"You? Why are you feeling uncomfortable?" Gu Muxi continued to suck on the old popsicle and asked in confusion.

"Ahem, nothing."Yi Feng laughed dryly, tore open the packaging bag of the old popsicle, and began to lick it slowly.

Needless to say, eating an old popsicle in the hot summer, that feeling is so refreshing.

And there is no need to worry about ice cream assassins, popsicles and ice cream in this era are basically not expensive.

While eating the old popsicle, listening to the laughter of the elderly on the roadside and the sound of children playing, there is a peaceful and harmonious scene.

Although there is a power outage, the neighbors can still chat warmly, and everyone has a friendly smile on their face.

People on the road who don't look down to browse their mobile phones are no longer indifferent.

Technology has changed life and made life more convenient, but it has also severed the connection between people.

Yi Feng sighed secretly in his heart, and suddenly felt that living in such an era is not bad.

"Stinky maple...the spicy strips in your hand……"Gu Muxi suddenly said, staring at the spicy strips and licking his lips.

"Huh? You finished the popsicle so quickly?"Yi Feng looked at her in surprise.

"Yes, I just finished it in three or two bites."Gu Muxi spread her hands, expressing her helplessness.

Yi Feng saw her eyes staring at the spicy strips and said with a smile:"What, you want to eat?"

"If you want to eat, just tell me!"

"How would I know you want to eat if you don’t tell me?"

"If you want to eat, just say you want to eat."

"Why don't you say it?"

Gu Muxi wanted to reach out to take it, but Yi Feng's hand was dangling and he spoke like he was chanting sutras, which almost made her feel like her head would explode.

What does this stinky Feng want to do?

"Stinky maple! I want to eat, I want to eat, okay?!"Gu Muxi gritted her teeth and glared at him.

Yi Feng opened the bag, pinched out one stick and asked,"Which stick do you want to eat?"

"Yours!" Gu Muxi licked her lips, looking greedy.

"Hey, you are really good at picking. You just saw that mine is longer, right?"

"Now, here you go."Yi Feng said with a fond smile.

"Hehe, Master Yi, you are smart!" Gu Muxi took the spicy strips and bit off

""It's delicious!" Gu Muxi said vaguely.

Yi Feng saw that her lips were red from eating, which was very tempting.

He really wanted to kiss her!

But... if he kissed her now, Gu Muxi would probably cut him into pieces, right?

And his mouth would be full of spicy snacks. Or... it felt better last time!

Yi Feng missed the courage he had when he was in school.

"Mr. Yi, look, are you born with stars?"

"Can you still see the stars now? where?"

"There it is!"

The two of them were sitting in front of the small shop, eating spicy strips in the dark, taking advantage of the cool evening breeze, and looking up at the stars in the sky.


Three days later, Monday morning.

Yi Feng took Wang Tie to terminate the cooperation agreement and came to Shengde Company.

This time it was Nie Xin who came to receive them.

Nie Xin walked into the reception room and said with a smile:"Haha, welcome, Mr. Yi is so busy with business, it's a rare opportunity to come over, what an honor!""

"Come on, let's have a cigarette first."

Nie Xin smiled hypocritically, took out a pack of Furong King, took out two cigarettes and offered them to Yi Feng.

But Yi Feng looked indifferent and raised his hand to refuse.

"Manager Nie, I can't afford your cigarettes."

After saying that, Yi Feng took out a pack of soft medium-sized cigarettes, gave one to Wang Tie, and then lit one for himself.

Nie Xin looked a little embarrassed. He gave out Furong Wang cigarettes, and Yi Feng smoked soft medium-sized cigarettes. How could he not afford it?

It was obvious that he looked down on him!

Nie Xin looked at Yi Feng's face and seemed to have guessed something. He simply stopped pretending, sneered, and lit a cigarette for himself.

"Why did Boss Yi come to the company today?"Nie Xin exhaled a burst of smoke and said lazily.

His tone no longer had the same enthusiasm as before.

Yi Feng smoked, squinted, stared at him coldly, and said:"Manager Nie, you deliberately sold those two batches of goods. For me?"

"What two batches of goods? I don't know what you are talking about."Nie Xin pretended not to understand and acted crazy and stupid.

""It's those two batches of discounted goods. You deliberately sold me defective goods, didn't you?" Yi Feng didn't want to pretend with him, so he slammed the table and cursed.

"Hey, Boss Yi, you can't slander people out of thin air. I didn't give you any defective products. What we sell are all genuine products. Genuine products. Do you understand?"Nie Xin sneered.

Yi Feng calmed down. He had expected that he would not admit it. Even if he sued him, there was a high probability that the evidence would be insufficient in the end and he would fail.

Besides, waiting for the trial, court session, and adjustment, there is no such thing as three years and two years. Endless

"Haha, Mr. Nie, you are trying to trick me, right? Is it fun to hang out with Zhao Xingye, that old Bidden?"Yi Feng blew a smoke ring and said calmly.

Nie Xin didn't expect Yi Feng to point out Zhao Xingye. A trace of panic flashed in his eyes, but he quickly calmed down.

"Boss Yi, I don’t know what you are talking about"

"I don't know if it's a trap or not."Nie Xin shook his head, as if he would never admit that there was nothing you could do to me.

But Yi Feng had already noticed his slightly panicked look just now, and he was 80% or 90% sure in his heart. As expected, the old guy Zhao Xingye was behind him. Damn it!

Wang Tie said angrily:"Fuck! You dare to do it but dare not admit it, right?!"

"Although your two batches of goods are genuine, they are also defective! Damn it! We lost a lot of money!"

"You still don't admit it?"

Wang Tie finally couldn't help it and turned hostile to Nie Xin on the spot.

Nie Xin glanced at the two of them with disdain and sneered:"Don't slander me, be careful or I will sue you for defamation. You said that I cheated you, do you have any evidence? What about that batch of goods, this batch of goods, can it be proved that they are our goods?"

"Oops, I forgot to tell you, those two batches of goods don’t exist here at all."

""Fuck you!" Wang Tie slammed the table and cursed at him, wishing he could punch him in the face.

Yi Feng pulled him back, his face calm.

"It doesn't matter if you don't admit it, we know it well, we still have a long time to live, so take it slow."

"I can have fun with you, there's a chance."

Yi Feng sneered, turned around and took out a document from his bag.

"This is a notice of termination of cooperation. From now on, Xifeng Electronics and Shengde Company will officially end their cooperation!"

After saying that, Yi Feng stood up, threw the document into his face, and knocked his cigarette to the ground.

""Fuck you! You TM!" Nie Xin was burned by the cigarette on the corner of his mouth and cursed. When he looked up, Yi Feng and Wang Tie had already walked out of the reception room.

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