Your women, and these people.

All of them will die, not one of them will be left!"

The arrogant voice of the blood dragon resounded incessantly in the air.

All the people around him were extremely resentful.

But his strength is weak, so he can only dodge.

And Caroline, even more kneeling on the ground, wailed and cried.

At this time, she was already sad to the extreme.

On the other side, the people of the Karl family, although extremely resentful.

But there is no way.

They can't gamble with their lives.

Bi 26 After all, there are too many people in the Blackstone tribe.

Once besieged here.

Unless the Han sends reinforcements, otherwise, there will be no death.

And at this moment, Karl did say lightly.

"You guys retreat first, just leave it to me here!"

"What, Carl you're crazy!"

Caroline's mother exclaimed.

There are 3,000 warriors here.

Each one is an elite, how can they be used to send them to death.

"Don't worry, mother, there is a formation here, and they can't break it.

Lead them away, I don't want you to die here in vain because of me.

Carolyn, I know you can't go.

But be obedient, I won't leave you alone.

It's our responsibility!"

After the words fell, his eyes were focused on the blood python in the distance.

"Blood pythons, you lowly reptiles.

Since you guys want to play.

Then I'll play with you once.

If you can win today, I will lose!"

As soon as the words fell, Karl moved.

It's a momentum of courage.

Behind him, there was a mighty blood flame surging.

Then, the scimitar in his hand drew a brilliant cold light.

It's as if it's about to split the sky.

When I came to the blood python.


The other party was directly stopped and cut in two.

The blood python's face showed a look of panic.

His vitality is tenacious, and even so, he still hasn't fallen.

However, now he has no combat effectiveness.

And right now.

Karl's eyes flashed with a cold light.

The long knife in his hand swung out.

In an instant, it is to chop the opponent's head to pieces.

Then, he turned and walked towards the rear.

At this moment, the morale of the people of the Blood Dragon Tribe reached its peak. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And everyone in the Carl family was about to crack their eyes.

"Carl, you traitor!"

Caroline's mother yelled.

Then, he led his people away.

She didn't want Karl to die for nothing.

And watching his father leave, Carl's eyes showed a gloomy color.

However, perseverance was immediately restored.

At this time, he said coldly to the blood dragon.

"I'm waiting for you, I hope you'll still be able to laugh when the time comes!"

When the voice sounded, he led the people away.

At this moment, the Karl tribe was completely destroyed.

In the entire hall, the remaining 073 are all people from the Blood Dragon Tribe.

Among them, there are many high-level members of the Blackstone clan.

Their faces at this time were full of excitement.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that a mere Blackstone clan would have such a hard bone. []

It's a long heritage!"

The old man of the Blood Demon Tribe said with a smile.

"Well, we had a lot of luck this time.

It's a big job to get that Karl back!"

The Blood Snake Patriarch on the side spoke.

Then, he signaled his subordinates to take the captives into the dungeon and shut them up.

At this time, within the Blood Dragon Tribe, there was already chaos.

Caroline, tears streaming down her face.

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