"Teacher Huang really has a lot of friends. He can get all the special items. It's really amazing." Yi Feng complimented him, then took out a pack of Huazi from his pocket and handed him a cigarette from it.

After Huang He took it, Yi Feng started the fire with both hands and lit it for him personally.

Huang He lit up the cigarette and patted the back of Yi Feng's hand gently to show that he felt your feelings.

"Hey, I'm just an old man, I'm not that great or not. But you, Xiao Feng, you are the top scorer in the college entrance examination in Guangdong Province, and you have a bright future!"

"From the first time I met you, I felt that you would definitely become a blockbuster in the future, and your future achievements would not be easy!"Huang He praised with a smile.

Yi Feng lit a cigarette for himself, blew out a smoke ring, and said modestly:"Teacher Huang, the top scorer in the college entrance examination is just a false name. I have a lot to learn from you in the future."

Huang He smiled, admiring Yi Feng more and more in his eyes.

The young man in front of him has a good character, neither arrogant nor impetuous, and he is a person who can achieve great things!

Cooperating with such a smart person is the best thing. What can be achieved in this world ? Most of the business depends on who the partner is.

If the partner is a pig, then just wait to lose money.

If the partner is a talent, then there will be no problem in talking, and success will be achieved immediately. Pour a cup of tea for Yi Feng in person and pass the tea in front of Yi Feng

"It's great that you have this intention. If you don't understand something or need help, just come to me. Although I'm a little older, I will definitely help you if I can."Huang He said, staring at Yi Feng with narrowed eyes.

The meaning of this sentence was to let Yi Feng speak out his intention.

Yi Feng took a sip of tea, pondered for a moment, and smiled:"Teacher Huang, to be honest, I have indeed encountered some difficulties recently."

"You know, I opened a computer repair shop and got a lot of business, but I am the only one who can do it. If the business wants to develop, it needs people, more talents."

"However, there are still very few people who can repair computers in the market, and it is very difficult to recruit them."

"I've thought about it over and over again, and I'm afraid you're the only one who can help me with some advice on this matter."

Huang He actually guessed the purpose of Yi Feng's visit. The two had talked a lot on the phone before.

Zhao Xingye invited him to dinner in order to discuss the computer repair business.

Zhao Xingye had talked to him about this business before. He wanted Yi Feng to provide technology and guide the training of maintenance personnel. Zhao Xingye would provide funds to expand the business and open computer repair chain stores throughout the city. He would provide people and use the functions of the employment office to provide the company with suitable technical talents who could immediately take up their posts after a certain amount of training.

When Huang He heard this proposal, he thought it was quite feasible.

But after that drinking party, he knew that Yi Feng and Zhao Xingye would fall out sooner or later.

The two had different goals and ideas and could not cooperate at all.

So he deliberately avoided Zhao Xingye and distanced himself from Zhao Xingye during this period of time.

Because compared to Zhao Xingye, he hoped to cooperate with Yi Feng more.

Yi Feng had such good technology at a young age, and he was thoughtful and smooth, did things without leaks, had a steady style of doing things, and was mature and sophisticated. He was much better than Zhao Xingye.

"Unexpectedly, Xiaofeng's business was booming not long after finishing the college entrance examination. He was worried about not being able to recruit people. What a wonderful worry."

"It is the graduation season recently, so this question... is not too difficult."Huang He added tea to Yi Feng and said only half of the sentence.

What he meant was that this matter was not difficult and he could do it, but... it still depended on what conditions Yi Feng offered.

So he wanted Yi Feng to say the other half of the sentence.

Yi Feng thought to himself that he was an old fox!

But he had already prepared a plan, and it depended on whether Huang He agreed.

If Huang He asked for a big deal and did not agree to this win-win plan, then he could only find other ways.

Yi Feng pondered for a moment and handed Huang He another cigarette.

"If the teacher can help me with this, it would be great. I also believe that this matter is not difficult for you, Mr. Huang."

"We are businessmen, and businessmen are people who constantly come up with ideas. If the teacher has an idea, he must thank you very much."

Yi Feng took out a piece of paper from his bag and handed it to Huang He.

After Huang He saw the contents on the paper, he was surprised at first, and then his expression calmed down.

He thought for a while, put the paper down, shook his head and smiled bitterly:"Xiao Feng, you are too generous, aren't you?"

"Is this your plan?"

He was shocked when he saw the plan.

Yi Feng smiled when he heard it. It seemed that his conditions did exceed Huang He's expectations. It also showed that Huang He, the old fox, was smart and did not intend to ask for too much.

Sometimes greedy people are the most stupid.

"Yes, that's my plan."Yi Feng drank a sip of tea and nodded.

"One percent of the salary is already a lot, and you... still want to give me 10 percent of the business dividend?"Huang He asked in astonishment.

Yi Feng stood up and cupped his hands, and said seriously:"Teacher Huang, what I pay attention to in business is steady flow. I almost never make a one-time deal, but make a long-term deal."

"The same is true when dealing with people. Only when the water flows slowly can we achieve steady and long-term progress."

"And I think Teacher Huang is also a very trustworthy elder. I respect you very much. This condition... is not high."

Yi Feng's words were so high-sounding, but in fact... he just wanted to tie Huang He together with long-term interests.

Only when the interests are deeply tied can the two people be considered to be in the same boat.

To be precise, they should

It was Yi Feng's trick to pull Huang He onto his pirate ship and tie him up.

After Yi Feng finished speaking, he drank tea by himself and secretly noticed Huang He's expression. , tapping the table lightly with one hand, seeming to be seriously considering Yi Feng's plan.

He also understands what this plan means.

Once they agree, the two people will also have their interests tied together, and the rise and fall of the business will be related to their common interests.

Huang He thought for a while, stopped moving his fingers, took the teapot to add tea to Yi Feng, and said with a smile

"Xiao Feng, you are so thoughtful."

"Come on, this time, I’ll give you a toast with tea instead of wine."

"In the future, we need to communicate more!"

"I believe that if we work together, we will be able to overcome the difficulties and get through the hard times!"

Yi Feng was certain when he heard this.


He, the old fox, agreed to this plan!

He suppressed his inner joy, raised his teacup and gently clinked it with Huang He.

"Teacher Huang is right, we should communicate more. I will definitely come to you for advice from time to time in the future!"

"When the time comes, teacher, please don't find me annoying! Haha!"

Huang He squinted and smiled,"No, no, why would I find you annoying? I'm so happy!"

"Come, I wish Xiaofeng a prosperous business!"

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