Please answer Naruto

Chapter 434 Extra: Meeting the Parents (Part 2)

The door opened in response, and a small but well-furnished cozy house came into view.

"Oh, it's here." Yu Xiaobai's parents have been waiting for a long time. Zhang Lanxin took the lead to slide out of the kitchen, like holding a stopwatch. Yu Yibai sat on the sofa in the living room, turning his head to stare at the movement. door. He probably didn't think about which posture was better. Zhang Lanxin subconsciously led him to stand up, but he felt awkward in the middle of the movement. Is it appropriate? Would it be too grand for the couple to get together and put too much pressure on the woman?

Anyway, he paused in a stiffer posture.

"Well, I brought Chun Xia over with my parents." Yu Xiaobai greeted with a smile.

"Hello, aunt, hello, uncle!" Chun Xia also saw it and immediately called out sweetly, bowing politely to both sides.

It was impossible to go wrong with the opening. She had practiced it countless times in private and had 233 backup plans.

"Oh, this is our Xiaobai's girlfriend." Yu's mother's eyes lit up when she saw the real person of Hoshino Junka. She had never seen her before. To be honest, she heard that her son had found someone in Japan, and she felt in her heart Slightly unhappy, but outstanding, Chun Xia stood up at this moment. She was fair and fair, more beautiful than the photo... And with this dress, this voice, and virtuous character, she was born to be the daughter-in-law of my Yu family.

"Come in and sit down, come in, it's very cold outside now." Zhang Lanxin smiled happily, stepped over Yu Xiaobai who was coming towards him, and took Chun Xia's hand.

Yu Xiaobai: "..."

"Hey, thank you, aunt."

"What are you calling Auntie... Hey, our Chunxia speaks Mandarin very well. Come on, if you don't care, call me Mom... No, just call me Auntie, haha."

Seeing that the two women were talking and laughing, the situation was great, Yu Xiaobai quietly felt relieved. In fact, there was nothing to worry about. He looked to the side and met his father's eyes.

Yu Yibai finally stood up in the embarrassment that no one knew, maintained the calm expression of the head of the family, and approached to a reserved distance.

The father and son made eye contact, "You can do it, kid", "I'll just say it's good", "I'll give my ancestors credit", "Hey hey hey"...

In a harmonious and friendly atmosphere, the "Meet the Parents" copy had a pretty good start. As agreed, Zhang Lanxin went to the kitchen to cook first. Chun Xia enthusiastically offered to help, but of course she was not allowed in in the end. After Yu's mother reluctantly parted ways with her daughter-in-law, Yu's father was left to entertain.

Here, there will be a gap period, and the time deliberately set aside is used by the two strangers to make daily routines, chat and get familiar with each other, and enhance understanding.

In some places, or in the minds of some uneasy visitors, this is the cautious "household registration check" step that accounts for a large proportion of impression points.

Serious, careful, careful consideration.

Chunxia sat awkwardly on the sofa, silently cheering herself up.

My boyfriend sat next to me and patted the back of his hand to express relief.

"It's okay, just treat it like your own home." Yu Yibai smiled calmly and warmly, although it was also his first time, "The full name translated is... Hoshino Junxia, ​​otherwise I will call you Junxia from now on. ?”

"It's absolutely okay! Uncle...uncle."

The sound of cooking came from the semi-open kitchen. Yu Yibai listened to Chun Xia's fluent and natural Chinese and secretly nodded with joy. At the level of the Yu family, he had only heard of transnational love, but he also knew the language. Obstacles are a factor that has many consequences, and so far he's quite satisfied.

The first conversation between the future daughter-in-law and her father-in-law didn't start out out of the ordinary. It was quite plain and formulaic, talking about trivial things and what they had learned about the island country.

Yu Xiaobai chatted occasionally, and his main duty was to eat melon quietly.

After the beginning, the atmosphere gradually became quieter.

Yu Yibai was not a very talkative person. He couldn't find a suitable topic for a while, so he touched the back of his head and five seconds passed.


With a slight cough, Yu Yibai pointed to the TV that was on, "Come, watch TV for a while, just like your own home."

Yu Xiaobai twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Okay, uncle." Chun Xia followed the good advice.

So, the three of them watched TV in silence for nearly two minutes in the living room.

