That afternoon, Yi Feng called Wang Tie to his home to discuss the dinner for tomorrow.

Wang Tie took out a pack of Double Happiness cigarettes from his pocket, took one and handed it to Yi Feng.

"Brother Feng, have one."

Yi Feng looked at him in surprise, then took the cigarette and said with a smile:"You know how to carry cigarettes with you now?"

Wang Tiehan laughed and scratched his head,"Hey, how can I not bring cigarettes when I go out to work?"

Yi Feng looked at the Hongshuangxi in his hand, which is a 5-yuan cigarette, and shook his head and smiled:"Next time, you can prepare an extra pack of Furongwang, we can smoke Hongshuangxi ourselves"

"I'll give you money later. You go buy one and put it in the store. Just take it with you when you go out. Wang

Tiehan laughed and said,"Yes, Brother Feng, I understand.""

He took out a lighter, lit a fire, lit it for Yi Feng, and then lit it for himself.

Yi Feng smoked a cigarette, thought for a moment and said:"Tiezi, let's buy some gifts later, five gifts."

"Boss Ning offered to help us and was so enthusiastic, so I still want to express my gratitude."

"That Feng Ze, Feng is always the one we want to win over. We need to think carefully about the gifts we want to give."

"The other two dealers cannot be left out. If we give it to Feng Ze and not to them, others will think we are stingy and look down on others."

"Mr. Feng's secretary should also be prepared, but it doesn't need to be too expensive, so as not to put too much pressure on the other party. Too expensive will be counterproductive. A delicate little thing will do."

Wang Tie held a cigarette in his mouth and took out a small notebook to write down

"Brother Feng is always considerate. So what gifts should we buy for each of us?"

Yi Feng smoked a cigarette and thought for a long time, his mind calculating rapidly.

In his mind, he recalled all the details of Feng Ze's conversation with Ning Feipeng during dinner, hoping to piece together Feng Ze's personality and preferences.

Suddenly, Yi Feng remembered that Ning Feipeng and he were fishing friends, and they occasionally went fishing in the wild.

A flash of lightning flashed through his mind, and he already had a choice of gift in his mind.

A suitable fishing rod would be great.

It doesn't need to be too expensive, because a first meeting gift is too expensive and the utilitarian intention is too obvious, but it can't be a very ordinary gift, it needs to be a little special.

"Give Feng Ze a fishing rod, give Boss Ning a can of tea, give the other two CEOs the same four treasures of the study, and give CEO Feng's secretary a better pen." Yi Feng exhaled a puff of smoke and said. Wang

Tie carefully pondered the meaning, and suddenly seemed to understand something, and praised:"Brother Feng is really thoughtful, I think this arrangement will work!"

"What do you see?"Yi Feng asked with a squinted smile, planning to test him.

"Mr. Feng likes fishing, and Mr. Ning likes drinking tea. The two CEOs are not familiar with each other, so giving them the same four treasures of the study is considered a sign of their mutual respect. Moreover, both of them will like a more elegant gift. As for Mr. Feng's secretary, a small gift will suffice."

""Brother Feng, am I right?" Wang Tie asked like a student.

Yi Feng shook his head and smiled:"Yes, but not entirely. If we look at the value of the gifts as I expected, Mr. Feng's fishing rod and Mr. Ning's tea are equally valuable, followed by Mr. Feng's female secretary, and finally the other two CEOs."

Wang Tie was surprised and said:"Why does Brother Feng care so much about that female secretary?"

Yi Feng leaned back in his chair, blew a smoke ring, glanced at Wang Tie, and said:"Do you still remember that Mr. Ning said that Mr. Feng has a family, a wife and children."

"The child is in junior high school, Feng Ze should be nearly 40 years old, he has a successful career, a family, but he has a beautiful secretary by his side, this is something you should think about."

Wang Tie heard this and suddenly realized something on his face.

"Could it be……"

Yi Feng raised his hand to stop what he said next,"Even if you guess that, you can't say it, and don't think too much. Everything still depends on the actual situation before making a judgment."

"This incident can only prove one point, that is, Feng Ze trusts his secretary more, and he also brings his secretary to accompany him to such a dinner."

Wang Tie swallowed the rest of his words and nodded:"Hehe, what Brother Feng said makes sense, I learned something again!"

After that, he wrote down what Yi Feng just said in a small notebook.

Yi Feng finished smoking a cigarette, extinguished it in the ashtray, and said:"Now that it's decided, let's go prepare the gifts."

"You can't catch a wolf without sacrificing a child, so the money that should be spent still has to be spent."

Wang Tie also put out his cigarette and quickly stood up,"Okay, Brother Feng!"

The two of them left the community together and rode their bicycles to various nearby markets and business districts.

Fortunately, after the operation, in addition to the hospitalization expenses, there was still a surplus of 20,000 yuan. This 20,000 yuan was not enough for the opening of the business, but there was no need to be too stingy when buying gifts. After running around for an afternoon, Yi Feng and Wang Tie finally bought all the gifts.

The gift for Feng Ze was a fishing rod worth 700 yuan, which was a classic limited edition of Guangwei. The material of the rod was good, mainly because it was a limited edition and there were relatively few on the market. Yi Feng also ran around in several markets to find the only one.

The gift for Ning Feipeng was Wuyi Narcissus worth 600 yuan, which is considered to be a relatively expensive tea on the market, and this tea is more niche and has a unique taste.

The gift for Secretary Feng was a 280-yuan gold-plated carved fountain pen, which looked like a work of art, both ornamental and practical. All good.

Finally, the other two CEOs were given a set of exquisite study tools worth about a hundred yuan, which was enough for calligraphy.

The gift was not expensive but elegant after all.

Nowadays, even the nouveau riche want to practice calligraphy to improve their inner qualities.

Even if you don't practice calligraphy, it will give off a scholarly vibe when placed at home.

After all, when people have money, they have to make themselves look less rustic and more elegant, with more temperament and inner qualities.

The pursuit of elegance is also a common trait of wealthy people. After all, people without money are busy making money and have no time for elegance. This is also a way to distinguish social classes and identities.

At noon the next day, Yi Feng and Wang Tie took the gifts to the store and carefully wrapped them, and bought a few nice gift bags to put them in. In the afternoon, the two of them packed up, changed into short-sleeved shirts and trousers, and at five o'clock in the afternoon, they took the gifts and took a taxi to Lianxiang Tower.


There were already five people sitting in the Tianque box of Lianxiang Tower. The one sitting in the main seat was a middle-aged man with a slicked-back hair and a white shirt. On the left was Ning Feipeng.

"Brother Feng, are you worried that I will stand you up for this meal? You are yelling to come over before you get off work. Ning Feipeng said jokingly.

The slightly fat middle-aged man in a suit is Feng Ze, the boss of Nanqiao Trading.

"I didn't eat much at noon, so I came here to save some space for your meal. I was hungry before I got off work in the afternoon, haha!" Feng Ze joked

"By the way, when will your little brother named Yi Feng arrive?"

"You've praised him a lot in front of me, I want to know what kind of person is worthy of your praise.

Ning Feipeng smiled and said,"I just called him and I'm ready to go."

"Hehe, my brother Yi is really good. I can't prove it with just words. You will know when he comes."

Feng Ze said with a smile:"You guys are still keeping me in suspense, really."

At this time, a beautiful woman sitting on his right, wearing a light blue professional suit, thin-framed glasses, graceful figure, and elegant temperament, smiled and said:"Boss Ning said that, I am also a little curious, let's see what kind of genius he is."

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