Zhang Yi just reviewed all the survivors.

Except for Fang Zixuan who was released and the tour guide who was killed first, who were rated as A-level combat growth, all the others were rated as C-level.

In the end times, it is difficult for these ordinary people to stand out, no matter how hard they try to survive. Even if Zhang Yi doesn't kill them now, it is difficult for them to survive in such a difficult environment.

Letting them eat is undoubtedly a waste of resources.

So just let them fend for themselves.

"Brother Yi, there are more than a dozen cars in front of us that have collided in a chain reaction. The road conditions are a bit difficult to drive on. Shall we get off the highway here?"

Liu Qianqian slowed down the car and pointed to the sign on the highway that marked Zao County and asked.

Zhang Yi sat up from the sofa, walked to Liu Qianqian's side, and put his head next to her face.

Only when two people are close enough can their eyes look in the same direction.

Liu Qianqian felt the temperature next to her face, and her pretty face suddenly blushed with shame.

Zhang Yi didn't pay attention to these details. He looked out along Liu Qianqian's gaze.

Five hundred meters ahead, the area was indeed full of cars.

The rear car hit the front car, squeezing the cars in the middle out of shape, and there was still a faint wisp of green smoke.

Fang Zixuan's car couldn't break through The blockade of abandoned vehicles ahead must have meant that they had left the highway from the Zao County exit.

Zhang Yi looked at the navigation map.

If he took a detour from Zao County, he could indeed get back to the highway leading to Linhai.

But in this way, the journey would be more than fifty kilometers longer.

Moreover, the county road was very narrow, and it was not necessarily much easier to travel than the highway. There were also many villages and towns along the way.

Now, any place with a dense flow of people has become a disaster area for zombies.

Zhang Yi was not afraid of zombies, but in this case, he would definitely have to spend another day on the road.

After weighing the pros and cons, Zhang Yi fixed his eyes on the vehicle in the distance and gave a direct order:

"Go ahead and crash into it!"

""Okay, Brother Yi~"

Liu Qianqian nodded, she stabilized the speed of the car at about 40 miles per hour, and slowly moved forward.

After driving all this way, her driving experience is getting richer and richer.

Liu Qianqian found that the faster the RV is, the greater the impact force, and the greater the damage to the armor value.

If you rush into the pile of abandoned cars at a speed of 80 or even 100 miles per hour, although you can rush out like riding the wind and waves.

But the armor value will be knocked off by more than half at once, which is not worth the loss.

Now it is still far from dark, so you can slowly push forward. With the super power of the RV, these cars can be pushed away, and the loss will be much less.

Bang! Bang! Squeak!...

There were bursts of harsh friction sounds between the outer wall of the RV and the car body, startling the crows on the branches and flying up with screams.

But they did not fly far away, but flapped their black wings and slowly circled in the sky.

Zhang Yi sat in the co-pilot seat, watching cars being pushed away on both sides.

There were even zombies with broken bodies inside, stretching out their hands in vain, trying to grab something from the RV.

Although the impact sound was soundproofed, it was after all the sound transmitted by the metal frame of the RV body, so there was still a little bit of it coming in.

However, this little sound was soon drowned out by the music in the RV.

The RV was like an icebreaker driving on the huge ice surface of Antarctica, moving slowly.

Ten minutes later, the luxury RV finally fought its way out of the crowded road and rushed out.

After the RV knocked away the last SUV blocking the front, the whole body of the RV seemed to have suddenly unloaded a heavy burden and felt much lighter.

As soon as the gas was added, the RV roared and leaped forward for a long distance, as if venting the depression of being trapped.

At this time, there were twenty or thirty zombies following the RV.

They followed the RV for a few steps, and seeing the RV going farther and farther, they could only roar in place, and then slowly fell into a state of wandering.

An hour later, a bus drove out of the service area.

It was the survivors in the service area.

They were unwilling to let Zhang Yi take away all the food, so they decided to drive secretly behind, and wait until Zhang Yi went to bed at night, and then find a way to snatch the food back.

And if everything goes well, maybe they can seize the RV and catch the beautiful Liu Qianqian by the way!

When these men thought of Liu Qianqian's charming temperament, explosive figure, and long legs, their eyes lit up.

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