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The stone it desires most is at the top of the mountain!

Luo Yi walked higher and higher, and his figure was gradually shrouded in clouds and mist, looming and unreal.

The wind gradually rose, but it could not blow away the mist in the mountains. The people at the foot of the mountain could not find Luo Yi and Lucario at once.

However, even though Luo Yi's figure was shrouded in clouds and mist, Xiaoyao and Shirona, as well as Luo Yi's elves, still looked up at the top of the mountain. They knew that Luo Yi would definitely appear at the top of the mountain and defeat the last guardian. On the other side of the foot of the mountain, the old Lucario showed a resentful expression on his face, while the young Liluo and Lucario were quietly leaving his side.

These young Liluo and Lucario looked up at the mountain, with a bit of hope and brightness in their complex eyes.

In their hearts, there is a sentence that keeps ringing, the sound is getting louder and louder, shaking their hearts more and more.

"Every Lucario has the right to freely choose his own lifestyle!"


Soon, Luo Yi and Lucario were walking on the mountain path and could see the top of the mountain.

The scepter on the top of the mountain gradually appeared in the vision of Luo Yi and Lucario. Luo Yi looked at the scepter emitting blue light, and his eyes were slightly bright.

Beside Luo Yi, Lucario's clenched fist was trembling slightly, and his breathing was unconsciously a little rapid.

That was the most precious holy object of the Lucario family!

Only the most powerful Lucario was qualified to own it.

For a moment, Lucario was a little dazed, as if he couldn't believe that he would come to the top of this mountain one day.

Luo Yi felt the emotions of Lucario beside him, smiled gently, and stretched out his fist to Lucario beside him.

Lucario was stunned, and seeing the confidence and encouragement in Luo Yi's eyes, his heart moved slightly, and he also stretched out his fist and gently bumped with Luo Yi's small fist.

The two fists gently hit each other, Luo Yi looked at Lucario, and a bright smile appeared on his face

"Lucario, you will be the pride of the entire tribe. It is never wrong to pursue freedom."

Lucario's nose was sour and big tears welled up in his eyes.

No one can understand the bitterness that this elf experienced in pursuit of freedom, escaped from the tribe with serious injuries, wandered outside, tried to make himself stronger, and finally returned here. At this moment, the wind rose, the clouds in the mountains flew away, and the scene of Luo Yi and Lucario fighting appeared in everyone's eyes.

This scene, like a heavy hammer, hit the hearts of all young Lucario and Lucario hard, impacting their concept that they can't have contact with humans.

Lucario and humans... can be the best partners!!

Among the Lucario tribe, there is a Lucario who knows Luo Yi. The tribesmen who had experienced the incident in that year also had tears in their eyes in an instant.

On the other side, Sirona looked at Luo Yi with a beautiful smile on her face.

Behind Sirona and Xiaoyao, several powerful elves, including Desert Tyrant Bangira, Land Shark, Ancient Gyarados, Pikachu, Suicune, etc., saw this scene, looked at each other, and roared together again.


The roar was full of encouragement.

And the domineering attitude of helping you push down the entire mountain if it doesn't work!

Feeling the confidence and support in the roar, Lucario and Liluo in the valley were once again deeply shocked. In their hearts, they were already extremely eager for the world.……


At the top of the mountain, Luo Yi and Lucario finally stepped over the last step and officially stepped onto the top of the mountain.

The top of the mountain was very flat, as if the top of a mountain had been cut off and turned into a square.

The most conspicuous thing on the square was the scepter that symbolized the highest status of the Lucario clan. It was emitting a faint blue light, covering the valley.

However, no one noticed that in Luo Yi's backpack, the blue Poké Ball that allowed Lucario to evolve in sleep began to produce black patterns on its surface after approaching the scepter.

The patterns surged, and this mysterious blue Poké Ball suddenly shook for a while, and then returned to calm.

The shaking was very slight, and Luo Yi did not notice it, because all his attention was now on the last guardian.

Strong! Very strong!

This was Luo Yi's first feeling when he saw the last guardian.

Opposite Luo Yi and Lucario, the last guardian was looking at them with a burning gaze, and the fighting spirit in his eyes was almost burning.

Luo Yi's eyes condensed slightly. This guardian could be said to be the most powerful Lucario he had seen in the valley.

The most important thing was that it had not lost its fighting spirit in the long closed life. It could be said that it, like the Lucario beside it, was a spirit that was truly born for fighting!

The two Lucarios did not communicate, but the collision of their eyes was about to produce sparks in the air.

Suddenly, the Lucario on the opposite side moved, holding his hands in the air, and then closing them in front of his chest. Suddenly, a shining energy ball appeared between his hands. The shining energy ball in the hands of the guardian was like a small sun, containing extremely terrifying energy!


With a slight sound, the energy ball in the guardian's hand flew out of his hand and went towards Luo Yi's Lucario. At the moment of flying out of his hand, the air emitted circles of ripples with the wave missile as the origin, and the waves spread out in front of the guardian.

The air was broken!

Luo Yi's pupils shrank slightly, and he instantly recognized this move.

"It's a cannon beam!! Lucario, speed! Then the wave missile attack!"Luo Yi shouted loudly.

Lucario moved very quickly, stepping on the ground more than ten times in a second, and his figure disappeared in an instant!


A small mushroom cloud appeared on the top of the mountain, exactly where the guardian's cannon beam landed just now. The strong fluctuations made Luo Yi couldn't help but take two steps back. Luo Yi looked at the place where the explosion just happened in horror, and found that there was no damage except for a slight blackening.

What a hard rock!

Luo Yi thought in his heart, at this time, Lucario's figure appeared above the guardian silently, and a wave missile was thrown out, pressing towards the guardian from the top of his head.

The guardian immediately noticed the energy fluctuations above his head, and raised his head almost at the moment the wave missile appeared, and his claws immediately covered a layer of The metallic luster, the entire palm looks like it was cast in metal, shining coldly in the sun.

Then, the guardian raised his arms and grabbed the wave missile above his head.

He actually wanted to crush Lucario's wave missile with his bare hands!

What a strong guardian!

Luo Yi couldn't help but widen his eyes when he saw the guardian's actions. How confident he was to dare to resist the wave missile!


In the twilight of Luo Yi's shock, the guardian's metal hands directly grasped the wave missile. The wave missile deformed for a moment in its hands, and then exploded instantly! The thick smoke and dust produced by the explosion covered the guardian's figure, and Lucario appeared beside Luo Yi with a solemn look in his eyes.

Swish! There was suddenly a shake in the smoke and dust, as if something was passing through it at a high speed.

"Lucario! Coming!!"Before Luo Yi finished speaking, Lucario had already blocked in front of Luo Yi, with a half-meter-long claw spreading out from his claws, grabbing forward fiercely.


The guardian's figure was forced back by Lucario, and after landing, he took two steps back and stopped.

Lucario also took a step back, the claw in his hand was still swallowing and spitting out the edge, his eyes fixed on the guardian.

A powerful opponent!

In the hearts of Lucario and the guardian, the same idea arose at the same time. Both elves were full of fighting spirit and were always ready for the next fight. The last guardian and Luo Yi's Lucario, a warm-up fight for the first meeting...

Evenly matched!_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo

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