In fact, Liu Qianqian also knew that after the long whistle just now, the zombies nearby were basically attracted out.

Even if there are still zombies trapped in the house, they are the kind of disabled zombies with broken joints and inconvenient movement. Even an ordinary person can easily defeat it.

With Zhang Yi's skills, there will naturally be no danger.

Liu Qianqian understood the truth, but she couldn't help but worry.

When she thought of Zhang Yi being injured, her heart would beat fast, and she had an urge to rush up to help Zhang Yi bear the Shanghai.

A few minutes passed.

The teaching building was still quiet.

It was so quiet that the crows circling in the sky seemed particularly noisy.


Suddenly, a window on the fifth floor of the teaching building burst open.

Then a black shadow jumped out of the window.

It was Zhang Yi!

Liu Qianqian's heart suddenly rose to her throat.

But when she looked closely, she found that Zhang Yi was standing on the ground unscathed.

Countless glass fragments tore his clothes, but there was not even a white line on the skin inside.

He actually jumped from such a high place on the fifth floor and was still safe and sound?!

Liu Qianqian covered her mouth in surprise.

Zhang Yi did not come down alone. He was holding a zombie's neck in his hand.

This was a male zombie with a very burly figure and wearing a sports vest. He looked like a physical education teacher.

He was about 1.8 meters tall and had solid muscles. Although his right leg had been eaten by zombies from the knee down to only bones, it weighed at least 160 to 170 kilograms.

Zhang Yi lifted the zombie high above his head with one hand.

Then he shook his right wrist.

With a creak, he broke the zombie's neck.

The zombie gave up struggling and fell down with limp limbs.

What a strong strength!

Liu Qianqian's eyes turned into stars in an instant. Brother Yi was so handsome and powerful!

Zhang Yi was also quite satisfied with his improvement in strength.

After all, he ate 160 points of evolution essence in one go.

All this should be attributed to Brother Long.

If he hadn't released thousands of zombies in the teaching building, Liu Qianqian would never have thought of using the RV to"kite" the zombies.

Fortunately, the battle took place in the school, with a spacious playground to create distance.

If it was on the road, there would be zombies everywhere, as well as scrapped cars.

The RV probably wouldn't be able to run a few laps. It would either be surrounded by zombies and rush out by consuming armor, or run far enough to get rid of the zombies.

The kite tactic still has very high requirements for the location of the venue and the zombies.

"Let's go, let's keep on going!"

Zhang Yi threw the zombie's body three or four meters away, raising a lot of dust when it landed.

"Okay, Brother Yi! Let me drive this time! I think I kind of like driving!"

Liu Qianqian smiled mischievously, and then took the lead in grabbing the driving seat.

Zhang Yi sat in the living room at the back with an indifferent look on his face.

Now it is only more than a hundred kilometers away from Linhai City.

If everything goes well, we can reach Linhai City today.

Of course, the premise is that everything goes well.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yi smiled self-deprecatingly.

Now it is the end of the world, how can there be any smooth sailing?

What has been experienced in these days makes people feel like a month has passed.

The RV returned to the highway from Sishui Town.

The road from here is a mountain road.

The highway will pass through several tunnels that run through the mountains, and then it will arrive in Linhai City.

It is not only the end of this highway, but also a small end of Zhang Yi's current journey.

The RV drove on the highway for more than ten minutes, and suddenly the speed slowed down, and finally it stopped.

"What happened? Is there another traffic jam?"

Zhang Yi asked with a little surprise.

Traffic jam refers to the road where a large number of scrapped cars are crowded together.

Liu Qianqian had driven on such a road before, and the upper limit of the RV's armor value was only 500.

Now the upper limit of the RV's armor value has been upgraded to 800, and the anti-collision ability has been further improved, so it is even more familiar with traffic jams.


Liu Qianqian seemed to have seen some strange scene, which was difficult to describe in her language, so she suddenly said this.

The road is gone?

How could a good highway be gone?

Zhang Yi walked from the car to the co-pilot's seat.

It turned out that this highway was built on a bridge.

For some reason, a large section of the road in front collapsed directly, and the steel bars on the road surface were exposed.

At the location of the broken bridge, a large group of black and red butterflies were dancing.

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