Chun Xia sat upright, looking straight in the eyes. Except for turning her head when asked, she did not dare to go beyond the limit. Although Dad Yu wanted to look very natural, he put his hands on his legs and was stunned. move. Yes, moving all the time will make you nervous, which is a good idea, but Dad Yu is getting stiffer and stiffer.

"There's still some time for dinner. Come to Xiaoxia and have some fruit. Son, peel one for your girlfriend."


"Thank you uncle."

Yu Xiaobai glanced at his father suspiciously and reached for the orange.

Dad Yu: "Just treat it like your own home."

Junxia: "Okay uncle."

Except for the sound of the TV, there was almost two minutes of lake-like calm. Yu Xiaobai couldn't help it. Why did the lively and harmonious start turn into such a bleak start? Will it be operational?

He grabbed the remote control and quickly changed the channel. At the same time, he raised his voice and said, "Who turned the TV to the children's channel?"

The scene of the cartoon changed and switched to the news network. Chun Xia and Dad Yu, who had remained still and watched, suddenly realized.


Yu Yibai couldn't help but blushed, and finally used his brain to get back to work.

"Junxia, ​​are you still studying?"

"Yes, uncle, Xiaobai and I are in the same class and are preparing to take the postgraduate entrance examination."

"Oh, hello, graduate school. What do you want to do in the future?"

"In the future..."

This is the right topic, I wouldn’t have talked about it earlier!

Yu Xiaobai on the side felt very tired.

The chat is on the right track. In fact, as long as you speak smoothly and let go a little more, it is not that difficult to relax the atmosphere during your first family visit. Junxia is not new to the world of people, and laughter gradually begins to grow between the two of them.

Near the end, when it came to the part about hobbies, Chunxia quickly raised her head and spoke her prepared words. Chunxia was definitely versatile in the field of dance music, which was a definite plus. Yu Yibai was very curious, and the girl opposite immediately smiled happily.

"Uncle, there was a musical instrument in the car when I came here. I forgot to take it back after practice last time. If you don't mind, can I perform a short piece for you?"

Even Hoshino Junka, when in the position of her daughter-in-law, can't escape the cliché of showing off to leave a good impression.

"I don't mind, I don't mind." Dad Yu smiled and waved, "Our Chunxia is a well-educated and knowledgeable girl... I wonder what kind of musical instrument it is?"

Yu Xiaobai threw away the orange peel and hurriedly wanted to help. He also had a share of the guitar and shamisen that had been prepared in advance.

"It's the violin." Chunxia covered her mouth and said shyly.

"..." Yu Xiaobai turned his head, received the girl's gentle and gentle gaze, lowered his head and continued to peel the orange.

After Yu Yibai heard this, he immediately admired him. Uncle is happy, and Chun Xia naturally feels happy too.

After that, Yu Xiaobai, who only had the ability to peel oranges, was told to go downstairs to get the piano. As expected, he saw an extra piano case in the trunk of the car... It seemed that he had decided to prepare it secretly again on the spur of the moment. Is it...

What surprised him even more was that Chunxia really performed a Schubert serenade in front of his parents with skillful manners and grace.

Wearing a long black skirt and a white shirt, she received a huge round of applause when she bowed, making it look like she was performing in a concert hall.

Yu Xiaobai didn't know about it beforehand, and had never heard that Chun Xia was studying... It only lasted for a month at most, right?

During the dinner, Chun Xia continued to gain wave after wave of favorability.

With the smooth and in-depth meeting this time, the boy and girl in the past have now become two adults who have a tacit understanding, and the future is clearly moving in the direction they expected.

While eating, the family talked about future work, etc. Chun Xia continued to study and worked part-time as an up owner with more and more fans. According to Yu Xiaobai, he had just returned to Earth a long time ago and a martial arts instructor appeared. The idea was not suitable now and he had to give up. After graduating, he went to interview with companies in Japanese-related industries.

Although it is a bit shameless, but relying on that extraordinary experience, he can speak Japanese better than most major students, and his work is not difficult.

It was also this extraordinary experience that made him look down on power and wealth. Fighting and killing is cool, but people can't live like that.

Seeing this, Yu Xiaobai and Hoshino Junxia were about to stand up and say goodbye, and they walked out of the door together.

As for them in the future?

We already know that.

The new book is coming soon, soon... I will release individual chapters in due time

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