Three days later, the meeting of the Dragon Kingdom had already ended, and on Earth, because more than ninety percent of the countries were willing to take the initiative to join the Plane Empire, this news made everyone in the Xiongbing Company indignant.

Chat room.

[Ge Xiaolun: No! No one took the initiative to ask for us, you foreigners are in a hurry to send it yourself!

[Liu Chuang: That's it, I look down on you so much!]

Morgana: Hahaha! Isn't this normal, from the perspective of your earth, you two don't have a backache when you stand and talk. 】

[Rose: Hmph! Rather than being a slave to the country, I will never be a prisoner!]

[Hades: Well, why do you always put us in the shoes of villains? We have not expressed any intention to invade you, nor have we shown any interest in you, but you have been using mental exhaustion to figure out us. 】

As a philosopher, Hades doesn't understand this, he is obviously weak and pitiful, but he always regards others as imaginary enemies, but in fact, he himself is not qualified to be an opponent at all.

[Otto: Hahaha, don't be angry, Brother Hades, everyone has their own lives, let him go. 】

[Xu Ling: Hehe, I don't seem to have forced you, I don't know why you regard me as an enemy?]

[Rose: This ......]

[Dukao: Okay, let me tell you, I just went to a meeting, and I have received the supreme instructions, if you are willing to cooperate for a win-win situation, sit down and negotiate well, we can consider forming friendship with the plane empire and establishing a cosmic alliance. 】

[Xu Ling: ......]

[Xu Ling: To be honest, sometimes your conceit is indeed a little speechless, and the conversation with you is over. 】

[Xu Ling blocked Dukao's news. 】

[Otto: Hahaha, my beloved majesty has been speechless again, can I say a few words? To be honest, we are not interested in you, but your understanding of the universe seems to be shallow, even if you say this to the angels who love justice, will they consider it?]

[Angel Leng: Think about a fart!What good is it for us!]

Morgana: This angel girl is right! There are benefits to the alliance with the strong, and the alliance with the weak...... Are you looking for someone to hold yourself back? You can't even get out of Earth right now!]

Morgana hated angels, especially Keisha, who was not so bored with other angels, and the angels' cold and outspoken words made her particularly appreciative.

But Angel Leng saw Morgana say this, so he didn't think so.

[Angel Leng: Morgana, you are a blue pool!Do you need you to identify with me!Really! It makes me feel unclean!]

[Morgana: Damn, you little Bichi!, how can you talk to the Queen!]

[Hexi: Queen, whose queen are you? Queen Eight is almost the same!]

I won't invade you, but I hope you don't have the idea of attacking the Earth!]

[Devouring King: I'm scared to death, earthling, you lost a chance, originally you nodded, my gluttonous army was afraid that they would have to retreat, but now, hehe, it's time for the war to begin. 】

[President of the Lighthouse Nation: Shet, Admiral Dukao, please think about it for the sake of all mankind! Surrender to the Plane Empire, everyone can enjoy endless resources! Otherwise, what will be suffered is war! Once the war starts, do you know how many people will die!]

[Dukao: I believe that as long as we work as one!, we will definitely be able to get through this difficulty!]

[President of the Lighthouse Nation: Hey, what are you talking about!]

[Dukao: We must remain vigilant and not be fooled by the temptations of the Dimensional Empire. We must stand firmly on the stand of the earth and protect our homeland. 】

[Ge Xiaolun: We don't need their resources, we have to rely on our own strength to defend the earth!]

[Liu Chuang: That's right! We are not slaves of the country, nor are we prisoners. We must hold our chests high and face the challenge bravely!]

[Rose: Yes, we can't sit idly by and watch the earth be invaded, we must unite and resist foreign enemies together!]

Morgana: Hahaha, Earthlings are such a funny bunch. Do you think your power can compete with the Dimensional Empire?"

[President of the Lighthouse Nation: You guys, I think, we need to think carefully, not be swayed by the impulse of the moment, and turn to the Dimensional Empire, which is the future of the earth. 】

[Xu Ling: Hehehe!]

