face.

"The artistic conception is beautiful, but it's not suitable for the occasion. Let's change it!"

"It's just because I'm luckier than the unlucky guy who created it." Yu Xiaobai calmly crossed his arms and said, "For another one, I usually don't recite poems for others. If you want to know more, you can do it yourself. Turn the book."

After hearing this, Chun Xia said obediently. She always had an attitude of asking for advice humbly, "Hey, wait a minute."

Suddenly thinking about it, she blinked and looked at Yu Xiaobai, whose academic level was not very advanced, "Don't you know anything else?"


"How can it be?!"

The heat of the midsummer night faded little by little in the cool water drops that crashed onto the rocks. Under the sound of cicadas chirping in the sky, Yu Xiaobai and Chunxia leaned on the railing of the slope.

I always lament that time flies by so fast. Yu Xiaobai, who is exposed to the pure summer of a rapidly changing metropolis and works hard in different backgrounds, often remembers it and will find it when he looks back.

This year, too many things have happened...or since they met.

Chun Xia became more and more accustomed to the life here, and Yu Xiaobai himself gradually returned to a peaceful daily life from the ninja world. With the last money earned from mediating social disputes, he eased the loan, and the two of them built a small house together. The ship sailed smoothly.

Sometimes Chun Xia is shopping online with her mobile phone, posting some videos of playing and singing to become a glorious Up host. When she catches Yu Xiaobai's surprised gaze, she will look disgusted and push people away and say, "Don't bother me." ", and at the same time, his eyes looked like he was looking at someone who had never seen the world.

Having experienced similar things a lot, Yu Xiaobai got used to it in a dumbfounded way.

"Boom", "Boom"...

The splendid fireworks went off overhead, and as expected of the people below, they would come every year. Yu Xiaobai and Hoshino Junxia were at similar fireworks festivals and felt like they couldn't leave.

They will be very different in the beautiful season.

The fleeting colorful flowers in the sky, before the faint traces are erased, new flowers are imprinted immediately, and the past and the future seem to be alternately staged in a dream. Yu Xiaobai looked at them in July and thought about the college entrance examination in June and the more important things to come.



"Xiaobai, are you awake?" The door of the room was opened a crack, and Yu's mother Zhang Lanxin gently turned the doorknob. After looking at the slightly dim room, she clearly came to wake people up, but her tone Or as if he was afraid of waking up.

"Well, I'm awake."

Yu Xiaobai had been awake for a while, just staring at the ceiling. After hearing this, he rubbed his eyes, got up, jumped out of bed and opened the curtains.

The hot summer sunshine breaks in.

"It's good to wake up. Then you wash up first. I've made breakfast. Come down and eat later." Yu's mother looked like she wanted to give instructions but didn't say anything. Finally, she shut her mouth tightly and rarely trembled in the room. .

The footsteps on the stairs went away all of a sudden, which felt quite wrong as usual. Yu Xiaobai guessed that his mother was controlling her strength, so he couldn't help but smile.

As he was getting dressed, the sun shone on the calendar on the wall. He glanced at it, June 6th.

The community outside the window is already alive at eight o'clock in the morning. Looking farther outside, there are cars and horses hustle and bustle. At this time, the temperature in Yongcheng, which has just entered early summer, has risen to very high, but the heat is hot, and the city is shrouded in summer everywhere. What is different from other places is the special anxiety that exists slightly in the air.

The car radio and the local news station helped add a layer of emotion, which belongs to the students and parents.

Today is the college entrance examination.

After washing up, he went downstairs to eat with his exam bag. Yu's mother washed the dishes, and Yu Yibai sat on the sofa and read the newspaper. The two of them did their best to move quietly, trying to create a relaxed atmosphere.

But it's a little too deliberate... Yu Xiaobai ate calmly, complaining silently in his heart. Halfway through, Zhang Lanxin checked the exam bag, and then felt that there was nothing to do. She looked left and right, and sat down in front of Yu Xiaobai.

"You need to eat this egg."

"As long as you feel full, that's it. You don't need to eat more..."

"I've got everything...don't be nervous."

Yu's mother moved a little bit here and there, and she couldn't help but talk a little too much at the beginning. Then she heard Yu's father cough slightly, and the old god said: "What are you doing? You don't have anything to say now."

