""Okay, then you wait for me!"

Zhang Yi nodded calmly, then got down from the RV.

This morning, the RV crushed another seventy or eighty zombies and gained 6 points of evolution essence.

Zhang Yi evenly distributed these evolution essences to strength, agility and physique, and each attribute immediately increased by 20 points.

In an instant, he felt an unprecedented powerful energy flowing through his body.

Huh, I've become stronger again!

Zhang Yi examined himself, and an attribute panel immediately appeared in front of him.

【Name: Zhang Yi

【Charm]: 82 (97-15). Due to the host's long experience of war, he has a strong temper and his charm is reduced by 15 points.

【Strength]: 213. The higher the strength value, the stronger the damage and blocking ability;

【Agility]: 135, Hou Yi Tong Bow's choice, increases agility by 30 points;

【Knowledge: 85

【Constitution: 112. The higher the constitution value, the stronger the ability to resist blows, and the stronger the resistance to toxins, viral infections, etc.

【Combat Potential Rating】:SSS

"Brother Yi, be careful! This guy is a little weird!"

Liu Qianqian also saw that there was something wrong with Brother Long, and his strength was a little too strong.

So she carefully reminded him.

"Okay, I know. I know what's going on!"

Zhang Yi nodded.

With his fighting skills, even professional killers who are stronger than him have been strangled.

Not to mention this little thug who came from street fights.

【Name: Zhao Long

【Charm]: 32 (45-13), too much ruffian spirit, lower charm

【Strength]: 95. The higher the strength value, the stronger the damage and blocking ability;

【Agility: 80

【Knowledge: 15

【Constitution: 65. The higher the constitution value, the stronger the ability to resist blows, and the stronger the resistance to toxins, viral infections, etc.

【[Combat Potential Rating]: B

Zhang Yi's combat data is almost twice that of the opponent, which is a complete state of defeat.

But Brother Long has no reconnaissance ability, and he doesn't know how strong Zhang Yi is.

But relying on the fact that he can break a plastic chair with one punch, and he is unscathed.

He feels that he is no longer someone that ordinary people can fight against.

So he is quite confident in his own strength.

Seeing Zhang Yi coming out of the car and getting closer and closer to him.

Brother Long smiled with success.

He thought to himself: This guy is really a fool! In order to show off in front of his girlfriend, he even doesn't want his life.

If he takes that strange bow and arrow to shoot himself, I'm afraid I won't even have a chance to fight back.

Now that this man has taken the initiative to come and die, it's great.

Killing this man, his strength will definitely be greatly improved!

Brother Long licked his dry lips, clenched the axe in his right hand, and rushed over first.

Zhang Yi was unarmed and didn't have any weapons at all.

Using weapons to deal with such a guy is simply an insult to himself

""Go to hell!"

Brother Long yelled, and the axe suddenly smashed down towards Zhang Yi's head.


The axe was about to hit Zhang Yi's head.

But he never expected that the latter's figure suddenly jumped forward and came in front of him.

Although the axe is a close-range attack, it is not a close-range attack like a dagger.

Zhang Yi had long seen through Brother Long's flaw and stood in the blind spot of the attack range.

It was not a blind spot in the distance, but a blind spot in the near distance.

The two people were too close, and the axe could not reach it.

Zhang Yi's unconventional move was beyond Brother Long's expectations.

Brother Long's axe not only missed, but his elbow also hit Zhang Yi's shoulder in the opposite direction, causing him to loosen his hand in pain, and the axe fell to the ground.

"You are looking for death!"

Brother Long responded quickly, raised his left hand and swung a punch.

Brother Long is left-handed, and the axe in his right hand is just a cover. The real killer move is the fist in his left hand.

When he was a gangster, his left hand once knocked out a middle-aged man with one punch.

Now his strength has more than doubled, and the power of this punch is naturally extraordinary.

Seeing the fist getting closer and closer to Zhang Yi's face, Brother Long's heart was full of smiles.

There is a triangular area on the human face. As long as you are hit by a heavy punch, no matter how strong your physique is, you will faint immediately.

The two people are so close that no one can dodge.


Seeing that the fist is about to touch Zhang Yi's face.

Who knows that Zhang Yi's skills are as agile as a ghost, and he stretched out his palm after being attacked first, and blocked the fist lightly!

After catching such a punch from Brother Long with all his strength, his palm did not move at all, like a wall, firmly blocking there.

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