There were more than a dozen survivors hiding in the bus at the Sibian service area.

They looked at the countless black handprints outside the car window in horror.

Listening to the crazy knocking sounds coming from the windows, roof, and even the bottom of the car, these people's nerves were about to collapse.

The driver originally wanted to use the bus to crush the zombies and kill his way out. But on the one hand, the bus was not powerful enough, and it was almost impossible to escape from the zombie crowd from a stationary state.

On the other hand, the bus was not stable. It was too high and the center of gravity was off the ground.

So once it crushed too many zombies, it was easy to roll over. What made them most desperate was the tires.

These inflated tires did not have the conditions for crushing at all, and soon the right front tire exploded.

The explosion attracted a large number of zombies, which made their situation even more difficult.

Just when they had no hope of survival,

Zhang Yi's luxury RV appeared.

Its active honking and attracting zombies gave these survivors hope.

But when they saw the luxury RV rushing into the zombie group like crazy, these survivors became desperate again.

"Is this RV crazy? It actually rushed into the zombie group on its own initiative? Isn't that just asking for death?"

"This car owner is too stupid. He should have reversed quickly after honking the horn. As long as he could lead the zombies away from the service area, wouldn’t we all be safe?"

"RVs, like buses, have a high center of gravity and their tires are not strong enough. I guess they will repeat our mistakes!"

"The power of the RV is simply not comparable to that of the bus. It will definitely fall into the zombie swarm, and the people in the car are dead!"

The survivors looked at the suicidal behavior of the luxury RV with despair.

They were not concerned about the lives of the people in the RV, but worried about their own future.

If the RV led the zombies away, then they would be safe.

Who cares about the life and death of the RV owner?

When the RV honked just now, it not only attracted the zombies in the parking lot, but also attracted the zombies in the service area mall and restaurant.

Now the number of zombies outside is nearly doubled than before!

If the RV breaks down at this time, the situation of these survivors will be even more miserable than before!

""Fuck, isn't this harmful to others?"

A survivor shared his logical reasoning with other survivors.

He immediately gained recognition from other survivors.

"Yes, the owner of this RV is too selfish. He only considers himself. Why does he want to show off at this time?"

"We won’t stop the owner of this RV from dying, but he can’t hurt me like this, can he?! He had a chance to survive, but now there is no chance of survival!"

"If the people in the RV asked me for help, I would definitely ignore them. They brought this upon themselves!"

"Yes, they deserve to die, harming others and not benefiting themselves!"

These people seemed to have forgotten their embarrassing situation just now, and began to laugh at the RV. It seemed that it was not the zombies that caused their predicament, but the RV that had just driven in.

It seemed that if the owner of the RV died in front of them, it would be like how great a victory they had won.

Seeing the RV rushing into the center of the zombie group, some of them even clenched their hands excitedly.

However, what happened next stunned them.

The RV turned a wheel to the left, and then suddenly braked.

After the front of the car slid forward for two or three meters, it was nailed to the ground like a nail. A normal car would definitely take off if it operated like this, or at least roll over on the ground for a few circles.

However, the RV has an anti-rollover system. At the moment when the rollover was detected, the entire car body suddenly swept across in the direction of travel.

The whole If you look at the RV from a high altitude, it looks like the hands of a clock.

It starts to rotate counterclockwise with the front of the car as the center.

Bang! Bang! Boom! Boom!

The long body of the RV begins to sweep across the zombies.

It is also a collision, but the force-bearing area of the car body is larger, so the damage suffered is naturally smaller.

Dozens of zombies were hit at the same time, and the force was shared.

They were not knocked away, but were neatly knocked to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yi probably guessed what Liu Qianqian wanted to do.

It's really a creative way to crush the zombies!

Zhang Yi couldn't help but secretly admire it in his heart.

Liu Qianqian is worthy of being a genius with a knowledge of more than 90. He has mastered the essentials of"crashing" so quickly!

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