He changed his posture and said, "I've been annoyed for the past two days. It's not good to talk too much."

Zhang Lanxin glanced at it and stopped talking about those precautions. In the past, she might not be polite to Dad Yu. In fact, she was more knowledgeable than the candidates, and she was just trying to comfort herself by saying so much.

Many families may spend these two consecutive days of exams like this.

When Yu Xiaobai expressed that he was done eating, Dad Yu looked at the time, waved his hand, threw away the unturned newspaper, picked up the car keys and set off.

On the way, Yu Yibai glanced at his son from the corner of his eye. Seeing that he was really in good condition, he didn't say much.

But when he was sent to school and got off the car, Dad Yu closed the car door and saw the sea of ​​people at the entrance of the examination room.

He was silent for a while, then patted Yu Xiaobai's shoulder, which was a little taller than him, and said, "Take the test well, come on."

"……Oh, I see."

Half an hour before the opening, Yu Xiaobai followed the army of candidates into one teaching building after another. He saw Wang Haoxue and some other students, but they all said hello and went to their own examination rooms to wait.

Some have relaxed smiles, while others have serious faces.

Yu Xiaobai sat in the dull classroom, surrounded by a circle of candidates of the same year. He sat in the first row, not conspicuous at all, really like a student waiting for the papers to be handed out.

There was a long wait, as he stared at the wall numbly, everything was covered, even the countdown to the college entrance examination in the corner of the blackboard was erased.

The warm wind blew on his cheeks from the open window. Yu Xiaobai turned his head and looked at the locust trees and green shades outside. The entire campus was particularly quiet. I am afraid that it has never been so quiet except during the winter and summer vacations... It was the last time of youth. A summer scene unfolded before him.

At this somewhat indescribable moment, he truly felt the passage of time.

Today is the college entrance examination for Yu Xiaobai. From then on, he also entered the next stage in his complicated and dusty life. He held a kunai and cut through the blood of killings, and became a vibrant college student. Everything is very wonderful and exciting. expect.

"Jingle Bell……"

The bell rang and the exam started on time at nine o'clock.


As the days move forward little by little, Yu Xiaobai is naturally fully mentally expected and prepared for the fact that he will also face the college entrance examination, graduate from high school, and complete one of the important turning points in ordinary life.

He could experience the changes in teachers and students, the occasional daily life with Wang Haoxue and others, the changes in parents' instructions when the pressure became more and more urgent, and the review sprint before the exam.

Yu Xiaobai is not an ordinary person. Even if he returns to modern society safely, he clearly realizes that he is different. Having power has some benefits after all.

In his heart, he took this important exam seriously, but he was not like his peers who could only devote themselves to it in a small world. Speaking of tension, there's definitely a little bit, but not a lot.

The important thing is the word "graduation", which has a more profound meaning. From leaving high school to entering university, the social perspective and growth perspective are crucial, especially for Yu Xiaobai. His long and tortuous experience of traveling between two worlds made the meaning of the symbol infinitely thicker.

It's like saying goodbye to the past and a career.

After the bell rang, Yu Xiaobai concentrated on doing the questions. The first subject was Chinese. The question types and exercises were already well understood by the teachers... In addition, Yu Xiaobai had a good review before the exam. Yes, the attitude towards each subject is very serious and not careless.

But of course there are problems that cannot be solved. Yu Xiaobai will continue to do it according to his own abilities and ideas, and use his duties as a student without any regrets.

To be serious and not ask for regrets is what Yu Xiaobai requires of himself, and not to ask for regrets. Many things in the world are like this. Most people may not be able to do it. Those who can do it are already the best.

The exam was neither particularly stressful nor particularly lighthearted for Yu Xiaobai. After the initial difference, it was more like passing by normally.

Close the pen and hand in the paper, take a break, and move on to the next subject. Of course, you may be in front of all the candidates who have been preparing for a long time. The publicity, tension and pain before the exam will suddenly become calm and calm during the exam, and you will accept all the results, good or bad. In the hot summer, the exam was completed in two days, June 6th and June 7th, calmly and calmly.

