"Human trials? But...Professor Wang, we haven't passed the animal experiment yet. Isn't it too dangerous to rashly conduct human experiments?

Assistant Xu Hao reminded him with some concern.

"Danger? When has human progress not been accompanied by danger? The reason why animal experiments were needed in the past was entirely out of so-called humanitarianism, which was terribly ignorant!"

Professor Wang Zhen roared with red eyes:"How can animals be the same as humans? If animal experiments pass, will human experiments also pass? This is completely nonsense!"

"These idiots who occupy the moral high ground only know how to point fingers at us. But now it’s different, we are trying to do a great good deed to save humanity!"

"As long as the vaccine for the virus can be successfully developed, it will be like a savior for mankind. What does it matter if a few people die?"

Wang Zhen lost his loved ones and many colleagues who worked in the laboratory in this zombie virus.

Under the stimulation of this huge pressure, he has become a little crazy.

"otherwise...We will conduct experiments on animals today and human beings tomorrow. After all, it is difficult to find living people now...."

Xu Hao looked at Heizi, who was tied up on the bed, and his eyes showed some pity.

After all, it was only a few days after the end of the world.

Wang Zhen did not study the DNA sequence of the zombie virus at all. He was eager for quick success and even violated all scientific common sense. He directly fused the zombie virus with human stem cells and anti-toxin proteins at the molecular level.

What kind of effect would the product have on animals and humans? I am afraid that even Wang Zhen himself could not explain it clearly.

"We are conducting animal experiments today and then human experiments in the evening. We can’t delay any longer. I can’t wait as long as tomorrow!"

"Now, every day we delay, thousands of people will die! I must solve this virus and become the savior of mankind! Hahahaha!"

Wang Zhen grinned and laughed for a while, then took out a potion called reverse conversion.

This is a blood-red mutant virus that is not contagious, but its effect on the host is unknown.

There are 4 bottles of this potion in total.

"Let's start the experiment now!"

Wang Zhen said without question.

"All right..."Professor Wang!"

Xu Hao sighed.

At least Wang Zhen agreed to start the experiment with animals first.

In this way, if there are too many tragic accidents in the process, he can still find a way to persuade Wang Zhen not to conduct human experiments easily.

He really couldn't bear to see living people turned into deformed monsters under the effect of the drug.

Wang Zhen walked to the experimental subject observation window and took a rough look.

There are three experimental observation rooms in total.

In observation room No. 1, there is a palm-sized furry spider lying. In observation room No. 2, there is a cockroach.

In observation room No. 3, there is a snow-white kitten without a trace of stray hair.

"Let’s start with number 1!"

"Got it, now inject the modified virus into the No. 1 experiment subject!"

Xu Hao repeated what he was going to do, then operated the mechanical arm to fix the spider in the No. 1 laboratory, and then slowly injected a red medicine syringe into it.

Five minutes later, the reverse transformation agent was injected into the No. 2 and No. 3 experiments respectively.

After everything was injected, Xu Hao walked out of the operating room and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Now let's wait and see the results!"

Wang Zhen rubbed his hands together and walked around the room expectantly.

The drug will take effect in about 5 minutes, but depending on the physical characteristics of the experimental subject, the time may be shortened or extended.

"Professor Wang, there seems to be something wrong with the No. 2 experimental subject!"

Xu Hao stood nervously in front of the No. 2 observation window and said anxiously

"Hmm? What happened?"

Wang Zhen walked over quickly.

He saw the cockroach in the observation room, which was still alive and kicking one second, and suddenly stopped moving the next second.

Then the whole body began to swell suddenly, as if it was blown up.

From the size of half a finger, it slowly grew to the size of a palm, and then grew to the size of a pet dog.

What's more terrifying is that it is still growing, and it is getting bigger and bigger.

Even the bristles on its legs have become as thick as nails.

"this...How is this possible? Did I make a mistake?"

Wang Zhen looked at the cockroach that was growing bigger and bigger, his eyes a little distracted.

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