[Rui Mengmeng: No, we should believe in our own ability, we can resist the aggression of foreign enemies, please believe us. 】

[Zhao Xin: I think about it, it seems that we need a strong army to defend the peace and tranquility of the earth. 】

[Ge Xiaolun: Our male army company has enough wisdom and courage to defeat the enemy, and we don't need to take refuge. 】

Morgana: Hahaha, Earthlings are so much fun. 】

[Ge Xiaolun: Interesting uncle. 】

Morgana: You're special. 】

[Black Wind: You dare to scold the Queen?]


Meanwhile, on Earth, Rena was lying comfortably on her big bed, playing with her phone in her hand, her long, white legs cocked and shaking.

Her casual outfit casually fits her body, showing off her perfect curves, while her long brown hair cascades over the pillow, adding a touch of laid-back and casual beauty.

Rena's room is decorated simply yet elegantly, with paintings on the walls and a lamp at the bedside emitting a warm yellow glow, creating a warm and cozy atmosphere.

The sunlight outside the window shone on Rena's face through the half-open curtains, reflecting her porcelain-like skin. Her eyes were fixed on the phone screen, her long, dense eyelashes fluttering slightly, and at the corners of her lips, there was a hint of curvature.

Rena looked at her phone, paying attention to the chat room conversation at any time, but there was a hint of helplessness in her eyes.

Now, the arguments and questions about them make her feel a little irritated. She knew that the matter of whether or not Earth would accept the protection of the Plane Empire had become the focus of global attention.

The chat room was full of rhetoric, with some adamantly opposing accepting asylum as an affront to the dignity of the planet, while others held the opposite view and saw it as a rare opportunity to help the planet weather it. Rena knew that behind these arguments was the anxiety and uneasiness of the people of the earth.

On the Internet, the discussion on this topic is in full swing, and the exchange of various points of view makes Rena a little dazzled.

After all, ordinary people can also see the content of the chat room, and now there are many people on the Internet who are resisting Dukao's decision, and even scolding him, of course, some of them are firmly willing to die.

However, the choice of nearly ninety-nine percent of the earthlings is that they can't wait to move now, leave the earth, and go to the Dimensional Empire.

Countless ordinary people want to leave the earth, which is actually understandable.

After all, in this world, a house often costs millions, and for ordinary people, it takes most of their lives to have a home of their own.

There was once a star of the Dragon Kingdom who participated in a show and experienced the life of ordinary people for a day. At the end of the day, he felt no despair about life and said to the people who had been doing this job, if it were me, I would definitely do the job I loved, instead of wasting my youth for a meager income like this.

But what this star doesn't know is that for ordinary people, there have never been many opportunities to choose.

There is also a rich man who participated in a similar program, he once said that he looked down on the poor, thinking that the poor have no ambition and are therefore poor. He believes that if you want to become rich, you should do something that can increase your income after work.

However, when this rich man really experienced the work of an ordinary person in a day, he said in despair that in this society, poverty is not because he does not work hard, but because he has exhausted all his strength to live.

This portrayal of life makes people see social injustice and the huge gap between the rich and the poor.

Many ordinary people work hard to make a living, but for various reasons, they cannot get rid of the shackles of poverty. And those rich and celebrities enjoy a luxurious life and can't understand the hardships and hardships of ordinary people. This makes people wonder if the world is fair, and whether the gap between rich and poor can be resolved.

After reading these discussions and comments, Rena was very moved. She understands the helplessness and helplessness of those who want to leave the earth, and what the beliefs of those who firmly choose not to give in are.

And the reason why Dukao firmly chooses not to give in is because he is the star, or even the rich man.

And Rena, the main god of the sun, has a deep understanding of the life style of the sun star and the earth.

The people of Sun Star have sufficient and fair living resources, and they will not work all their lives for the sake of life problems. Ordinary people on the planet, on the other hand, need to put in a huge effort to make ends meet. Although Rena loves life on Earth, the atmosphere of young people and all kinds of beautiful clothes, she will also feel desperate if she wants to live here all the time.

She knows that people on Earth face many challenges and difficulties, and they need more support and help. And as a member of a god-level civilization, she has the responsibility and ability to help them. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

She hopes that through her own efforts, people on the earth can live a better life, so that they no longer worry about life and worry about the future......

"I'm annoyed, if it goes on like this, let alone gluttony, the internal contradictions of the earth are enough to consume a wave of self-consumption. "

She exhaled helplessly.


