"Huh? Poof! You..."You can come?"

Liu Qianqian was so nervous that she couldn't even eat the noodles. She forgot to chew the noodles in her mouth.

What kind of lewd words are these?!

Then, Liu Qianqian felt her neck loosen up, and her apron was pulled out by Zhang Yi.

She was wearing very little now, and the apron could cover it up before.

Without the apron, her two long legs were exposed to the air.

"this...I feel a little embarrassed...."

Liu Qianqian felt a little embarrassed, and her little head quickly fell into a state of infatuation.

A minute later, the sizzling sound of frying meat came from the kitchen.

Then, waves of meat aroma drifted over.

What's going on?

Liu Qianqian sniffed hard, wow, it smells so good!

Zhang Yi is capable, considerate, and can cook, and most importantly, he is so handsome.

Liu Qianqian looked at Zhang Yi's angular profile and her eyes turned into stars in an instant.

But soon, she was in a dilemma.

Zhang Yi was making the delicious fried meat, so what about the instant noodles in front of him?

It's the end of the world now, and the value of food is comparable to gold. It would be a pity to throw it away.


Liu Qianqian pouted and ate the two large bowls of noodles with a wronged look on her face.

Soon, Zhang Yi came back with two plates of beautifully presented steaks.

In fact, the preparation of Western steak is very simple. The main thing is the heat and sauce. There is no other technical difficulty.

This is also one of the few dishes that Zhang Chen can make.

"We are having steak today, come and try my cooking!"

""Yeah, good!"

It was the first time for Liu Qianqian to eat the meal Zhang Yi cooked himself. She was so happy that she almost jumped up, looking eager to try it. She completely forgot that she had just eaten two large bowls of instant noodles.

She quickly cut off a small piece of beef and put it in her mouth.

This taste is very delicious....

Is this beef?

It has a rich aroma, melts in your mouth, and is delicious!

Liu Qianqian has never eaten such delicious beef before, and couldn't help but praise it:

"Oh my god, Brother Yi, your cooking skills are amazing. The beef tastes so good and is so delicious! This is the first time I have eaten such beef!"

Zhang Yi smiled and said frankly:"It's not that I'm a good cook, but the quality of the beef is good. The name of Kobe beef is not given for nothing!"


Kobe beef?

The one I just ate was Kobe beef?

That is the most precious variety of Wagyu, known as the Rolls-Royce of beef!

Liu Qianqian widened her big watery eyes in disbelief.

She was not surprised that Zhang Yi would use Kobe beef for dinner.

For a super rich second generation like him, even if Kobe beef was used as ordinary beef for cooking, she would not be surprised.

But now is the end of the world!

How many people are still hungry because they can't eat, and Zhang Yi can actually eat luxurious Kobe beef under such circumstances?!

"Brother Yi, could it be that you used a large amount of funds, even selling your shares, to buy this thing?"

"Well! I said, it's the end of the world, there's only one day and no tomorrow, so you have to be nice to yourself! Of course, it's not just Wagyu, I have stored some of all kinds of beef, otherwise it's easy to get tired of eating the same kind of beef all the time!"

Zhang Yi nodded and said seriously


People say that eating the same kind of beef often makes you sick of it?

"Brother Yi, it is the end of the world now, we should eat less and less food, so I suggest we eat in a planned way, so that we can eat longer!"

Liu Qianqian advised earnestly.

Zhang Yi:"Okay, I know, eat quickly, it will get cold soon. If it is not enough, I will cut some more goose liver later!"

Liu Qianqian:"..."

Are you listening to me? Still eating foie gras?

Actually, Liu Qianqian didn't know that the reserves Zhang Yi mentioned were not just a few dozen kilograms or a few hundred kilograms.

Instead, they were measured in tons.

In Zhang Yi's opinion, a little bit was about three to five tons.

If it was a little bit, it would be at least dozens of tons.

Among the ingredients Zhang Yi had stored, the black truffle had the least reserves, and it was the only one measured in kilograms.

There was no way, because the production of black truffles was too low.

Zhang Yi had already bought out the supply of black truffles at that time.


Liu Qianqian couldn't help but burp.

She ate too much. She had just eaten two bowls of instant noodles and now she had eaten half a steak. She couldn't eat any more. Her originally flat belly was bulging.

Fortunately, Zhang Yi's clothes were relatively loose, which perfectly covered his belly.

Why didn't you tell me about such a delicious food earlier? You made me eat two bowls of instant noodles!

Did you do it on purpose?

At this time, Liu Qianqian looked at Zhang Yi with a look full of resentment.

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