Don't think that when a fat person is alive, he runs very slowly and quickly runs out of energy.

But after he becomes a zombie, he is like a completely different person. His speed is no slower than any other zombie.

And he is so heavy that he runs like a moving meat bomb.

If you are pounced on by it, even if you are not bitten to death, you will be crushed to death.


"Ho Ho...ah..."

The zombies rushed over frantically from a distance.


Zhang Yi shot a golden arrow and directly hit the fat zombie running in front.


The golden arrow has extremely strong penetrating power. The moment it shoots into the zombie's head, it will generate high temperature and explode.

The fat zombie's head instantly exploded, like a blooming flower.

This is called a headshot, cool!

I saw its huge body running forward two steps, and then fell to the ground with a bang.

This corpse like a small hill immediately tripped many zombies behind it.

These zombies stood up again and continued to charge. The zombies behind still did not bypass the corpses under their feet. They fell one after another and then climbed up.

The speed was slowed down a lot.

It turned out that these zombies would not avoid obstacles under their feet!

Zhang Yi nodded, then put away the red bow and quickly got on the RV.


The engine of the RV made a deafening sound.

In fact, the engine noise was not as loud as it sounded, but it was too quiet outside, and the nervous mood amplified the noise many times.

Liu Qianqian waited for Zhang Yi to sit down before stepping on the accelerator.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Two or three fast-running zombies rushed to the door of the RV and slapped it vigorously.

Liu Qianqian hit the wheel urgently, and the RV turned a big left, throwing the three zombies to the ground.

Then the RV bumped twice and ran over their heads.

The heads were crushed like a deflated watermelon, and the juice splashed out.

Ding! The RV killed three zombies and absorbed some evolution essence!


Evolution essence?

Zhang Yi was stunned.

Evolution essence: There is a certain probability of obtaining evolution essence by killing zombies and mutants!

Evolution essence can be used to strengthen weapons, armor, items, skills and one's own physique.

Seeing Liu Qianqian stepping on the accelerator, the RV drove quickly towards the entrance of the highway, leaving the zombies far behind.

After all, zombies can never outrun a car with just two legs.

Seeing the RV driving farther and farther away, they almost gave up chasing it. They stood there silently, roaring at the RV that was going away.

"Phew, I finally got rid of it! That was so scary just now!"

Liu Qianqian wiped the cold sweat from her forehead, tidied her slightly messy hair behind her ears, and said in shock

"Turn around and go back!"

Zhang Yi suddenly said

"What! Go back? Now?"

Liu Qianqian looked at Zhang Yi in disbelief.

But when she saw his determined eyes, she gritted her teeth and stepped on the brakes.

No matter what Zhang Yi's considerations were, since he had made the decision, she would absolutely obey.

Liu Qianqian turned the steering wheel to the left and turned the RV back.

""Full speed ahead! It might be a little bumpy in a while!"

Zhang Yi sat in the passenger seat and fastened his seat belt.

Liu Qianqian finally understood what Zhang Yi meant. He was going to crush all the zombies!

She quickly fastened her seat belt.

When the seat belt passed over Liu Qianqian's upper body, she suddenly realized that...

This seat belt is a bit tight...


The parking lot from the highway entrance to the service area was full of zombies, at least more than a hundred of them.

They were attracted by the sound of the RV's engine and were activated. They turned their heads towards the RV with strange cries.

The zombies were not afraid, they only knew that the fresh meat they wanted was in this car.

The zombies surged again, rushing up without knowing whether to live or die.

"Humph, trying to stop a car with a mantis arm!"

Zhang Yi snorted coldly.

The RV can even knock over ordinary cars, let alone these flesh and blood bodies?


Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The RV rushed into the zombies as if it was in an empty space. The zombies that were hit head-on were knocked into the air like toys, drawing a perfect parabola in the sky, and then fell to the ground with a bang.

Some unlucky zombies were directly rolled into the wheels and crushed into meat paste.

Ding! Car body collision detected, armor value -1!

Ding! Car body collision detected, armor value -1!......

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