"Buy one? Build one? Brother Feng... that will cost a lot of money?!"

"At least tens of millions, right?" Wang Tie took the cigarette and said in astonishment.

Yi Feng rolled his eyes at him and said with a smile,"Tens of millions? What are you thinking? At least 1 billion. If you want to buy a better house, it will cost at least 20 to 30 billion." When

Wang Tie heard this number, he was so scared that he dropped the cigarette on the ground.

"What? So much money? Don't buy it. This money is enough for us to live a good life for more than ten lifetimes.……"Wang Tie shook his head and smiled.

Yi Feng patted him on the shoulder and smiled:"It is an unimaginable amount of money for us now, but I believe that in the future, more than a billion will be just small money for us."

""Uh...Brother Feng is awesome!" Wang Tie said with great admiration.

He admired Yi Feng's talent and ambition the most. For him, earning millions was the most extravagant dream in his life.

But he felt that Yi Feng had never thought about it that way. It seemed that tens of millions, hundreds of millions, and billions were just small sums in Yi Feng's eyes.

Yi Feng turned his head to look at Han Ping'an and said,"Ping'an, after the office is completed, the Internet cafe business that you are responsible for will also begin. Start with site selection, and then recruit people at the same time. You should research the area yourself first. According to my research method, give me a list of store addresses, and I will take care of the computer equipment."

"I have already written the personnel signboard, employment, and daily management system. I will send it to you when the time comes. You just need to familiarize yourself with it and then implement it according to the system."

"Also, I have a management experience. I will give you and Wang Tie a copy each. You should read it carefully, memorize it, and apply it to your daily management."

"As long as you learn and apply it thoroughly, managing a department or a business will not be a big problem. Anyway, if you don’t understand, I am here and you can ask me at any time."

Han Pingan took note and nodded:"Yes, Brother Feng, I understand, I will work hard!"

Wang Tie also nodded solemnly and said:"Brother Feng, don’t worry, although our starting point is not high, we don’t know much, and there are still many things to learn, but we are not afraid of encountering difficulties, let alone learning!"

Yi Feng smiled with relief. What people fear most is not that they don't know how to do something, but that they are unwilling to learn and grow. What makes him feel relieved is that Han Ping'an and Wang Tie are both very willing and very active learners.

Especially Wang Tie, he has made rapid progress and is completely different from the silly big guy before. He seems to have become a different person.

He has become smarter, more thoughtful, and more knowledgeable about how to deal with people.

This is the power of progress.

Han Ping'an is introverted and not good at dealing with people, but he has strong learning and execution abilities. He doesn't know how to guide shopping, but he memorized all the guide scripts overnight.

When a customer consults, he can also respond with scripts, which really shocked Yi Feng at the time.

Although these two people are not the best management talents yet, Yi Feng is very optimistic about them. There will be a future. One day, they will become the top CEOs.

Yi Feng then handed over the rest of the work to the two of them one by one, and his next most important thing was to recruit people, expand the team, and fill the department.

Two days later, Huang He played a role and allowed Yi Feng to hold a special recruitment session at the school's employment office.

Since the salary and benefits offered by Yi Feng were higher than the market, fresh graduates signed up enthusiastically, and more than 200 people participated in the interview that day.

A single recruitment session lasted for two days. Yi Feng interviewed more than 500 people in two days and finally recruited 52 people.

In addition to the four financial cashiers in the finance department, four people in the human resources department, and four people in the administrative department, these 52 people, the remaining 40 people, of which 30 were in the computer maintenance department, and their positions were maintenance technicians. The remaining ten people are programmers in different directions, including UI, backend, frontend, desktop application development and so on.

These are only the people Yifeng has initially recruited. Huang He will continue to allocate resources in the future, especially recommend outstanding graduates to Yifeng, but the subsequent recruitment work will be handed over to the human resources department for docking. The human resources department will screen them layer by layer, and finally Yifeng will check them. Only after passing Yifeng's interview can they be finally hired.

