Heizi's worry is not without reason.

Indeed, it is the end of the world now.

Any survivor who is not ruthless would hardly survive until now.

These people have either killed people with their own hands or watched their companions die and saved themselves.

People who can come here smoothly without losing any teammates are even rarer than giant pandas.

Zhang Yi knows that the mentality of people who have killed people and those who have never killed people is completely different.

People who have killed people are more ruthless, more impulsive, and more dangerous.

"I see...But if they were together...I believe we shouldn't cause too much trouble!"

Zhang Yi frowned as he watched Liu Qianqian and Liu Xiaobai jumping happily.

Even if a team of fully armed soldiers came over, they might not be able to escape unscathed if they encountered these two guys.

They were lucky not to cause trouble for others.

""Ah? Oh!"

Heizi said and stopped talking. He thought Zhang Yi was wrong.

Make trouble?

What kind of trouble can these two girls make?

How could he know that the strength of these two girls could not be described as that of women.......

Liu Qianqian brought Liu Xiaobai out, in fact, mainly to accompany Liu Xiaobai to play.

Linhai County is just an ordinary small county town, nothing special.

But it is not the case for Liu Xiaobai. It was the first time for her to see the world from the perspective of humans, and she always felt that it was full of novelty and unique things.

A stone on the side of the road, the transparent glass on the window, and the round manhole cover, all made her feel particularly fresh.

A big beauty with a hot body, with a soft and cute little girl, is really eye-catching.

Not to mention Liu Qianqian and Liu Xiaobai are born beautiful, and they can take a bath every day, so their clothes and skin are very clean.

Many survivors have not washed their hair and faces for two or three days, their hair is tangled, and their faces are black with mud.

So no matter where they go, they have become the focus of other survivors.

Liu Qianqian has actually long been accustomed to her 100% return rate of appearance, and the expressions of others when they are stunned.

But the atmosphere now is obviously wrong.

She felt that these eyes were not only full of envy and jealousy, but also greed, and even evil eyes.

"Come on, Xiaobai, let's go over there and play!"

Liu Qianqian pointed to a small garden in a remote location and said

""Yeah, yeah!"

Liu Xiaobai couldn't speak yet, so she could only randomly combine the few syllables she could utter as a promise.

This garden is a small square, not very large, and you can see the other side from one side.

There are a few trees sparsely planted on it, and there is also a pavilion inside, which feels quite peaceful.

Liu Qianqian brought Liu Xiaobai to the small park, and as soon as she entered the square covered by shrubs, she was stunned.

Because she saw three men smoking here, and there was a Doberman walking around in the garden.

These men were all wearing dark vests, tall and burly, and when they saw Liu Qianqian, their eyes lit up, and then they smiled with good intentions.

This woman is so beautiful!

This face Her facial features are flawless, and there is nothing wrong with them.

There is a queen-like rebelliousness between her eyebrows.

Not to mention her figure. No matter how hard Liu Qianqian tries to hide it, she can't hide her good figure.

Especially those long legs, which make people's eyes shine.

In fact, there are women in the survivor team of these men. They were snatched from others.

I thought the girl was pretty at the time.

But compared with Liu Qianqian in front of me, the woman in the team is just ordinary. She has no figure and no looks.

Liu Qianqian in front of me is a woman.

If there is such a woman in the team, it will be worth it even if they don't capture female survivors in the future.

""Beautiful lady, may I meet you?" My name is Li Guang, the Li Guang from Dragon City Flying General! How about it, is the name cool?"

The man with a buzz cut in the lead said with a smile, and deliberately bent his arms to show off his biceps.

At the same time, the other two followers also blocked Liu Qianqian on both sides, one on the left and one on the right, to prevent her from escaping.

This posture, at first glance, is a repeat offender.

""Don't insult the name of Longcheng Feijiang. I'm not interested in you. Xiaobai, let's go. We don't want to play here anymore!"

Liu Qianqian said as she stretched out her hand to pull Liu Xiaobai.

But she caught nothing.

When she looked again, she found that Liu Xiaobai had run to the pavilion in the distance.

In front of her, a Doberman, who was half a head taller than her, was drooling and staring at her.

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