It was already 11 o'clock in the evening when Yi Feng returned home. After washing, he turned on the computer and prepared to do some work on the server backend.

Nowadays, the number of downloads of 361 Computer Security Manager is increasing every day. Although the programs are run locally and do not consume much server resources, the increase in the number of users will also squeeze the server resources and require regular optimization, otherwise the program cannot be used normally.

Yi Feng habitually hung up his buttons, but unexpectedly found that Gu Muxi's profile picture was on, and she also sent him a message.

Shuimunianhua:"Hello, is little GG here? Why isn't it online yet?"

"Did you go out to fool around somewhere? (Smiling face)"

Yi Feng was a little surprised. Why hasn't this girl gone to bed yet?

Feng:"I'm back. Why haven't you gone to bed yet?"

After a while, Shui Mu Nianhua sent a message.

Shui Mu Nianhua:"I can't sleep tonight. I'm checking schools!"

Yi Feng's heart moved, and he asked:"Have you chosen a school and a major?"

Shui Mu Nianhua:"Not yet, I'm still struggling."

Feng:"Do you have decision-making difficulty?"

Shui Mu Nianhua:"Bah, you're sick. This is called careful consideration. Careful, understand?"

Feng:"Okay, then tell me when you've made up your mind."

Shui Mu Nianhua:"Why should I tell you? Humph~ I won't tell you!"

"Do you want to meet me offline?"

"But if you see me, you will definitely be shocked!"

Gu Muxi's eyes turned into crescent moons when she smiled, and her eyes were full of cunning.

Master Yi, Master Yi, this time I am in the dark and you are in the light, let's see how this girl teases you!


Feng:"Indeed, from the chat I can must be a tall and thick girl"

"You might actually be shocked if you see it."

When Gu Muxi saw this, her eyes widened, and she was so angry that she almost spit out blood.

Damn it!!

Stinky Feng!

How dare you call me stupid?! How could I be stupid?

You're just stupid!

Shuimunianhua:" I'm not a bigot!"

""I'm as beautiful as a fairy!"

Gu Muxi snorted proudly.

Although she is not narcissistic, she is still somewhat confident about her appearance.

Feng:"I don't believe it, unless you send me a photo."

Yi Feng smiled, you little brat, you want to fight with me?

Shuimu Nianhua:"I don't have any photos, and I won't show them to you even if I have them, hum~bye!!"

Gu Muxi immediately downloaded QQ and sat on the chair sulking alone.

Why is that stinky guy so irritating?


But... stinky Feng doesn't know that he is chatting about me on QQ, right?

He shouldn't know, right?


Yi Feng saw her profile picture turned gray and laughed secretly.

Gu Muxi, Gu Muxi, you always want to make fun of me. I am so happy that you can make me lose. I am Yi Feng, write it backwards.

"Didi didi——"

Suddenly, QQ rang with new messages.

Yi Lu Xiang Bei:"Good evening, Feng Shen, when will 361 update its version?"

"I have a new idea. How about developing a virus database plan for the new version?"

"By collecting data on users being attacked and virus program characteristics, and then updating them on other devices through the server, we can prevent the risk of virus spread. What do you think?"

Yi Feng was startled when he saw the message he sent. This guy actually guessed his next update plan!

All the way north is a netizen he met online recently. He has strong program development skills and is a developer master. The two of them I occasionally discuss network security and the development of the Internet, and the conversation is quite good.

The other party is also impressed by Yi Feng's excellent technology and his vision for the future development of the Internet. He usually calls Yi Feng the god of maple:

"You guessed it. Okay, this is what I want to update next, but it will take a while."

All the way north:"Maple God can find a technology company to develop 361 together. I feel that your application will become a phenomenal application!"

"It has great potential to become the domestic version of OKTA!"

Yi Feng smiled and typed:"Which technology company do you think can do it?"

Without its own ideas, no company can operate this security software well.

Yi Lu Xiang Bei:"Yes, Penguin Company. To be honest, I am from Penguin Company. If we develop 361 together, we can definitely popularize the program throughout the network very quickly!"

Yi Feng's eyes widened in surprise. He didn't expect that this netizen was from Penguin!

At this time, Penguin is still just a small company. Although it is growing rapidly, its profitability is extremely weak and its daily operation and maintenance costs are high. Ma Teng, the founder of Penguin, even wanted to sell the company.

Then isn't now the right time to contact Penguin?

Penguin! The future giant of the Chinese Internet, one of the world's highest-valued Internet companies, and the largest Internet company in BAT in terms of scale and profitability!

If we take the opportunity to take over Penguin...

Yi Feng's eyes flashed with excitement!

The future giant company!

If we take over Penguin, it's so exciting!

Damn! It would be awesome if we could really take it over!

Yi Feng took a few deep breaths to suppress his excitement and calm down a little.

He thought carefully and from the perspective of Yi Lu Xiang Bei's personal ability, he was right. Fang's position in Penguin is definitely not low, at least he is a technical director.

He intends to cooperate in the development of the 361 project, and he also has his eyes on the market in the field of computer security.

However, Yi Feng does not intend to hand over this project to other companies for development, but plans to form another technical team to develop it.

In the future, computer security will be a rigid demand, whether it is a corporate or personal PC, it is a rigid demand. No computer does not have a security program. Lack of security programs makes it easy to be hijacked by virus programs!

Computer security is as important to computers as air is to people.

Yi Feng does not want to jointly develop the project with Penguin, but he really wants to invest in Penguin and fully control Penguin!

Such an opportunity cannot be missed!

If Penguin gets through the difficulties, it will be even more difficult to invest in Penguin again in the future!

Yi Feng rolled his eyes and typed:"Joint development, your proposal is good and worth considering."

Yi Lu Xiang Bei immediately replied:"Really?! Are you really considering it?"

"If possible, I would like to meet with you and have a good chat, not for anything, just to have a meal."

"It's my honor to meet Fengshen!"

Yi Feng raised a smile and said,"Sure, you should be in Shenzhen, I'm in Guangzhou, it shouldn't be far away."

Yi Lu Xiang Bei:"Okay, when is Fengshen free? I'll come to see you!"

Feng:"I'm free both days of next weekend, when you arrive in Shenzhen, just call me, here's my phone number."

Yi Feng sent him his phone number, and the two exchanged contact information. Yi Lu

Xiang Bei said that he would definitely come on the weekend, and he was looking forward to the meeting very much.

After the two chatted about some technical topics, Yi Feng downloaded QQ.

At this time, it was late at night, in Shenzhen Saipeng Technology Park, Penguin Company.

Penguin Company was the only one with lights on in the entire building, and there were many technical personnel on duty.

Zhang Zhibei ran to the office excitedly, without knocking, and pushed the door open directly.

"Ha ha! Good news, good news!

Ma Teng raised his head and saw Zhang Zhibei's excited face, and asked curiously:"What good news makes you so happy?""

"The master from 361 Computer Security Manager is willing to meet with us!"

"We are scheduled to meet next weekend!"

"And he said that he could consider jointly developing and operating the 361 security software with Penguin Company!"Zhang Zhibei was extremely excited.

He felt that this would be a turning point for Penguin!

If he could win the 361 security software project, it would very likely bring enough revenue to Penguin!

When Ma Teng heard this, he was also overjoyed. He slapped the table and stood up, saying:"Okay, very good!"

"Then next Sunday, I will go with you to meet this Maple God together!"

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