All dead now?

Xia Xue couldn't believe her eyes.

These people were ferocious. There were more than 200 people in the quarantine area, and no one dared to resist.

They were forced to snatch the food from their hands. They were defeated so easily?

And there were only six or seven people who defeated them?

Heizi was holding his waist and directing the team members to clean up the battlefield.

"Young Master, the mission is accomplished. We have found out where they hid their things and have sent people there!"

Zhang Yi nodded in response.

""Mr. Shao, Brother Hei, these guys have collected a lot of good stuff! The entire sixth floor, more than a dozen rooms, are full of canned meat, canned fruit, and all kinds of high-calorie delicacies!"

He Zhigang ran back happily, holding a bottle of beer in his hand.

"Move all the stuff away. It's creepy to just pile up these bodies in the room and put them in the hall!"

Zhang Yi said

"OK, Mr....I see there is still water in the water tower of this hotel, so you can take a shower....It will take some time for us to clear out this place. Why don't you and this young lady take a break first?"

Heizi asked in a considerate manner.


Zhang Yi then took a closer look at Xia Xue.

This girl lived up to her name, her skin was as crystal clear as snow.

Not the excessive whiteness of white people, but the flawless whiteness of oriental women.

Although Xia Xue's figure was not as explosive as Liu Qianqian's, she was also slender and graceful, in line with the feminine beauty of oriental women. She was indeed very beautiful, and her style and feeling were completely different from Liu Qianqian.


Xia Xue stammered,"I can't do it these days. My relatives are coming...."

After saying this, her face flushed again, and she felt that her words were too blunt.

What do you mean not in these few days?

Does that mean it will be fine after these few days?

How is this a rejection?

It just means to make an appointment another day. It means she readily accepted it!

Xia Xue really didn't dislike Zhang Yi.

Especially when Zhang Yi climbed in through the window and saved her.

Girls all have a dream of a prince charming in their hearts, and they all hope that their boyfriends can be a hero with superb martial arts.

And Zhang Yi just fits this requirement.

The most important thing is that Zhang Yi himself is very handsome.

Not the kind of effeminate handsomeness of young handsome guys, but the kind of handsomeness that is quite manly, with a charm that women can hardly resist.

"This kind of thing, now is not the right time!"

Zhang Yi said lightly.

Xia Xue doesn't know her brother's death yet.

If she knew, she would cry.

Going to bed with her at this time?

It's really a bad idea that Heizi can come up with!

And since last night, Zhang Yi suddenly had a bad premonition.

He always felt as if something big was going to happen.

This intuition made him very uneasy, and he always wanted to leave here as soon as possible.

And just now, this uncomfortable feeling came again.

"Hurry up and pack up, we are ready to leave for Linhai City!"

Zhang Yi said without question.

Heizi knew that he had said the wrong thing, so he quickly responded and took people to move the things.

"Don't you have to be quarantined for seven days before you can go to Linhai City? If you want to leave, can you take me and my brother with you? We will listen to you and do whatever you say! Okay?"

Xia Xue looked at Zhang Yi expectantly.

"Your brother...He's dead, killed by the man with glasses!"

Zhang Yi thought he should tell the truth.

"What? My brother...Dead?"

Xia Xue was stunned for a moment, took two steps back, and sat on the ground.

It seemed that she couldn't believe that the only relative in the world had left her like this.

After a while, Xia Xue's eyes showed a firm and angry look, picked up a baseball bat, and asked:

"Where is that guy with glasses? I'm going to kill him!"

"He's dead. I had someone get rid of him. I don't like this person either!"

"Dead too?...Woo woo woo..."

Xia Xue knew that she had gotten her revenge, and finally couldn't help crying.

Zhang Yi patted her on the back to comfort her, and then walked out of the hotel quickly.

Back at the RV, Zhang Yi sat directly in the driver's seat and started the RV.

""Where's Heizi? Where's that girl?"

Liu Qianqian asked curiously.

She knew that with Zhang Yi's charm, it would be very easy to conquer a woman.

Before joining the army, Zhang Yi was already a playboy, and countless ignorant girls were fascinated by him.

Now that he has returned from the army, he has a domineering aura that makes it difficult for women to extricate themselves.

Moreover, Liu Qianqian is also a woman. From Xia Xue's eyes, she can see that she is not repulsive to Zhang Yi, and even has a little affection for him.

Based on this, it is a matter of minutes for Zhang Yi to win Xia Xue.

It just depends on whether he wants to win her and when he wants to win her.

"Heizi and the others will be here soon. Let's explore the road ahead first. It would be best if we can enter Linhai City today!"

Zhang Yi said with a serious expression.

Liu Qianqian knew that Zhang Yi must have a reason for doing this. Since Zhang Yi didn't say it, she didn't ask.

The RV drove about two kilometers on the small road in the town and arrived at the checkpoint leading to Linhai City.

The grandeur of this checkpoint is completely different from the checkpoint that entered Linhai County before.

The checkpoint in Linhai County is simply weak.

Behind the checkpoint in front of Zhang Yi is the cross-river bridge.

As long as you cross this bridge, you will reach Linhai City.

But this checkpoint is not easy to pass. Easy to break in.

The five-meter-high wall made of sand, stone and steel bars is guarded by a platoon of soldiers.

12.7mm heavy machine guns and searchlights are installed on the watchtowers on both sides.

There is a steel gate in the middle of the wall that can only accommodate one car.

There is also a helicopter circling in the sky for patrol.

If you force your way through at this time, you will be shot into a sieve by the fortifications in minutes.

Although the RV has 800 points of armor, it has never been confronted with a heavy machine gun head-on.

If you fail to break through, no one in the car will survive

"Personnel and vehicles without immunity passes are prohibited from approaching the gate within 100 meters, otherwise we will take compulsory measures to drive them away!"

The loudspeaker on the city wall suddenly sounded, and the sound slowly echoed on the vast river.

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