Yu Xiaobai did not participate in the celebration after the exam and the carnival of some overly depressed people. He attended the graduation dinner organized by the school and took a group photo. He just had a meal with Wang Haoxue alone and then returned home, thinking about Should I go to Tokyo or wait boringly for the summer to end?

However, unexpected things will still come to your door, just like the lingering youthful tail.

When he and Wang Haoxue were having dinner, they talked about the university they would go to in the future, the fields they wanted to pursue, and so on. Of course, they didn't even talk about it, but they ate several kilograms of crayfish.

Senior Sister Ye, who was in the Magic City, sent a congratulatory message and strongly recommended that she go to school there. Yu Xiaobai knew very well what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd. He just wanted to get up close and personal with the world's only transcendent and half-"master" "In order to teach her how to pretend/force her to fly, Yu Xiaobai righteously stated that he would give it some thought.

He knew that the other party sincerely wanted to take care of him, but the matter was not urgent at the moment. When the scores came out... he would definitely not pass the exam.

One day in the middle of the year, Yu Xiaobai went back to school to get his graduation photos and some certificates. Normally, if he didn't come back to see his teacher in the future, it would be the last time he came to his alma mater.

The midday sun was shining brightly, and the chirping of cicadas made people drowsy. Yu Xiaobai was wearing casual short-sleeved pants, and his slender shadow was reflected on the gravel road between the teaching buildings.

I quickly picked up the things from the class teacher. In the office, the gray-haired class teacher pressed Yu Xiaobai's shoulder solemnly and wanted to say something about the friendship between teachers and students in the past, as well as a few words that are beneficial to life. Some meaningful mottos or something, but looking at Yu Xiaobai’s unimpressive face, he held it back and gave up.

The other person was an ordinary teacher with good ethics. Yu Xiaobai remembered the other person's face, thanked him for his kindness, and gave up his seat to other waiting students.

Students came back and left one after another. It was still school time for the first and second grades of high school. The whole campus seemed quiet and deserted. As soon as Yu Xiaobai went down to the first floor, he heard crisp shouts from behind him.

"Yu Xiaobai!"

Chen Wenwen, with long flowing hair and green curves, ran over panting while carrying something.

Yu Xiaobai looked at him in surprise, stopped, and waited until the other party arrived in front of him.

This is calling him... Because he was running, the other person's face looked a little red, "Oh, hello." He said, scanning the other person, "You come and get something too."

It was nonsense. Yu Xiaobai picked up the bag in his hand and laughed twice.

Probably a little anxious, Chen Wenwen pressed his chest to calm down for a few seconds, and subconsciously smoothed his messed up hair. During the process, he kept his eyes on Yu Xiaobai, as if he was afraid that the other party would run away.

"Yes, I've got it." Chen Wenwen exhaled and said in a soft voice, "Just now... I asked my classmate and he said you just left. When I was looking for it, I thought it was you who shouted it out. I'm sorry."

There were still students in class on several floors of their teaching building, and the loud noises were quite abrupt. Yu Xiaobai waved his hands and said, "It's okay." He noticed that the other party was wearing a beige dress today, and her face was full of collagen and had makeup on it. It was pink and tender, and there was a small amount of sweat being dried by the wind.

It was not a school uniform, but cool and moving private clothes worn on a well-behaved female classmate. It broke the boundaries of habit and attracted Yu Xiaobai's eyes. He unconsciously looked at it a few more times.

"Is there a problem?"

"That..." Being stared at or the weather was too hot, the temperature of Chen Wenwen's face did not cool down, and it looked even redder. She obviously had something to say, so she looked away and twirled the ends of her hair...

"I, I'll give you something... take a look." Chen Wenwen said with great determination, finding something from the bag and handing it over with lowered eyebrows.

Yu Xiaobai froze when he saw what was coming. It was a cute pink letter with a heart printed in the middle.

Very much like a love letter.

"...Okay." Yu Xiaobai glanced at the girl calmly. After Chen Wenwen took out something and finished speaking, he felt relieved, pursed his lips and did not leave, but waited where he was.

He caught it without changing his expression, opened it steadily, and browsed quickly.

The content... is a love letter.

The scene became quiet, but the cicadas were still chirping desperately in the trees.

