After reading the circle of friends, Zhang Yi opened the daily news.

There were only some trivial daily trivia, and these news were set up in advance to be automatically released.

Apart from that, there was no valuable information.

On the first day of the apocalypse, it was estimated that the surviving journalists were lucky enough to be safe.

No one would have the leisure to edit a press release and then publish it on the Internet platform.

Because the end of the world is an indisputable fact, whether you report it or not, the disaster is in front of you. You don’t even have to go out of the house, you can see this doomsday catastrophe from the window.

Zhang Yi locked his mobile phone and turned on the TV.


The screen was full of snowflakes, accompanied by the noise of the TV.

Zhang Yi switched to several channels in succession, but they were all the same.

Finally, he pressed the Chinese News Channel 1.

This channel had the widest coverage. Even in areas without cable signals, as long as there was a TV, this channel would definitely be found.

Sure enough, this station actually had a signal!

However, there was no host, only a row of bright red characters printed on a blue background:

"Please stay calm and don't go out. The military is organizing forces to counterattack the city! Please do not open the door to strangers easily, and prepare enough water and food to wait for rescue!"

This line of subtitles is played in a scrolling manner.

Just like an LED advertising billboard, a line of words slowly moves from the right side of the screen to the left side of the screen, and repeats in this way.

""Tsk, the military is preparing to counterattack the city?"

Zhang Yi shook his head in disdain.

If the ratio he calculated was correct, 70% of humans had turned into zombies.

The army would be no exception. How many troops were training with live ammunition at 9 o'clock in the evening?

If they were resting, then the surviving troops would be rare.

As for counterattacking the city?

Stop it, okay?

The population of any ordinary first-tier city is tens of millions.

Even if a division of troops rushed in, it would be like throwing a small stone into a pond.

It would be gone with a puff.

Are you sure you're not sending your head?

The second sentence is even more ridiculous. It

's the end of the world now, and last night... The virus broke out.

Remind people to prepare food and water the next day?

Isn't this hindsight?

Anyone with a little bit of intelligence will have to prepare, but in this situation, they are willing but unable to do anything!

There are zombies everywhere, who dares to rush into the supermarket?

So from beginning to end, it's all nonsense, and not a single word can really help the survivors.

Zhang Yi sneered a few times, and suddenly realized that this was a conspiracy of some politicians.

If the content of the email is true, then Linhai City is a safe zone.

A city that has not yet been conquered by zombies.

If the authorities send this letter If the news is made public, it will surely attract survivors from all over the country to drive to Linhai City.

This will undoubtedly cause tremendous pressure on Linhai City.

Especially when some survivors conceal the fact that they were bitten and sneak into the city, then in the end this shelter will no longer exist.

The authorities gave civilians a false hope, saying that the army would come to rescue them.

In fact, it is to make them stay at home honestly. As long as they don't go to Linhai City to join in the fun, it doesn't matter even if they are trapped to death.

Zhang Yi can understand this.

Don't lose the big picture for the small.

But you can tell the survivors that the army will not come back. If you come, you will only starve to death if you wait any longer.

You must find ways to escape the city. The less people there are, the safer it is.

In this way, many survivors will survive.

Instead of persuading everyone to wait for death at home!

One sentence can kill hundreds of thousands of survivors!

The person who came up with this vicious plan is even more terrifying than a zombie.

The same is true in war. Many times, soldiers do not die on the battlefield, but at the hands of politicians.

Some disgusting politicians, in order to gain political benefits, even sell out their own marching routes, defense maps and other intelligence.

And the ones who pay for this are the lives of countless soldiers!


Zhang Yi decided that when he arrived in Linhai City, he would definitely pull this garbage out and throw it into the zombie swarm. It would be satisfying to watch him escape helplessly, get bitten, and then be dismembered and eaten by the zombies bit by bit.

"Brother Yi, there is a burning oil tanker on the highway ahead. Should we go around it from the Sibian service area?"

Liu Qianqian suddenly asked in front.

""Go around!"

Zhang Yi nodded.

The RV's armor value was constantly consumed by collisions on the road.

The loss rate was much faster than the recovery rate.

There were only more than 200 points left.

It was hard to say whether this level of armor could withstand the explosion of the tanker.

He was not willing to take this risk unless it was absolutely necessary.

"OK, the entrance to the service area seems to be blocked by a chain of cars! Brother Yi, sit tight, I'll crash through!"

Zhang Yi had just fastened his seat belt when he felt the RV shaking violently.



The luxury RV was like a rotten wood, knocking the abandoned vehicles in front of it off the spot and flipping them on both sides of the road.

"Yeah! I crashed it! I always had the urge to crash into other cars when I drove on the road before, so I never dared to drive after passing the driving test. Now I can drive, it’s so cool!"

"Especially after the collision just now, I felt my whole mood was relaxed!"

Liu Qianqian smiled happily like a child.

""What? You've never driven a car before?"

Zhang Yi was confused, feeling like he was on a pirate ship.

Oh, no, it was a stolen car.

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