The use of this color not only gives people a sense of minimalism, but also gives the world a unique sense of beauty and mystery.

In this black-and-white world, Kaisha, Angel Hiko, and Angel Burning Heart have to readjust their perceptions and perceptions.

They need to adapt to this unique color pattern, while also dealing with the visual and psychological challenges that come with it.

Moreover, in this void world, there are many creatures that have never been seen before, and their forms are different, beyond the understanding of ordinary people.

Some creatures are huge, like a mountain, while their bodies shimmer with the light of the stars, like a starry sky. These creatures roam the void as if they are the guardians of the universe, exuding an aura of mystery.

There are also creatures that are relatively small in size but just as peculiar. They are like swords, able to fly freely in the void. The wings of these creatures were as sharp as the blades of a sword, and they shimmered with a cold light, which was intimidating.

The presence of these creatures amazed Keisha, Angel Hiko, and Angel Burn.

They had never seen such strange creatures, and they had never imagined that life in the Void World would take such colorful forms.

Suddenly, Keisha sensed something unusual about the mountains around her, and she immediately approached and stretched out her hand to sense through the void.

"What's the matter, Queen?" asked Angel Hiko, curious.

Keisha withdrew her hand, looked intently at the mountains in front of her, and said thoughtfully: "If my perception is correct, the mountains in front of me are all mines, and one or two of them contain flame mines that I am familiar with, and I don't know the other mines, but their minerals are definitely very precious. "

Hearing this, Angel Hiko and Angel Burning Heart both looked at each other in shock.

The second daughter never imagined that there would be such a rich mineral resource hidden in this seemingly ordinary land.

Kaisha said in a deep voice, "If we only found these mines, are there other mountains in this land that are also rich in minerals?"

Both Angel Hiko and Angel Burn realized this, and couldn't help but feel a wave of horror. The mineral resources of this place are so abundant, and there are even some minerals that Queen Kaisha does not know.

This made them even more interested and curious about this void world.

"Is this the Void?" Angel Hiko asked incredulously, "I didn't expect that the ultimate fear that Carl had been chasing actually existed ......."

Keisha and Carl have always had very different views on the question of whether or not there are creatures in the Void. Keisha is a firm believer in the Void as a lifeless wasteland, while Carl is convinced of the existence of Void creatures.

At this moment, standing in this brand-new world, Angel Hiko still can't accept this fact. A flash of confusion and amazement flashed in her eyes, and a strong shock welled up in her heart. She looked behind her, then at the front, and the sight before her made her feel a little dazed.

"Let's go, there's a city ahead, go and see. Kaisha interrupted Angel Hiko's thoughts, and she pointed to the Tower of Heaven in the distance.

The women looked around, and the outline of a city gradually emerged in front of them. Hidden in the depths of the void, the city is like a shining pearl that radiates a mysterious and seductive light.

In the center of the city, a tall spire soared into the sky, like a sharp sword, piercing the top of the void. The tower stands tall in the void, as if telling an eternal legend. The spire shimmered with a silvery white glow in the starlight, contrasting sharply with the surrounding void.

The tower exudes a mystical power that gives a sense of solemnity and sacredness. It seems to be the symbol of the city and a unique symbol of this void world.

Angel Hiko and Angel Blazing nodded, and then wings appeared behind them, ready to fly towards the tower. However, no matter how much they tried, they found that they could not fly in this void world.

This sudden predicament caught them off guard.

In the main plane, they have the ability to fly freely, but here, there seems to be some invisible restriction.

Keisha frowned, realizing that this void world might have its own unique rules and restrictions.

At this moment, a person suddenly appeared in front of them. The man had blonde hair, and he put his braids in front of him and gave a gentlemanly salute to the three Keisha.

"Three ladies, don't bother, if you don't have a certificate of empty travel issued by the Empire, the law here is not allowed to rise into the air, even if you want to jump, the height is limited, no more than three meters. He said with a smile.

Kaisha looked at the person in front of her carefully, and then asked, "Are you from the Void Empire?"

Otto spread his hands and replied, "Otherwise, in the Void World, as early as 20,000 years ago, there was only one kingdom called our Plane Empire. I think you've heard my name, I'm Otto. "

His voice is gentle and magnetic, giving it an intimate and elegant feel. His appearance surprised the three of them a little, but at the same time, it also gave them a better understanding of this void world.

"Otto?" Angel Hiko asked, a little confused, "I seem to have heard the name, are you Otto of that plane empire?"

Otto nodded, smiled and said, "It is here, although I am a member of the Plane Empire, I am also an explorer, exploring the mysteries of this void world. "

Keisha's mind recalls conversations in the chat room, and she did hear of a man named Otto. At that time, they were still on the main plane, discussing all kinds of things about the Void World and the Inevitable Empire.

And now, this man named Otto is standing in front of her, real and three-dimensional.

Looking at Otto in front of her, Keisha's heart was a little nervous.

She didn't move, but chose to stand in front of the Void Gate, where she was to guard the passage.

She feared that more people from the Dimensional Empire would invade their universe through this gate.

Angel Hiko and Angel Burn also felt Kesha's nervousness, and they followed closely behind, standing by Kesha's side, guarding this important passage together.

At this moment, their task is even more daunting.

Not only do they have to face the unknown challenges of the Void World, but they also have to ensure the safety of their universe and prevent them from being violated by other forces.

Behind them, the Void Gate was still silently open, like a great abyss, devouring all matter and energy that came close. They knew that this door was their only connection to the main plane, and the only way for them to return.

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