The story of the last summer has finally come to an end. In the quiet summer, the desks, roads, and canteens that I have been familiar with for three years seem to be in the corners of the campus without incident. The young students are studying hard in the classrooms. If they have the opportunity, they can hear the echoes that have been echoing on the high floors for a long time. The sound of stopping.

"Hello teacher--"

"goodbye teacher--"

But in the end, everything was very dull, and it didn't look like it was going to end at all.

The tireless chirping mixed with the sunshine shone on Yongcheng No. 1 Middle School, and stopped in front of a teaching building. The shadows underneath and the light covering the bricks drew horizontal lines there. The camera zoomed out, looking from a distance. Go to the two people on the edge of the corridor on the first floor.

The air at noon was so hot that it was distorted. When you took a step outside, you could feel the unbearable heat on the steps. It was the wind outside the window and the sun that couldn't be blown away no matter how the electric fan whirred.

A high school sophomore who is lying down and lazy will quietly glance under the window and realize whether it is a confession.

Yes, the seniors who left quietly should be reluctant to leave their last mark. In the last summer of youth, in addition to graduation, there may also be innocent confessions.

The young man bowed in front of him.

After a long pause, the girl also bowed, turned around and walked away gradually.

No one will hear what youth is saying, except the flowers and birds under the leaves.

There is a saying: Some stories are not finished yet, so forget them. Those flowers have bloomed before.

The flying birds flying across the sky brought with them the broken words and the endless time.

Yu Xiaobai passed the college entrance examination, looked forward to the fireworks display, stepped into the university gate, and lived a novel and stable life step by step. The Ninja Continent on the other side was also constantly witnessing wonderful things.

In the absence of "Chaoming Yubai", a strange figure who influenced others everywhere, the ninjas continued to write their own stories. The battlefield was like thunder, with tens of thousands of people crowded into it. Heroes from the past and present appeared like meteors. The battle was fierce and white-hot. This was the most dangerous Ninja War, and it was also the most epic Ninja War that will be remembered by people.

The Eagle Squad that transformed from the Snake Squad, the stunning "Break of Dawn", the brilliant medical team, those old ninjas with sufficient experience in cooperation, and the dazzling new generation of geniuses, what should have appeared, what should have appeared Those who fight still fight.

People's stories remain the same as before, such as the vast rivers, the majestic mountains, the passion for existence, and the tears of tender reunion, all flowing in the time ahead.

If there are changes and subtle changes, they are hidden in the huge world. No one knows about it, and no one knows about it. It is enough for those who are in it to retain their memories.

So just like that, time passes.

If time goes by like this, in two parallel worlds, the ninjas on one side move forward bravely, and the blue planet on the other side slowly rotates.

If this is the case, the time has come for the day when the final battle ends.

The day came when the serialization of Naruto came to an end.

"Naruto" is over.

When a weekly magazine revealed the news of the production of the final chapter, many people were shocked but did not feel it too clearly. But when the final chapter was published and the original creator announced the end of the serialization and thanked them for their support, people suddenly understood that it was really over. .

Immediately, major portal barrage websites started a craze. People who were working and studying the next day were talking about it. Anyone who had a little exposure to Japanese comics and understood the two-dimensional culture paid attention. It seemed that they suddenly appeared in the streets and alleys. Many topics related to Naruto. It lasted for several days, making it as popular as the "youthful curtain call" when RNG lost and LPL won the championship.

This work has been widely praised since its release. After many years of serialization, it has gained a huge number of fans not only in its home country but also around the world. It has set many records and produced countless extended products. , radiated widely, and when it came to an end, the repercussions it triggered were like a tidal wave that was difficult to stop.

But even a work with a far-reaching audience will lose its popularity over time.

Its completion is short-lived for passers-by, but when it settles down, for those readers who have chased it, been infected by its power, and truly love the story inside, they will open up the dusty surface and miss the past. Here, I watched the respectable and lovely ninjas move forward in their pure days.

A high-end apartment building in the center of Magic City.

After returning from get off work, Natsuko opened the coded door and felt exhausted. She took off her restrictive business attire as usual and walked into the bathroom.

And when she took a shower and sat in front of the drawing board on her writing desk, the mental emptiness and hard work seemed to become insignificant. The boss who lacked professional knowledge and the customers who made unreasonable demands, when she picked up the paintbrush, the mess of life became apparent. It will go away, leaving only the purest world.

