She realized that Zhang Yi was joking with her, and couldn't help but pouting her lips in pretending to be angry.

"Humph, stinky brother Yi, you only know how to play tricks on others!"

As he said that, Liu Qianqian swung a knife hard and stabbed it into the eye socket of another zombie....

Liu Qianqian cleaned up the zombies outside, and Zhang Yi also absorbed all the gasoline in the gas station.

The two of them then focused their attention on the gate of the service area.

At this time, the originally open gate was unexpectedly tightly closed at some point.

From the gap in the gate, one could vaguely see figures walking back and forth!

What's going on?

Liu Qianqian was puzzled.

I saved them, shouldn't they at least say thank you?

Now not only did they not show up, they also sneaked into the service area and closed the gate. What does this mean?

Zhang Yi's face sank, and he didn't say anything, but he had already guessed the intentions of these people.

Ten minutes ago...

Just as Liu Qianqian drove the car and knocked down all the zombies, and in the process of repeatedly crushing them, the survivors in the bus sneaked out of the bus and rushed into the service area first.

After surviving the disaster, the first thing they thought of was not gratitude.

Instead, they thought about how to monopolize the dozen or so shelves of drinks, instant noodles, sausages in the supermarket in the service area, as well as the food stored in the back kitchen of the mall restaurant!

These foods were enough for more than a dozen people to hold on until the army came to rescue!

——Of course, this is just wishful thinking on their part. They don't realize that what is being shown on TV is just a hoax.

""Hurry, let's go to the service area and block the gate. Don't let the people in the RV in!" The speaker was a middle-aged man. He was the tour guide on the bus and the leader of this team of survivors.

"Huh? But they just saved us, we do this...Is it appropriate?" a girl asked timidly.

"Is it appropriate? Oh, little girl, it's already this hour, why are you still thinking about face and morality?"

"There is only so much food in the service area. If we eat a little, we will have less! If we have one more person, we will have to share more food, and we will be able to hold out for many fewer days!"

"If a man does not work for himself, he will be punished by heaven and earth. If you still insist on being selfless at this time, it will only kill us all in the end!"

The tour guide said with his eyes wide open.

His words silenced the other survivors who also felt a little guilty.

Indeed, if a man does not work for himself, he will be punished by heaven and earth!

Who doesn't want to live a few more days?

Who is willing to share food with others?

Soon, these people joined the tour guide!

"Yes, I agree with the tour guide’s point of view. They just killed the zombies by luck. Why should they share food with us?"

"That’s right, maybe they think they are great heroes and want to steal our things!"

"That’s right. We had eaten up all the food in the bus long ago. Without the food in the service area, we would all starve to death!"

"But they are different, they are in an RV, there must be food inside, and they don’t care about us, they can survive even if we don’t share with them!"

"Look at that RV, you can tell it’s driven by a rich person. They lived better than us in peacetime. Now it’s the end of the world, and it’s time for the world to change!"

"Yes, we support the tour guide. We must not let them in!"

These people became more and more excited as they spoke. They felt that what they said made sense.

They were so excited that they began to lift tables and block the door of the service area.

"Open the door, why are you blocking it? There are no zombies outside, you are safe now!"

Liu Qianqian's pink fist slammed on the door of the service area, making a thumping sound.

Her current strength value has exceeded 80 points, stronger than a strong man.

Just a few knocks made the door frame bang, and even the dust on it fell down.

""They are not defending against zombies, but us!"

Zhang Yi said calmly, with a cold murderous look in his eyes.

There is no shortage of ungrateful people in this world.

They are all a group of selfish guys who only care about themselves!

"We? We don't eat people, what is there to defend against?"

Liu Qianqian has not yet changed her way of thinking from the peacetime era.

"We were here first, so this place belongs to us! We have prepared food and water for you at the door, take them and leave quickly! We will not open the door for you!"

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