"Get out of here, or we'll die together! Get out of here, you idiot!"

Big brother's half body has already climbed out of the skylight.

But his lower body was being held by several people, so he couldn't climb out at all.

Seeing the zombies around rushing up, they climbed up to the glass on the side of the bus one by one. Looking at the fresh meat in the car, they began to bang their heads against the window frantically!

Once, twice, three times!

The zombies tirelessly banged their heads against the glass, their faces covered with blood, but their faces were full of hideous smiles.



The side glass of the bus had been hit by the zombies in the service area before, and it was already at the end of its strength.

Now it has suffered a series of fierce impacts, and it can't hold on any longer, and finally cracked.

The glass used for the bus windows is different from that of ordinary household windows.

As long as a piece of it is broken, the entire glass will immediately shatter into small round beads and scatter.

This design is to prevent broken glass from scratching passengers.

Now it's convenient for the zombies.

Without the protection of the glass, these zombies rushed in like a tiger into a flock of sheep, screaming

"Ah, get away, stay away from me!"

"Help, someone come and save us!"

"Ah! ~ I don't want to die, ah..."

There were bursts of heart-wrenching screams coming from the bus, followed by the sound of zombies chewing raw meat.

The zombies in the distance were also activated by the screams and rushed over with strange cries.

Before long, the entire bus was submerged in the zombie swarm.

As the screams became smaller and smaller, the bus kept shaking on the highway. After a while, a stream of blood formed a stream and flowed out from under the bus....

On the other side, the luxury RV was driving slowly on the highway.

Although it was only driving at a speed of about 40 miles per hour, this speed was already beyond the reach of any car that dared to go on the highway.

The highway leading to Linhai City was originally a major traffic route. Tourist vehicles and transportation vehicles were almost non-stop all year round, and the traffic was very heavy.

When the end of the world came, this road suffered the most serious trauma.

In such a bad road environment, even off-road vehicles would have to be scrapped.

So Zhang Yi never worried that a vehicle could keep up with him. Smart people would make the same choice as Fang Zixuan and take the small road.

For ordinary vehicles, even choosing a bumpy rural dirt road is faster than driving on the highway.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the RV stopped at a relatively"clean" section of the road.

There were no vehicles nearby, and the field of vision was wide, so dangers could be discovered in advance at any time.

In addition, there was a barrier-free section of nearly 500 meters ahead, ensuring that the RV had enough distance to accelerate and escape.

At this time, the armor value of the RV had almost been depleted.

If we continue driving, we will have to use the RV's armored plates to hit the obstacles, which will cause great damage.

The sun will soon set.

It is not suitable to drive in this situation.

"You go cook, I'm hungry!"

""Okay, Brother Yi! I'll do it right away!"

Liu Qianqian stood up, raised her hands, and stretched her body.

Her clothes were pulled up by her stretched body, revealing her slender waist without a trace of fat.

Zhang Yi smiled and admired the beautiful scenery in front of him for a while, until Liu Qianqian hummed a song and walked into the kitchen, then he focused his eyes on the upgrade option that appeared in front of him.

The RV has passed the 24-hour upgrade cooling time and can be upgraded.

RV upgrades require material points.

The initial consumption is not much, probably just a few tons of steel.

For Zhang Yi, who has 10,000 tons of steel, this consumption is just a drop in the bucket.

【Vehicle Model]: Military-grade luxury RV customized version

【Level]: Level 1 (meet the upgrade conditions)

【Internal space: 50 square meters, increasing with vehicle level

【[Outer Armor Level]: Level 1, can resist 500 points of damage, and can slowly restore the resistance value by consuming material points after leaving the battle

【Weapon Level]: Level 0, no weapons equipped yet

【[Equipped accessories]:

1. Solid explosion-proof tires: allow the vehicle to drive on complex roads, and reduce the damage of deceleration wheel puncture by 50%.

2. Alloy obstacle remover: can break through traffic and concrete piers. When the speed exceeds 50 miles, the impact force is doubled. Each impact will consume a certain amount of armor value depending on the intensity.

3. Primary emergency medical kit: can quickly heal patients by consuming medicine points, and can treat minor zombie bites and scratches.

Ding! It is detected that the RV has met the upgrade conditions. Do you need to upgrade?


Ding! Consume 1 ton of steel and upgrade the RV to level 2!

【Vehicle Model]: Military-grade luxury RV customized version

【Level]: Level 2 (can be upgraded after 48 hours)

【Internal space: 100 square meters, increasing with vehicle level

【[Outer Armor Level]: Level 2, can resist 800 points of damage, and can slowly restore the resistance value by consuming material points after leaving the battle

【[Weapon Level]: Enabled, current level 1!

【New accessory weapons]: Flamethrower: consumes energy points, sprays out thousand-degree high-temperature flames, spray range 20 meters, duration 5 seconds, can be fired 10 times in a row, cooling time 10 minutes

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