The tip of the pen rustled, and things gradually began to take shape on the white paper. The drawing software was opened on the computer nearby, and the changing fluorescence of the screen and the lights in the bedroom visited the deep night.

Natsuko has become accustomed to the quiet night of the Magic City. This city of tens of millions of people brings constant pressure to the parts that operate in it. With a high salary, she rents this apartment and still has to work every day. She works late, but she enjoys it.

No matter how hard and tired she is, she is still using her own hands to support herself and do the career she loves.

Over the years, Natsuko has worked hard to get to where she is today. When she has no intention of looking back, she will recall the ignorant and confused cosplayer she was when she was seventeen years old, and she will have complicated memories.

As an adult, she still retained a night that was like a strange fantasy. As the world moved, she gradually couldn't remember whether those past events actually happened.

There was a moment when she was in extreme danger and helpless, and she saw Yu Bai, who was named Chao Ming.

Her name is Natsuko, and she had some wrong ideas when she was a student; now she is an urban white-collar worker, working as an original painter in the game division of a well-known group.

After stretching, she completed the sketch, and click, only the aperture of the desk lamp was left in the room.

There was still news about Naruto's ending in the browser. Natsuko opened it and stared at it for a while, then took out a fox mask from the innermost layer of the drawer.

Gently stroking it with her fingers, it was really a very ordinary material, like the shoddy peripherals that would be sold at ordinary comic exhibitions to make a lot of money. Over the years, its appearance looked old, but Natsuko never discarded it.

I really can’t remember whether it happened or not…

She pulled out a drawing from the folder. It was a fan work of Yu Bai, the name of Chao Ming, that she had drawn by herself when she first entered the industry. The coloring is rough and the technique is far from smooth, but this is her most satisfying painting.

The story on the Ninja Continent is over, but the characters in it will accompany us for a long time.

The readers holding the comic felt sincerely gratified and happy when they saw the scene at the end where Naruto and Sasuke shook hands and said "I agree with you, Naruto"; Then it was time for Naruto to get married during the wedding ceremony. Even though there were a lot of complaints during the process, he became generous and tolerant when they parted, and sent blessings one after another.

Everyone felt complete, just as the official handwritten certification described it when the dust settled:

"The story successfully portrays the ninja who was originally hidden in the darkness, using the most powerful perseverance and the hardest efforts in the world to do the most secretive and cruel things, into the most proud and brightest person under the sun. Profession."

Okay, let's get over.


Quiet shady scene.

Then, there will still be people who will miss you.

From time to time, I will think of a certain character, and I will also remember the mood when I watched it. Where is Team 7? Can we reunite and have another meal together... They actually want to watch it again to wash away their bad memories. The people behind them said as if they were at the beginning of the journey.

[When you grow up, play with the teachers again to grab the bell. 】

Natsuko looked at the young man in front of her who had given her courage and strength, obviously thinking of this, and giggled.

"My name is Yu Bai, have a safe journey."

"Pay attention. If there is no problem, let's make the final preparations..."

Yu Xiaobai heard vague sounds coming from his ears. More than one person was talking. It seemed that there were many people around, bustling.

"The lighting engineer, the photographer, oh, the Jonin you are protecting should give priority to protecting the equipment. This is something that our village can learn from for those who come after..."

"If you can't help it, run away first..."

The voice was louder, it was a female voice, and it sounded familiar.

"Hey, we're talking about you! I'm not only reminding the staff, but also some of you in the field. Do you know? Be serious! I'm not tired of shouting loudly..."

With a bold and straightforward voice and a powerful strongman aura, Yu Xiaobai had some reaction, was this... Tsunade?

Why are you listening to her and looking like giving orders...

He heard more real conversations, and they all seemed to be familiar people, far and near, and his body was warm. He felt the sunshine, the breeze, the soft lawn under his feet, and the temperature was comfortable and pleasant.

This must be a warm season...

But why is he here?

Someone suddenly tapped me on the shoulder, "Hey, are you ready?"

Yu Xiaobai opened his eyes, and it was as if the scene was changing, with lights and colors emerging one after another. He subconsciously turned his head and saw Kakashi standing next to him.


