Fei Qingshu's face gradually converged, although he had not undergone special training, his IQ was not low, so he could also hear Lin Can tricking him!

"Yesterday night around ten to twelve o'clock, where were you?"

Lin Can changed the subject and asked, "What did you do?"

"I work on the accounting of some projects in our company. "

Fei Qingshu replied.

"So...... You've been in the company all night?"

"Of course. "

Fei Qingshu nodded and said, "I was still working early this morning, and I hurried over when I received your call." "

"So I don't know if there is an underground parking lot downstairs in Mr. Fei's company?"

Lin Can raised his eyebrows and asked.

"How can an office building not have a parking lot, otherwise where do you think my car should be parked?"

Fei Qingshu frowned and looked at Lin Can in front of him and said, "What do you want to say?"

"That's amazing, it turns out that the underground parking lot ...... Will you be ticketed too?"

Lin Can smiled and took out a small piece of wet shredded paper from his pocket, "This was found from the front windshield wiper of your car, thinking that you can't find it if you tear up the ticket?" "

Seeing the small piece of ticket fragment in Lin Can's hand, Fei Qingshu's face became cloudy.

He began to realize that Lin Can in front of him was ...... It doesn't seem to be easy!

"Why lie?"

Lin Can looked directly at Fei Qingshu in front of him, "You should know that the current form is very unfavorable to you, you had better think clearly before answering." "

"I spent the night at my friend's house. "

Fei Qingshu said: "I just don't want to tell you, so I just made a reason, can't I?"

"Which friend?"

Lin Can continued to ask.

"What does this have to do with the case!"

Fei Qingshu said in a cold tone: "This is obviously my personal privacy, I don't need to report it to you!"

"But it is necessary for you to provide yourself with an alibi. "

Lin Can shrugged and said, "Otherwise, we will continue to investigate you before ruling out your suspicion." "

"You're threatening me?"

Fei Qingshu's face was gloomy.

"We just follow the process."

Lin Can said: "You are the husband of the deceased, and there are many suspicious points on your body at the same time, and you refuse to provide a detailed alibi, we must find out the suspicious points on you." "

"I went to the South Bay community that day, where there was a villa of mine. "

Fei Qingshu said coldly: "I stayed there all night yesterday night, where can you go to get the surveillance, you should be able to take pictures of my car entering and leaving." "

"Wouldn't it be okay to cooperate like this earlier?"

Lin Can looked at Fei Qingshu in front of him with a smile.

Fei Qingshu kept his face black and did not continue to speak.

"Okay, let's take a break for a while, let Mr. Fei go to the next office to adjust his thoughts, find two police officers to accompany Mr. Fei well, don't let him make any mistakes." "

Lin Can said to Lu Jiatao and Ma Guozhen on the side: "Let's sort out the case here." "

Lu Jiatao and Ma Guozhen both nodded, and then Ma Guozhen immediately commanded the police officers on the side.

Watching the police take Fei Qingshu to the office next door, Lin Can said directly to Ma Guozhen: "Call Chen Lingyue over, let her test the ingredients of the bottle of medicine that was found from Fei Qingshu before." "

"I've messaged her before. "

Ma Guozhen said: "She should be here soon. "

"Also, investigate Fei Qingshu's interpersonal relationships and see if there are any people around Fei Qingshu with the word 'Xiuying' in their names. "

Lin Can said: "Especially the villa in Nanwan that he just mentioned, in addition to going over there to get monitoring, I also have to investigate who lives in his villa on weekdays!"


Ma Guozhen immediately nodded in agreement.

"Professor Lin is really professional enough......"

Lu Jiatao on the side sighed: "I haven't let go of any clues, and you have noticed some of my negligence." "

Senior Lu praised it falsely. "

Lin Can waved his hand slightly, and said: "I just thought of a problem, I have simply inspected the doors and windows of various rooms in the entire funeral parlor before, and all the windows in the parlor are equipped with anti-theft windows, so the murderer can only enter and exit from the front and back doors of the funeral parlor......"

But according to the staff member in the monitoring room, he did not see anyone in or out that day, and after the power outage, the staff member soon discovered that the body had been stolen and that he himself had been attacked. "

"If the murderer entered the funeral home after a power outage, it would have been too late to sneak into the funeral home before the staff found out, steal the body and attack the staff. "

"And how could he have predicted so precisely when the power would go out?"

"So there is a high probability that the power outage was deliberately caused by the murderer, but the main power switch of the funeral home is in the hall. "

Lin Can squinted his eyes and said, "Then the question is, how did the murderer sneak into the funeral home under the surveillance of the two doors before and after, and then complete the stealing of the body and attack the staff?"

"In that case...... There are only two possibilities. "

Lu Jiatao on the side squinted his eyes and said: "The first possibility is that the staff member lied, and he has a lot to do with this corpse theft case." "

"The second is that there are other hidden entrances and exits in the funeral home. "

Lu Jiatao glanced at Lin Can, and the two of them understood each other, "Let's say...... Somewhere that leads directly to a vent under the funeral parlor!"

"That's right!"

Lin Can snapped his fingers and said to Ma Guozhen on the side: "Captain Ma, you immediately send police officers to conduct a detailed inspection around the funeral home, especially those places that are overgrown with weeds and blocked by various plants, to see if there are such hidden vents!"

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