", useless thing, this is what will happen to you.

Take this woman down for me!"

At this time, the blood dragon was extremely rampant.

After the voice fell.

The surrounding blood dragons, however, were slaughtered in unison at this time.

They want to take Caroline, capture her, and make her a ban/slave.

It's a wonderful thing.

At this moment, Caroline's eyes showed a look of determination.

At the moment when the blood dragon came to kill.

She actually bit her neck.


A crisp voice rang out, and blood splattered.

Her figure 467 fell to the ground.

The head is tilted to the side, and the life is gone.

"Bastard, chase me!"

The blood dragon roared angrily, and at this time, he was extremely angry in his heart.

This Caroline actually killed herself in front of herself.

It made him feel humiliated.

With the order given.

The blood dragons around them all fled into the distance.

The Blood Dragon Clan, as an extremely ferocious and wild beast, can be said to be unscrupulous.

Especially, after getting the promotion of the Blood Spirit Bead, he was even more arrogant.

And Caroline, on the other side, although dead.

But in the eyes of the blood dragon clan, there is no impact in the slightest.

Because, in their opinion, Caroline has a weak character.

Since he is dead, there is naturally no need to be sad for him.

At this time, Liu Zheng didn't know the movements of the Blood Dragon Clan.

He was still sitting in the chariot, slowly moving forward.

This time, he came to find Carl.

And, even more important, it is to discover the secrets of the mountains of Qatar.

After all, according to the system, the fragment of this blood spirit bead is likely to be in the Qatar Mountains.

It's just that I don't know how much territory this blood dragon clan occupies in the Qatar Mountains.

At this time, the other party also determined the location of the blood dragon clan.

At this time, there was no rush to do it.

After all, the Blood Dragons are the overlords of the Qatar Mountains.

At this time, Karl had just been resurrected.

The strength simply can't play (CGCB) all.

If you attack rashly, I am afraid that there will be danger.

Thinking of this, Karl commanded.


The voice sounded, but the driver said respectfully.

Then the carriage stopped.


Immediately after, Karl's figure leaped out of the carriage.

Gaze across the mountains of Qatar.

There is plenty of aura here. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

However, at the same time, there is also a faint smell of blood.

Obviously, it is often bloodshed.

Moreover, the deeper you go, the stronger the smell of blood becomes.

You don't have to think about it to know that this is definitely a treasure land.

Then, Karl's form turned into a shock.

His speed was so fast that he could span thousands of miles in the blink of an eye.

Then, his eyes locked on a canyon.

In this canyon, there were bursts of shouts and killings.

He knew that that was the goal of his trip.

The home of the Blood Dragons.

At this time, in the canyon, the two sides were already fighting in one place.

The blood dragon clan, although it is strong.

But alas, now their leader has not reached the realm of the emperor.

It's just a gold-level powerhouse.

Therefore, after a short confrontation, it fell into a decline. []

And Carl and the others, after seeing such a scene, did not dare to slack off in the slightest.

Karl rushed into the field first.

His arms flickered, and the vast flames flickered.

In the battlefield, the wind howled.

Endless black fog shrouded everyone.

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