Zhang Yi and Liu Qianqian stopped in front of the experimental building.

Zhang Yi looked at the palm-sized spider climbing back and forth on the wall and used the intermediate detection eye.

On the side of the spider, a data bar immediately appeared.

Mutated spider larva: Threat level: Overwhelming level.

The threat level refers to the difference in strength between Zhang Yi and the target.

Overwhelming level means that no matter how it struggles, it can't cause any harm to Zhang Yi.

The threat can be ignored.

It just looks scary, with such a big spider crawling around in front of him.

"You meet me in the RV, I'll go in and take a look. If there's any danger, I'll come out immediately!"

"Okay, Brother Yi, you must be careful!"

Liu Qianqian was so scared when she saw these eight-legged hairy spiders that her hair stood up.

If this spider was as big as the giant hound just now, maybe she would not be afraid and would directly fight it.

On the contrary, this kind of spider is not big, but not small.

Although they can't cause much harm to Liu Qianqian, as long as she thinks of such a thing crawling up her legs, goose bumps fall all over the floor.

"Help! Help!"

Zhang Yi had just used brute force to tear down the locked front door of the laboratory building when he saw Xu Hao running out in panic, followed by three or four zombies in white coats.


Whoosh! Whoosh!

Zhang Yi's speed of firing arrows has increased significantly. In almost two seconds, four arrows flew past Xu Hao's face.



The heads of the four zombies exploded, leaving only four bodies. They rushed forward a few steps due to the inertia of running, then their knees softened and they fell to the ground.

"Thank you! Thank you! You should run too, there are monsters inside!"

Zhang Yi grabbed the panicked Xu Hao and pointed at the photo of Heizi on his phone and asked:

"Have you seen this person?"

Xu Hao didn't even raise his head or look at the photo, and said to himself:

"The monster is coming, the monster is coming! It will be too late if we don’t run now!"

Zhang Yi lifted up the skinny Xu Hao with one hand, and his feet were more than ten centimeters off the ground.

"I'll ask you again, you'd better answer seriously, otherwise I'll break your legs and leave you here to feed the monsters!"

Zhang Yi's trick really worked.

Although Xu Hao was still nervous and looked back from time to time, at least he calmed down a little.

It's not good to be calm.

The monster behind is scary, but the guy in front of him is even scarier.

Especially the latter exudes a terrifying aura like the god of death.

Everything will turn into the opposite, Xu Hao was so scared that his brain calmed down instantly.

"Have you seen this person?"

"See...Seen...He was tied up in the laboratory on the fifth floor!"

"Take me there now!"


Xu Hao instinctively wanted to refuse, but seeing Zhang Yi's cold eyes, the word"no" came to his lips, but he swallowed it back.

"That...Oh well...But you must protect me!"

"Don't worry, you won't die before you find Heizi!"

Zhang Yi threw Xu Hao forward and threw him two or three meters away.

Because he landed on his legs, Xu Hao just stumbled and was not injured.

Xu Hao walked upstairs carefully.

He was afraid that Zhang Yi could not protect himself, so he walked very slowly on purpose, and was only one or two steps away from Zhang Yi.

There were only three or four zombies in the safe passage.

For Xu Hao, it might be an unsolvable existence, and he was lucky to escape from their hands.

But for Zhang Yi, there was no need for weapons to deal with three or four zombies, he could just break their necks with his bare hands to solve the problem. fell off.

Such a decisive and courageous method made Xu Hao's eyes widen.

Soon, the two of them came to the laboratory on the fifth floor one after the other.

This place has basically become a spider web cave.

The spider web has entangled the surrounding ground, walls and ceiling.

Zhang Yi grabbed a strand of spider silk and pulled it a little, and found that although the spider silk was not sticky, it was very tough.

If it entangled an ordinary person, it would be impossible for him to struggle out by himself.

Zhang Yi exerted force with both hands, and the spider silk snapped - but if it was to entangle himself, this kind of silk thread was still too thin.

"The person you are looking for is in the third room on the left!"

Xu Hao stood at the stairs, pointing to a closed room.

This was his limit. No matter how much Zhang Yi threatened and lured him, he refused to move forward.

It seemed as if there was something horrible inside that could burst out at any time. ps: It will be on sale at 12:00 am tomorrow (Saturday). It will be updated on the first day. It will be updated in different time periods. Please support me. Please click on it if you have already subscribed. The subscription on the first day (12:00 pm on Saturday to 12:00 pm on Sunday) is very important. It will affect the subsequent recommendations. I beg readers to support me.

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