Please answer Naruto

Chapter 60 Collective Action

Birds were chirping, the sky was bright, and a few sparrows were looking around on the branches. The summer heat slowly rose. When the blazing sun jumped out of the clouds, the branches loosened, and the sparrows flew away with a crisp sound.

"The weather is really getting hotter." The wooden paper door was opened, and the obvious heat in the air made Yu Xiaobai wave his hands, as if doing so could dissipate the temperature, and he sighed.

The Country of Fire is located in the center of the continent and occupies the most fertile and prosperous land. However, things like seasons are very strange due to some unspeakable reasons that everyone knows. Not to mention the Country of Rain next door, in the past a little The Land of Wind is extreme and not scientific at all. Fortunately, it is quite normal here in Konoha, with four distinct seasons. As summer gets deeper, people wear short clothes when going out.

Yu Xiaobai got up a little late today. After getting dressed, he went out to work in the ANBU.

Vendors on the road began to put out refreshing fruits to relieve the heat. Konoha was still bustling today, feeling the weather, "Should we reduce the amount of training?"

Yu Xiaobai thought that the ninja school would be over in the evening. Almost another week had passed, and it was time for Sasuke to "hand in his homework" today.

The two of them, one big and one small, gradually became familiar with each other. Of course, Yu Xiaobai was already very familiar with Er Zhuzhu. In the constant teaching and occasionally showing off his show of "I am a very powerful teacher", the relationship between Sasuke and Yu Xiaobai grew. I started to differentiate myself from others when getting along, at least my expression wasn't so cold anymore.

Yu Xiaobai arrived at the ANBU base and found that there were more people than usual.

I'm a little confused. There aren't many ANBU people in the first place, and there are very few people walking around in the base. There won't be any collective actions, right?

Based on past experience, Yu Xiaobai thought this way, and a few minutes later, he was embarrassed to learn that he had really hit the mark.

In the office, Qingchuan Wu looked solemn. When he saw Yu Xiaobai coming in, he simply said: "There is a mission."

Yu Xiaobai, who originally wanted to make a few jokes about his family, saw Qingchuan Wu's expression and had to correct himself, "What mission?"

Why is the atmosphere so heavy? As a leader, you need to be calm. Didn't you see that a bunch of colleagues outside are keeping a straight face? If this continues, how can we develop Konoha's characteristic ANBU...

"It's a mission against the traitorous ninja Orochimaru." Takeshi Qingchuan was quite direct, so direct that Yu Xiaobai, who was not prepared, was stunned.

"Ha, oh oh... Orochimaru!" Yu Xiaobai reacted.

Qingchuan Wu glanced at Yu Xiaobai strangely, "You seem to be very excited. Do you have any grudge against him?"

"No... Sannin, I have admired the name for a long time." There is still a lot of information. Uncle Snake is also the number one person. When faced with Qingchuan Wu's question, Yu Xiaobai said casually.

Takeshi Aokawa, who was talking about business, was meticulous and corrected Yu Xiaobai's concept, "Now Orochimaru is just a traitor, a lunatic who is obsessed with human experiments and has no humanity."

The name of the Sannin is almost universally known in the ninja world. This legend was once the pride of Konoha, but as time goes by, friends will become enemies.

A mission is a mission, and Yu Xiaobai naturally has no objections. Although he admired Orochimaru while watching anime, in reality, normal people would not accept human experimentation.

There is no grudge, but because Orochimaru's hands are stained with countless sinful blood because of their opposing stance, Yu Xiaobai has no psychological burden.

General Qingchuan handed over the mission briefing, "According to the intelligence collected before, Orochimaru joined the Akatsuki organization, but recently, for unknown reasons, he has withdrawn from there..."

Takeshi Aokawa said that every ninja village would send people to pay attention to the ninjas who defected from their own homes, and even special departments like ANBU would go to assassinate them to solve the troubles. For Orochimaru's level, Konoha must have been keeping an eye on them as much as possible. On.

