The picture on the canopy reappeared, and it changed.

A new image is here, on top of a tall tower, a black hole and a white hole are squeezing each other!

The black hole is like an endless abyss of nothingness, devouring everything around it, its edges distorting the surrounding space and time, emitting a terrifying and powerful suction. Its surface is constantly swallowing matter and energy, as if it is the abyss of the universe, devouring everything.

The White Hole, on the other hand, is like a white sea of infinite possibilities, constantly gushing out matter and energy. The edge of the white hole also distorts space and time, but the energy and matter it releases are like an endless source, providing a source of life for the world around it.

At the top of the spire, the squeezing of the black hole and the white hole creates a strange symmetry. The interaction between them produces strong gravitational waves, which are transmitted like the breath of the universe, and each wave causes the surrounding space to vibrate.

However, the strong gravitational pull of the black hole gradually gained the upper hand and began to devour the white hole. Although this process is incomparably long, on the scale of the universe, or to outsiders, it is only a brief moment.

Black holes and white holes seem to be in a never-ending war, constantly squeezing, colliding, separating, and converging, forming a delicate balance.

However, just when people thought that this balance would last, the white hole suddenly increased its power. Its reaction force instantly strengthened and began to form a new equilibrium with the black hole.

The black and white holes are intertwined in a Tai Chi pattern above the void, forming a spectacular scene.

In the process, the surrounding void also changes.

The otherwise static space began to rotate, as if pulled by an invisible force.

The gravitational waves of black and white holes also become more pronounced, as if the sound of cosmic breathing, and each wave triggers a shock in the surrounding space.

In this way, the black hole and the white hole are interdependent and mutually restrictive, forming a wonderful harmony, just like the Tai Chi Liangyi diagram.

Also, the area around the black hole and the white hole was originally a quiet space, and there should be no sound.

However, at this moment, this space seems to be transformed into a living symphony field, and the spectacular music continues to sound.

These sounds are not ordinary sounds, they are more like notes produced by the movement of celestial bodies. Each roar is like the breath of the universe, deep and powerful, making people feel the grandeur and mystery of the universe.

These sounds appear to be transmitted from the gravitational waves of black and white holes. Whenever the gravitational waves of black and white holes fluctuate, they create a wave similar to sound waves that propagate through the surrounding void to form a music-like melody.

At the same time, the void around the black and white holes seems to become a giant sound, amplifying these sound waves and transmitting them to farther space. The sight is incredible, as if the universe is playing a silent symphony.


The races of the universe stared intently at this scene on the canopy, silent.

The scene was so shocking that they couldn't speak for a while.

The picture on the canopy was playing non-stop, and everyone in the entire hall was still immersed in the shocking picture, unable to extricate themselves. They are fascinated by the strange sights of the deep universe, especially black holes and white holes, as if they are in a magical cosmic journey.

Morgana: What is this? White Hole and Black Hole? This is also wealth?].

[Pan Zhen: Being able to master the operation of white holes and black holes is also an incomparably powerful technology].

[Xuantian Ji: What the general said is extreme!].

[Mercy Wind: But what is the purpose of this thing?].

[Dukao: Looks very mysterious!even great!].

[Hexi: Both black holes and white holes are sources of strong gravity, which are equivalent to two sides of the same coin, but so far, there have been no cases of collisions between white holes and black holes].

Morgana: Damn, you might as well not tell me, I just want to know what this thing is for!].

At this point, the canopy font changes, and a question begins to appear on it:

[Question: What is the use of this artificial celestial body?].

[Rewards will be awarded to the respondents based on the similarity of the answers.] 】

Chat room.

Morgana: I'm ...... Why do I want to know?

[Rose: Can I get a reward for answering questions?].

[Eater King: My god Karl will be able to answer this question. 】

[Ge Xiaolun: Don't worry, let me think about it first. 】


Demon One.

In the core command room deep in the depths of Demon One, the beautiful Demon Queen Morgana stood in the center, her eyes as sharp as eagles, staring at Black Wind, Ato, and a group of demon researchers who were busy in front of her.

Behind her, a huge holographic screen reflects images of black and white holes, like a deep and mysterious picture.

"Think!" Morgana's voice was cold but firm, "what the hell is this!" she pointed at the image of the swirling black and white holes.

"Understood!" replied in unison to the surrounding demon researchers, their faces full of determination and determination. These researchers are the elite of the demon clan, and they use supercomputers to solve the mysteries of black and white holes.

As they operate, the data on the large screen in the command room flows rapidly, and the images are constantly changing. The use, structure, and operation of black and white holes...... Everything was parsed out in detail, but at the critical moment, a striking red warning appeared on the screen: "The result cannot be calculated." "

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