As the stones hit him again and again, Xia Yu slowly lost the strength to resist.

His whole body collapsed to the ground.

Blood flowed out like a stream.

The man with glasses didn't stop until Xia Yu's head was smashed beyond recognition.

He gasped with blood all over his face, and spat on Xia Yu before leaving.

Zhang Yi watched this scene from a distance, and suddenly said in a cold tone:

"Heizi, I don’t like this guy with glasses!"

"Got it!"

Heizi made a look at He Zhigang, who nodded knowingly, pulled out the military dagger from his boots, then took a few quick steps and followed the man with glasses into an alley.

After a while, He Zhigang came back with a relaxed look on his face and nodded at Heizi:"Done!"

"Young Master, what shall we do next? I saw you looked at that girl several times. How about I bring my brothers to help you snatch her away now?"

Heizi also realized the code of conduct in the end times.

Strength is everything.

There is rarely cooperation among the survivors, but more of a fight for interests.

If you don't take good resources, someone else will naturally take them.

Food, weapons, and medicines are resources, and now women are also one of the resources.

Liu Qianqian glanced at Zhang Yi and said softly,"That girl is quite pretty. Don't worry, I won't be jealous!"

Monogamy is a product of peacetime.

In ancient times, people practiced polygamy, and even in matriarchal societies, polyandry existed.

In fact, these are all products of different social forms.

Men with strong strength can naturally have more spouses of the opposite sex.

Women with strong strength will also compete for more male spouses.

This is the law of natural development.

Moreover, now is the end of the world, and the number of human beings has decreased sharply.

Sticking to the system of monogamy is definitely an outdated idea.

Even if there are still some sociologists now, they will definitely support polygamy, a model system that can quickly reproduce offspring.

Liu Qianqian saw this very clearly.

"What girl?"

Zhang Yi was stunned.

It was true that he looked in the direction of the truck a few more times, but that was not towards Xia Xue.

Zhang Yi was looking at the pockmarked face!

Because he saw the shadow of Brother Long on the pockmarked face.

When the pockmarked face appeared just now, Zhang Yi used the intermediate detection eye to look at

【Name: Wang Tiezhu

【Charm]: 12 (25-13), too much ruffian spirit, lower charm

【Strength]: 101. The higher the strength value, the stronger the damage and blocking ability;

【Agility: 92

【Knowledge: 25, Specialty, Driver's license A ticket, Killing pigs, Selling meat

【[Constitution]: 92

【[Combat Potential Rating]: B

Another piece of trash with only B-level combat potential.

The growth potential of any security guard around Zhang Yi is higher than him.

But this guy is very strong.

Even stronger than Brother Long he saw before.

This shows that he, like Brother Long, has slaughtered a lot of survivors.

It is through this way that he obtains high attribute values that become stronger quickly.

The last time he killed Brother Long, he obtained 83 points of evolution essence.

It is equivalent to killing 4 giant zombie hounds or hundreds of ordinary zombies!

Compared with the giant zombie hounds or hundreds of zombies, the strength of the pockmarked face is simply fart.

Why not take this evolution essence that is delivered to the door?

However, his attention to the pockmarked face made Heizi and Liu Qianqian misunderstand that he wanted to catch Xia Xue.

Zhang Yi didn't have a very deep impression of what this girl looked like.

He only remembered...It seems to be white...

It doesn't matter. No matter what you do, you have to get rid of the pockmarked face. It doesn't make any difference in the results.

"Heizi, you take people to find out the details of the pockmarked people in the hotel. Qianqian will be responsible for watching Liu Xiaobai in the RV. Let's fight quickly and decisively!"

"By the way, don’t shoot the pockmarked face and his men in the head when you kill them. Wait until they become zombies, and then kill them once. Leave the pockmarked face to me!"

Zhang Yi commanded calmly.

Everything was arranged in an orderly manner.

"Let's go, Xiaobai, let's go play in the car!"

Liu Qianqian took Liu Xiaobai away tactfully.

Ten minutes later, Heizi led his men back to the gathering point near the hotel.

"Young Master, we have found out the general situation of the hotel. The pockmarked face team has a total of 25 people, all men."

"The hotel has seven floors in total. There are six people in the lobby on the first floor, two people on the terrace on the second floor, two people patrolling the corridor, Pockmarked Face and the five followers were eating on the third floor. The rest of the people were nowhere to be seen, probably they were resting!"

"Xia Xue is locked up in the presidential suite on the seventh floor. She will be safe there. It is estimated that Ma Zi Lian will finish his meal and go upstairs at any time. We have to hurry up!"Hei

Zi reported in great detail. While he was speaking, he drew a floor plan of the hotel on the ground with charcoal.

"Got it. Heizi will lead the others to eliminate the enemies on the first and second floors at the same time. Be quick and gentle! I will go to the third floor to deal with Ma Zilian!"

Zhang Yi said, looking at the number of people.

There were six people including him on Heizi's side.

These people were well-trained professionals.

They were far different in strength from those hooligans who relied on fighting and brawling to show off their strength.

"Okay, I'll take He Zhigang and the first team and rush into the lobby to start the fight! Li Yong and the second team will hang on the terrace, I'll break open the door, and you guys will come up!"

"Hello, Heige!"

"" Received, Black Team!"

Several people confirmed the battle process again, and then began to act separately.... two... one...

With a bang, the glass of the hotel's main entrance was smashed.

Heizi led his men in and hacked them randomly.

This team is the strongest in the quarantine area, and no one dared to provoke them, so their defense was a little slack.

When Heizi rushed in, six people in the lobby were playing poker.

Seeing someone rushing in, they didn't even have time to pick up their weapons. They were chopped to the ground in an instant.

At the same time, Li Yong and another team member used steel wire ropes to silently solve the enemies on the terrace.

Zhang Yi did not walk through the lobby, but jumped easily along the outer wall of the hotel building, and stepped on it with his body.

Like a nimble gecko, he came to the window of the restaurant on the third floor.

He poked his head inside and found that the pockmarked face had already walked into the elevator, and only a few followers were still eating and drinking.

Zhang Yi quietly jumped to the side, and then climbed to the top floor of the seventh floor in one breath.

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