So being a rebel is very troublesome...

Yu Xiaobai sighed secretly, he was also carrying another identity now.

"...But Orochimaru has not given up. Recently, a team obtained important information after investigation. The other party seems to be showing signs of establishing a ninja village."

Qingchuanwu concentrated on detailing the mission with Yu Xiaobai, and a document that had been suppressed underneath was inadvertently exposed.

[Rebel Ninja Assassination List. 】

[1. Name: Orochimaru, danger level S...]

[Two, name: Uchiha Itachi, danger level S...]

[Three, name...]

Yu Xiaobai's expression changed. For a moment, he didn't pay attention to what Qingchuan Wu said. Itachi was on the assassination list... This was inevitable. I couldn't say I was surprised. I just didn't expect that the level was quite high and he was ranked second. …

However, Itachi was instructed by Konoha's high-level officials to be an undercover agent, so he couldn't flood the Dragon King Temple. The actual resistance from the village would be much smaller, so it was hard to just pretend.

Then suddenly, Yu Xiaobai came up with a very bad idea. One day I will have to follow Director Xiao and leave. By then, where will I be on this list?

Well, the lower the ranking, the better, that way there will be less trouble, but why can't you help yourself from the desire to compare? Hey, it's true to be ordinary, and it's true to be ordinary.

Qingchuan Wu noticed that Yu Xiaobai's eyes were out of focus, and frowned. After all, he was very skilled in retreating from the ANBU battle sequence, and he immediately noticed the problem.

After stopping talking and putting the list back in the drawer, Qingchuanwu looked at Yu Xiaobai with a calm expression and said, "Don't think too much about Itachi... Everyone has their own choice."

Itachi's defection may have caused Takeshi Aokawa to be even more disappointed, because he originally had high hopes for this ANBU genius, and unlike a few people like Yu Xiaobai who knew the truth, during this period, it was already difficult for him to say these words calmly. Not easy anymore.

"Don't worry, I'm very open-minded." Yu Xiaobai could only smile at this. He really didn't have that much thought. He also finished thinking about it on the night of the genocide.

Qingchuanwu looked at Yu Xiaobai's expression carefully, and it didn't look like he was cheating. He nodded and started talking about business.

"Let's continue...Tian Country, which is located in the north outside the Land of Fire, has always been only stationed by samurai. However, there was some news that the Daimyo of Tian Country established a ninja village in the past few days."

Yu Xiaobai was convinced that the subsequent Yin Yin Cun was indeed Orochimaru's handiwork.

"Is there any trace of Orochimaru in it?"

"It's very possible." Qingchuan Martial Arts, "If the Ninja Village is not established by strong people, it will not be able to gain a foothold."

Yu Xiaobai held the mission briefing in hand and read through most of it. When he saw the action process, his eyes flashed with surprise.

"Four teams?"

Qingchuan Wu nodded, "You were the last one to notify. There are three teams, nine people. You are also counted as one team, ten people in total."

Yu Xiaobai had already seen that all of his own troops were jounin, and ten of them would be a force that could not be ignored. When he heard "make a team by yourself", Yu Xiaobai felt a little embarrassed. The captain of the dark department did not form a team for a long time and went alone, which was not in line with the rules.

[The main purpose is to detect the truth and falsehood, and if possible, destroy it. 】This is the purpose of the mission. As for why Orochimaru was not captured, they may think that it is unrealistic for this group of people to keep Orochimaru with cunning methods.

"When will we gather?" Yu Xiaobai shrugged. This time his opponent was Orochimaru, but Xiao had passed a few moves, so it didn't matter.


Yu Xiaobai was stunned. It was not tomorrow. He touched his face. Sasuke should be coming in the evening.

Thanks to Chen Jializi, Sing Evening Song, Where Are My Fishes, Carter Shawshank, The Way Glass Glue Focus, and Yu who doesn’t spit bubbles for his reward~

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