Yi Feng will not completely trust the vision of the human resources department, and always trust his own vision more.

After the team was initially recruited, Yi Feng next devoted himself to the busy pre-job training. In addition to the three service functions, the maintenance technicians in the computer maintenance section and programmers in various positions received the most intensive pre-job training.

Yi Feng expects that this batch of new employees will undergo high-intensity training. , after 12 hours of training every day, it will take about a week for these outstanding graduates from 211 colleges and universities to officially take up their posts.

Academic qualifications are not the only reflection of personal ability, but they are a reflection of learning ability. Only with a smart enough mind and strong enough learning ability can one be admitted to a 211 undergraduate college, and academic qualifications are regarded as an important part of personal ability.

Time passed in Yi Feng's busy work, and Sunday came in a blink of an eye.

Early that morning, Yi Feng was awakened by the vibration of his mobile phone before he woke up.

Yi Feng rubbed his sleepy eyes, saw the name on the phone clearly, and woke up instantly.

It was Zhang Zhibei, the chief technology officer and CTO of Penguin Company, all the way north!

Good guy, he's finally here.

They called early in the morning, it seems they can't wait.

Yi Feng smiled slightly and answered the phone

"Hello, good morning, Maple God. It’s so early, doesn’t it disturb your sleep?"

Zhang Zhibei's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Yi Feng rubbed his sleepy eyes and smiled:"No, I got up early and was waiting for your call."

Actually, he was woken up by the phone call, but in order to show that he valued the other party, Yi Feng said this.

Sometimes when dealing with people, you have to be honest and truthful.���

"Ha ha! So we drove here from Shenzhen City early in the morning, and our boss of Penguin Company, Mr. Ma, was also with us."

Yi Feng's eyes flashed, Ma Teng, the man who will stand in the Chinese Internet pyramid in the future! The man who once became the richest man in Daxia!

We are finally going to face him face to face!

I'm really looking forward to it!

"OK, when will you arrive?"Yi Feng suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked

"It will take about an hour. Fengshen, you can go directly to the White Swan Hotel. Mr. Ma has already booked a private room there a day in advance. Let's have a good gathering."

Yi Feng couldn't help but laugh. Ma

Teng was really willing to spend money. The White Swan Hotel was one of the few five-star hotels in Guangzhou, and the consumption was not low.

It seemed that they were very concerned about 361 Computer Security Butler.

"OK, I'll be there in about an hour."Yi Feng replied.

After hanging up the phone, Yi Feng got up, washed himself, groomed himself, put on a white shirt and trousers, and combed his hair like an adult. He took a look in the mirror and was satisfied. go out


An hour later, Zhang Zhibei and Ma Teng drove to the White Swan Hotel in advance. After parking the car, they waited for Yifeng at the entrance of the lobby.

"Hey, it seems we are a little early, how about we go to the box and have a rest first?"Zhang Zhibei yawned, he was a little sleepy after driving early in the morning.

Ma Teng shook his head and said with a smile:"Let's wait here, we are here to seek cooperation, we must have basic business etiquette to leave a good impression on Fengshen."

"Well, okay, okay, I'll sit next to you and rest for a while."Zhang Zhibei yawned and rested on the chair next to him.

After about ten minutes, Zhang Zhibei looked at the time and it was exactly the time he and Yi Feng agreed to meet.

""Hmm? Why hasn't Maple God come yet?" He stood up and looked at the entrance of the lobby, only to see many people coming in and out.

Ma Teng squinted his eyes and looked at everyone who came in. Suddenly, a figure in a white shirt caught his eye.

It was a young man who looked very young, with a neat backcombed hair, a white shirt on the upper body, and black trousers on the lower body. He gave people a clean and handsome feeling, and his temperament was elegant.

Ma Teng's eyes flashed with a gleam, and he said calmly:"That Maple God, he is here!"

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