The girl turned around to ask for help.

But she didn't get any useful support. Instead, the person behind her asked her the same question back to her.

"How about we take a small portion and you can take a large portion!"

The girl pointed to a shelf and said somewhat helplessly.

There were six rows of shelves in the supermarket. What she meant was that Zhang Yi would take 5 shelves and the girl and other survivors would take 1 shelf.

The girl didn't know how to negotiate and didn't know what to say.

Hearing what the girl said, before Zhang Yi could react, the survivors behind him began to complain in a low voice:

"Damn, it was a mistake to let this girl negotiate, she knows nothing!"

"Yes, how can you make concessions right at the beginning of a negotiation? You have to have a good talk with the other party, right?"

"This girl is of no use. All of us have to take the food from one shelf. How are we going to divide it?"

"Humph, this girl is not biased because she sees him as handsome! We have to think of a way out!"

The negotiations here have not ended yet.

The survivors began to whisper again, discussing how to gain more personal benefits if the negotiations failed.

As for the girl who represented the interests of the survivors, she had become an abandoned child in their hearts.

Zhang Yi was used to this kind of scene.

The so-called quality, humanity, and morality were all pretended in peacetime when people had no worries about food and clothing.

Once faced with famine and the threat of death, those superficial disguises would be torn apart by humanity.

There may be kind and selfless people in the doomsday.

But they are very few, and such people will be killed by their potential as a saint in the early stage of the doomsday.

The later the doomsday, the more people will be left who will do whatever it takes to survive.

They are the group of survivors whispering in front of Zhang Yi.

"You don't have to waste your breath, these foods are all mine. If you want, I will leave you some 'special' foods!"

Zhang Yi said as he began to quickly sweep the shelves.

Although he said that he would leave"special" foods, looking at Zhang Yi's posture, he didn't seem to want to leave anything behind.

Not only the food and water on the shelves, but even the ice cream in the freezer, the cigarettes and alcohol behind the cash register were all swept away.

The survivors could only worry, but no one dared to stand up to stop it.

Who dared to stand up? Would n't that be courting death?

Didn't the death of the first two people be tragic enough? Who would dare to be the first to stand up at this time?!

The survivors looked at the food in despair as it disappeared, leaving only empty shelves in the entire supermarket.

They were all hopeless.

All the plans just discussed failed.

"Qianqian, give them the 'special' food, and then wait for me in the RV!"

Zhang Yi said to Liu Qianqian.

The latter nodded obediently, and then brought over the cardboard box at the entrance of the service area.

All of these survivors understood.

The"special" food that Zhang Yi prepared for himself was the expired bread that he had thrown away, and the mineral water that someone had drunk only half a bottle of. Now they were all dumbfounded. This was exactly the scene that happened more than an hour ago.

But this time it was not Zhang Yi and Liu Qianqian who were ridiculed, but these survivors.

Only then did they know what it meant to shoot themselves in the foot.

This foot hit was really painful!

Zhang Yi looked at these people with a smile, trying to see unwillingness or even anger on their faces.

But what he didn't expect was that these people were not very angry with Zhang Yi. Instead, the eyes they looked at the girl who was negotiating were full of hostility and resentment.


Repaying kindness with enmity has always been the true face of these people.

"You are very brave. You dare to negotiate with me! Now, come with me to a deserted place, and let's have a good talk!"

Zhang Yi smiled slightly, stretched out his big hand, grabbed the girl's arm, and dragged her out of the service area. A deserted place?

Have a good talk?

The men among the survivors looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

Although this girl is not as pretty as Liu Qianqian, she is young after all.

What a single man and a single woman will do can be figured out even with toes.

When they thought of what was about to happen, all these people were excited.

Anyway, they were going to die, so they might as well have a good time before they died.

Wait for Zhang Yi to finish, and then it would be their turn.

While thinking about good things, these people did not forget to scramble to stuff the crumbs of bread they had snatched into their mouths.

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