Zhang Yi decided to try again.

This time, he relaxed his hands in front of him, then aimed at the hamburger on the KFC advertising sign, and then closed his eyes again.

Unlike the last time, Zhang Yi did not make an aiming gesture this time, but held the bow with both hands, in a natural drooping state.

If the bowstring is released directly, the bow and arrow will shoot directly to the ground.

But when he decided to shoot, the bow and arrow in his hand suddenly seemed to have life.

It actually moved with Zhang Yi's hands, and then aimed the arrow at the target while releasing the arrow.


Another muffled sound.

The hamburger in the hamburger advertisement was blown up, and the surrounding advertising paper was burnt.

It was actually automatic aiming?

As long as you move your mind, you can shoot wherever you want!

This is awesome!

The reason why bows and arrows shoot slowly is mainly because of the problem of accuracy.

In addition, the arrow itself is very heavy, so it is affected by gravity. The farther the distance it flies, the more serious the trajectory deviates.

Therefore, the shooter needs a long time to aim, predict the direction of the target and the moving trajectory of the arrow, in order to accurately hit the target.

Now that Hou Yi Tong Bow has the function of automatic aiming, the speed of archery will definitely be greatly improved.

As long as Zhang Yi is responsible for finding the target, the rest of the work will be left to the war bow. What a convenient function!

This is great!

Zhang Yi and Liu Qianqian returned to the RV.

At this time, the armor of the RV has been restored by more than 40 points.

The restoration of armor value requires material points.

Things like wood and steel can be directly converted into material points.

After calculation, it is equivalent to consuming 0.1 kg of steel to repair 1 point of armor value.

More than 40 points of armor consume 4 kg of steel.

Zhang Yi just tried it on the scrapped vehicle in the service area, and the steel on the body cannot be recycled.

At present, only pure steel can be recycled. As for whether steel can be recycled by other means, this needs to be tried again. After cleaning up the entire service area, the armor value of the RV was full, and Zhang Yi took Liu Qianqian to continue on the road.

Liu Qianqian was still driving.

At this time, the highway was like a car cemetery.

Crashed cars can be seen everywhere.

There were also many broken parts of the car scattered on the road that could no longer be seen.

The guardrails on both sides of the road were destroyed in many places.

Blood, corpses, and broken body parts were everywhere.

Occasionally, a few zombies wandered slowly in the middle of the road.

They were all crushed by the RV in an instant.

Liu Qianqian was more and more frightened as she drove.

Is this the end of the world?

There was not even a living person in sight!

"Pay attention to the armor value when driving. If it is too low, you must park in a safe area in advance!"

After Zhang Yi gave a simple order, he sat on the sofa.

It is now the second day of the apocalypse, and electricity, network, and communication are still functioning normally.

Zhang Yi needs to know whether this world has been completely destroyed and turned into a prehistoric civilization. Humans can only survive with sticks and stones in a world full of zombies.

Or are there still some powerful organizations that can gather survivors and prepare to rebuild order and restart civilization.

He first opened WeChat Moments.

The information here has almost flooded the screen.

There are many videos of zombies eating people, and battles between the police and zombies.

Many people in the police have also become zombies, so the police force that can be organized are scattered small groups of police.

And their shooting level is definitely not like the headshots in the movies.

Facing the crazy zombies rushing up, it is difficult to stay calm, let alone shoot calmly.

As a result, most of the shots were shot randomly, and some bullets didn't even hit the zombies.

In an instant, he was pressed to the ground by the zombies rushing from all directions, and then It was a heart-wrenching scream.

This phone was used by Zhang Yi before he joined the army. There were basically three types of friends in WeChat. The first type was the second-generation rich who only knew how to spend money like him.

The second type was girls from various circles, such as the film and television circle, the model circle, the student circle, etc.

The third type was the key account managers of some high-end clubs, senior public relations and the like.

Basically, there were no serious people.

They were all people with a very rich nightlife.

Generally, they started to be active at 8 o'clock every night.

When the doomsday came, they were basically in crowded places such as nightclubs or high-end hotels.

Zhang Yi flipped down and found that most of these people's Moments were posted at around 9 o'clock, and no messages were sent after that.

It is estimated that most of them are dead.

Zhang Yi flipped down the Moments and found that it was all about the daily lives of these people.

Girls were showing off their wealth in various ways, and boys were showing off their girlfriends in various ways. It was boring and tedious.

Suddenly, a Moments posted by a second-generation rich friend at around 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon caught Zhang Yi's attention.

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