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After Luo Yi realized the coordinated combat with Lucario, not only could Luo Yi share the detection results of Lucario's wave power on the battlefield, but Lucario's wave power would also be strengthened by Luo Yi, and the intensity would almost double.

In this state, the combination of Luo Yi and Lucario is simply many times stronger than before!

As Lucario, the Guardian is very sensitive to the changes in the wave power, and his heart almost sank to the bottom of the valley. At the same time, its face was very gloomy. Feeling the state of Luo Yi and Lucario, it thought of a legendary combat state in the Lucario clan.

It is very similar to the situation in front of him!

"Lucario, Shadow Claw!"

Luo Yi saw the right moment and said to Lucario in his heart. At this time, Luo Yi could communicate with Lucario using the power of waveguide in this state, and he didn't need to say it out loud.

Lucario felt that he was now extremely powerful and his speed was much faster. The shadow under him seemed to come alive. At the same time, a layer of faint black light covered his palm and he grabbed the guardian fiercely. The black light on Lucario's hand was only about ten centimeters, but it made the guardian feel an extreme danger.

Shadow Claw, this move was the first time Lucario used it in a battle. After the power of waveguide was greatly enhanced, he could use it without a teacher and without any pressure.

The guardian's eyes were stern, and he felt the strength of this move. He didn't dare to face the edge and dodged immediately.

However, because he had just dodged a burst of waveguide missiles, he overdrew a lot of his physical strength, and his movements seemed a little weak and slow.

Under the exploration of the power of waveguide, Luo Yi sensitively captured the slowness of the guardian.

""Lucario, attack with Shadow Claws!" Luo Yi commanded.

Lucario's speed increased instantly, and he almost immediately came to the front of the guardian, but at this time, the guardian also made his own counterattack.

In the guardian's mouth, an orange-yellow light was revealed.

Destruction ray!

After many days, Luo Yi saw this skill again. The last time was in the ancient ruins, when he was fighting against the ancient Gyarados. Luo Yi's thunder-Pikachu fell from the sky, interrupted Gyarados's destruction ray, and saved Xiaoyao and Sirona.

It must be said that the skill of destruction ray is powerful, simple and easy to learn. It is a must-have skill for almost all powerful elves.

At this time, the guardian obviously discovered his own weakness of lack of physical strength, and even when Lucario attacked him, he brewed a destruction ray.

It is to give you a destruction ray right in the face!

"Destroying the death ray in close range? Not possible!"

"Lucario, lightning! Go around and attack from behind!"

Luo Yi's command at this time was to communicate with Lucario using the power of waves, which was countless times faster than speaking. He issued the order almost as soon as he saw the orange-yellow light coming out of the guardian's mouth.

At this time, Luo Yi couldn't help but admire the guardian's reaction in his heart. This move of destroying the death ray close to the face was simply a stroke of genius. If it weren't for the perverted combination like Luo Yi, the guardian might really have turned the tables.


The destructive death ray was shot out by the guardian, but it did not hit Lucario. Instead, it flew out of the top of the mountain and hit a valley.

The people at the foot of the mountain could no longer see the situation on the top of the mountain, but they were still nervous when they saw a beam of orange-yellow light shooting out from the top of the mountain.

The battle situation was obviously very intense!

Xiaoyao and Shirona looked at each other and saw that they were worried. The power of this destructive death ray looked a little bad.

Shirona looked at the last part of the destructive death ray. The valley where the attack hit was blasted into a bottomless hole...

On the top of the mountain, the Guardian's Podakong also reacted instantly, not waiting foolishly for Lucario to attack him.

However, his movements were too slow!

Lucario had come behind him and hit him hard on the lower back!


Lucario put his fists together and hit the Guardian's lower back hard, sending him flying two or three meters. Hit by Lucario's punch, the Guardian's body almost folded in the opposite direction, with his mouth wide open but unable to make any sound, his eyes wide open with pain.

Pain! Severe pain!!

The severe pain from the waist spread throughout his body in an instant, and he felt every nerve in his body trembling.

Fortunately, his physique was strong and he had not completely lost the ability to move!

Before he landed in the air, he began to condense the wave missile again.

"Good willpower!"

Luo Yi smiled. This little action certainly didn't escape his eyes, but he was also a little surprised that the guardian could organize a counterattack under such circumstances.

"Lucario, put an end to it!"

""Leg whip!"

Lucario kicked his foot and immediately appeared above the guardian. At the same time, he raised one foot high and swung it hard towards the guardian's chest!


The guardian could no longer avoid Lucario's leg whip this time. He was thrown to the ground with a loud noise, and then bounced up half a meter high, fell down again, and finally lost consciousness.

The wave missile in his hand had long been disintegrated.

At this point, Luo Yi and Lucario finally defeated all the guardians, and no one could stop Luo Yi from getting Lucario's mega stone.

At the foot of the mountain, those who could not see the battle situation were a little anxious.

Because after a loud noise, there was no one on the top of the mountain. Without any movement, it seemed that the battle was over.

But, who won?!

Xiaoyao and Shirona stared at the top of the mountain, their palms full of sweat.

Suddenly, a small figure appeared at the edge of the mountain, waved to the people at the foot of the mountain, with a bright smile on his face.

It was Luo Yi.

Xiaoyao jumped up excitedly, and two lines of happy tears immediately flowed from his eyes.

Shirona pouted, and was relieved in an instant, her eyes were a little moist.

The old Lucario saw that Luo Yi won, and sat down on the ground, no longer having the strength to stand up.

And Luo Yi's elves were already excited. They roared and celebrated.

But soon, they all quieted down. A figure appeared beside Luo Yi.

It was Lucario.

In its hands, it held the most important sacred objects of the Lucario clan, the Scepter of the God of Lucario and the Mega Stone.

Seeing this, the Lucario in the valley began to kneel on one knee towards the Lucario beside Luo Yi, and lowered their heads at the same time.

Kneeling on one knee... the most formal etiquette of the Lucario clan!

From then on, Luo Yi's Lucario was the god of the Lucario clan.

One, two, three... More and more clansmen knelt to express their submission.

On the top of the mountain, the Lucarios who were beaten and lost their lives... The three guardians of consciousness had woken up at some point, and they knelt down and submitted to Lucario.

Soon, except for the old Lucario, all the Lucario in the valley recognized the new God of Lucario.

The old man looked around, smiled miserably, and knelt on the ground with a plop.


Luo Yi sat cross-legged on the edge of the mountain top, watching this scene, and finally relaxed.

From challenging the fighting gym, to the stone cave, and then to this valley, Luo Yi's spirit has been tense. Now that the overall situation has been decided, he can finally take a break.

At this moment, the Lucario next to Luo Yi suddenly turned around.

Kneeled down on one knee to Luo Yi!!


PS, I am here to be naughty again, listen to me again?

Lucario's mini-theater, in fact, from the moment Luo Yi entered the valley, a group of Pokémon stood behind Luo Yi and roared at the valley, Luo Yi said"Every Lucario has the right to freely choose his own way of life", the climax has already begun, and today with Lucario's kneeling, it also squirted.

Next, the blue Poké Ball, mega evolution, Groudon's slate, the next devil fruit and Pokémon, etc., what should be ended is ended, what should be unfolded is unfolded, the following story is still very naughty!

Because I... don't take the anti-naughty medicine..._

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