"If we all left...That...What are you going to do?"

Heizi said with some worry.

On the one hand, he was worried about Zhang Yi's safety.

On the other hand, he was worried that his words would make Zhang Yi very unhappy. Now the latter was speaking in a sarcastic way.

"This RV is my home. There is nothing safer than a mobile mansion. Just go there with peace of mind!"

Zhang Yi patted Heizi's shoulder and said encouragingly:

"Thank you for taking care of my father when I was away all these years. No one can predict what will happen!"

"I dare not promise you anything. If there is a chance in the future, let's meet in Linhai City!"

When Zhang Yi said the last sentence, an ambulance happened to pass by, and the sound was covered.

There seemed to be a problem in the parking lot, and now people outside the airport were also in a panic.

Even some taxis waiting for passengers did not even pick up passengers, but directly pressed the meter and drove away empty.

"Don't worry, Young Master. Send me your location tonight, and I will personally lead a team to protect you tomorrow morning!"

Heizi finished speaking, grinning, revealing a hearty smile, and then watched Zhang Yi board the luxury RV. The

RV has very good sound insulation.

It was already a mess outside.

The screams of the crowd, the sirens of the ambulance, and the sound of the airport broadcasting flight information mixed together, making people upset.

However, these sounds all stopped at the moment Zhang Yi closed the door. It was like another world isolated from the world.

The RV was unspeakably quiet.

The surround stereo speakers were playing Zhang Chen's favorite classical music: Beethoven's Fifth Symphony in C minor.

Quiet and elegant

"Chairman, is there any news about Nuonuo? Where should we go now?"

"The situation outside is a bit chaotic. Many ambulances have come. How about I take you home first?"

Liu Qianqian asked with concern while sitting in the driver's seat.

Zhang Yi did not answer. He looked at the time.

It was 7:50 p.m., and the end of the world would come in an hour and ten minutes. The continuous occurrence of multiple cases of coughing up blood at the airport was definitely not an isolated case.

The virus might have spread throughout the city.

"Lin Yunuo is at the Linhai City Health and Epidemic Prevention Center, I can go there by myself! Heizi and the others haven't left yet, you can take their car home!"

Zhang Yi said lightly

"Linhai City? That’s more than 600 kilometers away!"

"No, I'm worried about you going alone, I want to go with you so that I can take care of you on the way!"

Liu Qianqian frowned and pouted.

She changed from her usual obedient and docile self to being stubborn.

Perhaps the unusual atmosphere outside made her, as a woman, feel the unusually strong sense of danger.


Liu Qianqian suddenly lowered her head and whispered,"Besides, I don't have a home in the first place!"


This sentence surprised Zhang Yi.

A top student who graduated from a world-class university and has many talents.

Without strong financial support, she would not have achieved such success that many people can't even dream of.

Zhang Yi even thought she was the daughter of a wealthy family.

"My parents died in the earthquake when I was in junior high school. It was you, the chairman, and your father's foundation that supported my studies and provided me with living expenses."

"This is who I am today. If it weren’t for you and your father, I would have starved to death on the streets, or I don’t know what kind of situation I would have ended up in!"

"Maybe now she is singing in a KTV or working as a waiter in a restaurant? Oh, who knows?! You saved me and changed my life!"

"So the group is my home, you are my family, and I will go wherever you go!"

Liu Qianqian said, as if she remembered something sad, her eyes turned red.

After a while, she took out a certificate of funding from the Universal Star Foundation from her wallet.

On the certificate was Liu Qianqian's personal information, below was the funding record, and there was a group photo.

Sitting in the center of the first row of the photo was 17-year-old Zhang Yi and his father.

The ignorant faces in the photo were orphans who survived the unprecedented earthquake six years ago.

Zhang Yi's father was not only an outstanding entrepreneur, but also a well-known philanthropist.

Every year, he would take out 30% of the group's profits for charity.

These orphans are one of the countless charity projects funded by his father.

At that time, in order to let Zhang Yi, who was in a rebellious period, understand what gratitude was, his father took him to almost every event.

So Zhang Yi had no impression of these rescued families and children, but the latter were impressed by him.

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