"I asked you, are you ready?" Kakashi half-opened his eyes and looked around with an unusual lack of energy. Hearing the words, he glanced up and became more energetic, "Why Yu Bai, didn't you sleep well? "

Opening his mouth, Yu Xiaobai glanced briefly and saw that he was on a wide grassland.

There is a blue sky, a stream a hundred meters away, and a lush green forest outside. The scenery is very beautiful. However, in the sight, there are many people standing in clusters here and there. Some ninjas wearing vests are carrying things back and forth. move around.

"Where is this?" he asked innocently.

"It's an exercise training ground in the suburbs." Kakashi looked strange and replied, "You haven't realized what happened yet, huh... It's normal, but I still find it difficult to accept it."

After receiving the information, Yu Xiaobai understood his surroundings.

However, my head is still a little fuzzy...

"... After all, we have to fight with three students who have already become famous. Although the relationship between teachers and students comes first, who knows if they will not hold back on purpose... The children of the past have all grown up. Oh, it's so annoying. It would be really embarrassing to be knocked down later..."

Kakashi was whispering and nagging differently from his usual temperament, which surprised Yu Xiaobai, but what really shocked him were the words he suddenly grabbed.

"Oh, you are very annoying. Stay optimistic..."

"What did you say!"

Yu Xiaobai felt that something scary might have happened to him. He looked at Kakashi in surprise, "Am I going to fight with those...?"

"To be precise, it's us."

"Is there a mistake? Wait, please tell me clearly who are those Kakashi, who are those, Class 7..."

"Yes, that's right." Kakashi rubbed his stiff face after waking up early, "After many years, Class 7 will hold a meaningful commemorative event, 'Grab the Bell Again'. Didn't you look around? …”

Speaking of this, he glanced at Yu Xiaobai and his tone suddenly became dangerous, "Do you want to escape before the battle? There is no way, Assistant Yu Bai."

"Here, get it."

With that said, Kakashi took out two bells from his arms and took one out.


Yu Xiaobai subconsciously took it and looked around dully. Hiss, ten meters away in front of him, there were really standing Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura after the Ninja World War. It's scary just looking at their outfits.

Thinking of what the other party had just said, Yu Xiaobai suddenly turned around and said, "Then are you ready?"


Kakashi looked at him with half-dead eyes, exuding an aura of mourning, and looked at him with an idiot's eyes, "What do you think?"

"OK OK, everything is done, right? So pay attention, get ready to start!"

Tsunade shouted from a distance.

Well, the people who were staying quickly retreated and disappeared into the woods in a blink of an eye. It was like a whirlwind blowing past, and the originally noisy grassland was cleared instantly.

Including Tsunade, the ninjas who were watching the show showed their heads and looked at this side nervously.


"All of Class 7 are here!"

Yu Xiaobai paused, wanting to say something, but couldn't.

"Everyone is on his/her place..." a distant voice announced.

At this time, a gust of wind blew over, tinkling bells, and the hanging bells swayed gently, making a crisp and sweet sound.

The scene suddenly arrived, the venue suddenly became quiet, Yu Xiaobai was kissed on the cheek by the breeze for some reason, and his mood flew far away with the flowing story.

Here... is the story of his visit.

It was spring or summer under a cloudless sky, he understood.

"Kakashi-sensei, Yubai-sensei, hey, I won't be merciful later." Naruto pressed his fists with his palms and said funny.

"That's why you called me all the way here..." Sasuke closed his eyes in disgust, but the corners of his mouth swayed slightly in the sunlight, and he opened his bright eyes, "But to be honest, I really want to beat him up. of."

"Don't worry, teachers. I'm different from the two of them. I won't do it for real!" Sakura said with a smile, but it seemed dangerous to follow the movements of pinching her fingers.

Yu Xiaobai looked at them, Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura... He had been thinking about one thing. When he heard the news that Naruto was finished, he thought about it.

The [To be continued...] that troubled him in the past, he had thought about the day when that line of words became [End].

It was great meeting all of them.


The Fifth Hokage, Senju Tsunade, raised her hand high in the distance. Standing next to her was the smiling old man Sarutobi. The leaves of Konohagakure were flying in the air, shining brightly.

Come on, let's compete again.

The arm swung down hard.



(Complete the book.)

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