Void World, Collapse Palace. []

One of the rooms in this Crystal Palace is Keisha's room, and she, along with Hiko and Burn, is arranged to live in the palace.

In the Keisha room, the layout is extremely exquisite, and every item has been carefully designed and selected. The whole room is filled with an air of nobility and mystery, as if it were a perfect work of art.

There are several paintings hanging on the walls of the cosmic void. These paintings are full of artistic sensibility, depicting the vastness and mystery of the universe with delicate brushstrokes. The Milky Way runs through it, and the stars shimmer faintly, as if telling the story of the universe.

In the room, the Holy Queen Kaisha, dressed in elaborate armor and ornate robes. Her blonde hair is radiant and irresistibly beautiful.

At this time, she was sitting in a soft chair, sipping a mellow tea while watching the contents of the chat room.

Suddenly, there was a soft knock on the door of the room.

Keisha put down the teacup in her hand and frowned slightly, when a handsome and charming man pushed the door and walked in. He was dressed in a garment as white as snow, like an angel descending on earth.

His eyes were deep and bright, as if he could see through everything.

None other than Otto.

After Otto came in, he said directly: "Disturb the queen, our majesty summoned me." "

Kesha's brow furrowed, and she nodded slightly, motioning for Otto to wait a moment.

Then she stood up gracefully, straightened her robe, and prepared to go to see His Majesty.


In the center of the Void World, a huge throne stands there, as if it were the pillar of the world. On the throne, Xu Ling leaned lazily on the back of the chair, his eyes indifferently swept over the chat room in front of him.

In the chat room, creatures from all planes are expressing their opinions and thoughts. Although ordinary people can also send messages, due to the large number, most of them will be automatically blocked by the system. However, for an existence like Xu Ling, these messages are clearly visible.

He scanned the messages of the earthlings with interest, many of whom expressed feelings of oppression and longing for liberation. Looking at these unpretentious words, the corners of Xu Ling's mouth hooked up with an evil smile.

Suddenly, the projection screen in front of her lit up, and Keisha's figure gradually became clear.

She stood in the middle of the screen, beautiful and dignified, as if she were an inviolable statue of a god.

Behind her, she was naturally followed by two beautiful high-level female angels, Hiko and Zhixin.

Xu Ling stared at her intently, with a hint of banter in his tone: "It seems that in your plane, intelligent beings don't seem to be living happily, and they are often oppressed." "

When Keisha heard this, her delicate sculptural features did not waver, but there was a hint of wave in her eyes, and she was silent for a moment, as if she was considering how to answer.

"I have to admit that we do have a lot of shortcomings, and I have gained a lot through this ranking. "

In the end, Queen Keisha spoke aloud, but her voice was neither humble nor arrogant.

Xu Ling gently held his chin, with a hint of a smile in his eyes, and looked at Kaisha in front of him. He was a little surprised, and had expected Keisha to stick to her point and continue arguing with him. After all, it is difficult for a proud angel like her to admit her inadequacies easily.

However, Keisha breaks her stubbornness and freely admits the inadequacies of their angelic race. This made Xu Ling feel a little surprised, but more of an appreciation.

He admired Kaisha's courage and honesty, although the Void World's own subordinates said a lot, most of them were unruly fanatics, and they only obeyed themselves.

Therefore, a quality like Kaisha is rare in the Void World.

"I originally thought that the self-proclaimed high angel conference would continue to argue with me about all kinds of fallacies, but I didn't expect you to take the initiative to admit your own shortcomings, which is rare, in that case, Otto, send off guests. "

Otto heard the command and immediately took action. He walked behind the three Keisha, bowed slightly, and made a gesture of please.

His actions were full of respect and etiquette, complementing Kesha's candor well.

"Three, I'll send you back. "

Otto's voice was calm and gentle, reassuring.

Keisha hesitated for a moment, then suddenly raised her head: "Wait a minute, I have a request." "

Xu Ling raised his eyebrows and did not speak, Kaisha continued: "I am not the master of the universe, but I really hope to make all the living beings in the universe happy, I don't know if it is possible, let me stay here to learn the management model of your country? Please rest assured, I will not steal any secrets or technology, although your ability is indeed very attractive to me, but I think that if you want to live in the universe at the moment, what you need most is a perfect operating system.

" "

"What do you think?"

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