Actually, Zhang Yi was just joking, teasing her.

This is also a great pleasure in the end times.

Heizi is taller than Liu Qianqian, so of course she couldn't resist.

So Zhang Yi lifted the two of them into the car by himself.

Heizi was thrown onto the sofa, and the little girl was gently placed on the floor.

Zhang Yi certainly didn't plan to let Heizi live in the RV. After all, there was Liu Qianqian here, and it would be inconvenient to have one more man.

But this time only one RV was driven over. If Heizi wasn't put in the RV, would he be put on the roof?

Zhang Yi had other arrangements for Heizi.

When he woke up, he led several other security team members and drove a Hummer to perform the task of guarding the RV.

There are still many unknown dangers on the road ahead. One more car and one more partner can often produce unexpected results at critical moments!

"Where did this child come from?"

Liu Qianqian squatted on the ground, teasing the little girl while looking up and asking

"The one rescued from the laboratory should be the same as Heizi, who was captured for human experiments! What a perverted laboratory! They even didn't let go of the little girl!"

Zhang Yi looked at the little girl and always felt something was wrong.

Other little girls would run and jump on the ground when playing games.

But this little girl was very strange. She liked to play on the ground.

And she was very interested in a plush pendant on the keychain in Liu Qianqian's hand.

Her eyes were lively and lively, and they moved with the swing of the pendant.

"They are indeed a group of bad people. Oops, the person who went upstairs with you just now ran downstairs early. I was afraid that you would need help, so I didn’t chase him!"

"He drove a black Mercedes-Benz G towards Linhai City. I wrote down the license plate number. If we chase him now, we should be able to catch him in time!"

Liu Qianqian said seriously.

"Since he ran away, there is no need to chase him. Anyway, we will go to Linhai soon. If we meet him, it’s fine. If not, forget it! His strength is not enough to pose any threat to us!"

Zhang Yi used the detection eye to look at Xu Hao. He is very knowledgeable, but his other combat attributes are very low.

The worst thing is that his combat potential rating is a D, which is basically a half-disabled type.

Even if he kills zombies every day, he can't catch up with Zhang Yi.

"That's good..."

After hearing Zhang Yi's words, Liu Qianqian finally felt relieved and turned her attention back to the little girl.

""Little baby, what's your name?"

Liu Qianqian asked while imitating the baby talk.

Her appearance was more like a queen and a queen, not a lolita, and the same was true for her voice.

So when she imitated the baby talk, it was not the voice of a very cute little girl.

Instead, it was a charming and indescribable voice.

Zhang Yi felt a little numb when he heard it.

"that...You'd better speak nicely. If you keep talking like that, I can't guarantee that I won't do anything out of line!"

Liu Qianqian rolled her eyes at Zhang Yi and whispered,"What else have you not done out of line? Tsk!"

Facing Liu Qianqian's retort, Zhang Yi pretended not to hear it and continued:

"This little girl can't talk. She may have lost her parents when she was born. You should teach her from now on! I see you can play well with her!"

"I didn’t expect you could take care of children. I really don’t know how to take care of children at all!"

Liu Qianqian touched the girl’s silver-white hair and said,"Actually, I don’t know how to take care of children either, but I used to have cats at home, many cats!"

"They have a very good relationship with me. Now it seems that raising a child is the same as raising a kitten. Even the toys they play with are similar. Don't worry, I will take care of her from now on!"The little girl responded to Liu Qianqian's touch with an intoxicated look on her face.

In the end, she lay on her back on the ground, her hands gently hugging Liu Qianqian's hands.

"Look, my cat behaves like this when I touch her and she feels good about it!"

Liu Qianqian said excitedly, as if she had discovered the ultimate secret to raising a child.

"Well, you are probably the first person in history to raise a child like a cat!"

Zhang Yi saw that the little girl's behavior was indeed a bit like a cat.

He didn't know if Liu Qianqian would really develop a cat-like personality if he continued to raise her like this. He couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"Since she doesn't have a name, let's give her a name!"

Liu Qianqian said with shining eyes.

Girls seem to be naturally interested in this kind of child-raising and house-playing game.

Naming is one of them.

"Um...I found her in the laboratory building, so let's call her the experiment...."

Zhang Yi scratched his head and said, naming is what he is worst at.

"Huh? Experiment? Brother Yi, are you serious? How can a little girl's name be called Experiment? This is too ugly!"

Liu Qianqian pouted her lips, looking unhappy.

"Then you pick one!"

"Look, she is so cute and her hair is silver-white, why don't we call her Xiaobai! How about Zhang Xiaobai?"

Liu Qianqian said excitedly, her eyes seemed to be saying: Say yes, yes!

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