The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 15 Grass and trees wither and flourish again

"A treasure cauldron that is born to refine medicine? It may be more than that. There is something else in the black cauldron." His blazing eyes were like a dazzling galaxy, and he could see through everything at a glance.

When Shi Yunfeng heard this, his heart skipped a beat.

Is there another reason? It must be a treasure left by the ancestors for future generations. He recalled that when he was a child, he vaguely heard the old people in the village say that many precious medicines were refined in the black cauldron, and they had become spiritual.

At this time, the black cauldron shook even more violently. The creatures and ancient ancestors engraved on the cauldron wall became more and more real, and the sounds of sacrificial sounds and chanting continued.

It's surprising that such a vision could come from a cauldron.

Immediately afterwards, the treasures shone in all directions, and various runes and Taoist tones were emitted from the cauldron. The clouds were steaming and the clouds were filled with light, sacred and gorgeous.

The whole day and night, the movement in the black cauldron did not stop, but the other older children had completed their baptism and came out of the cauldron.

They are all lively, with red faces, and as strong as cattle. If you get closer, you can even hear the sound of blood flowing.

"Haha, these skinny kids are like the cubs of ancient relics. They are so powerful that they are almost catching up with the adults in the village. With such achievements at this age, our clan's future is bright." The clan elders Watching all this with pleasure, I couldn't help but laugh.

The old patriarch Shi Yunfeng was also smiling from ear to ear, but his eyes frequently looked at the black cauldron where the little one was baptized, and he was very concerned about it.

Other children have had such huge breakthroughs, but what about the little one who takes "intense" medication? It should be noted that his potential is much stronger than that of the children in the village, so Shi Yunfeng is looking forward to the little one.

"How long will it take for the little one's baptism?" someone asked.

Chi Cang, who had been practicing all day, opened his eyes and looked at the black tripod. His eyes were deep and there were countless runes surging.

"This baptism is extraordinary. It should take seven days to complete."

"Seven days? So long?"

The people of Shicun were shocked. It was unheard of that a baptism for a child as young as Xiao Bu Dian would take seven days. Even if it was the heir of Zhen Jian, it would be nothing more than that, right?

"It not only involves the accumulation and development of potential, but also more. He has lost something, and only the most primitive incomplete runes remain. If he can regain his life and achieve nirvana on the original basis, the runes will be even more powerful. It is complex and contains the mysteries of the heavens. It surpasses the past and blooms more brilliantly.

The autumn wind chops off the yellow leaves, the wildfire burns the dead grass, the cold wind howls by, and the branches rip off in the spring.

Grass and trees wither and flourish, and are reborn again and again, becoming stronger and greener. The simplest truth of all things in the world is this. "

Chi Cang's words stunned all the villagers on the spot. They remembered how the little one looked when they first came to Shicun. He was very young and his whole body shrank. They had never seen such a weak child.

I thought I couldn't save him and had to watch a child pass away.

In the end, the little one survived and regained his vitality. Moreover, he has extraordinary potential and has behaved differently from others since he was a child.

"Really? Can the little one regain what he once lost?" The little one raised by Shi Yunfeng personally watched him grow from weak and shrinking to white and fat, and cared about him the most. After hearing this at this moment, he couldn't help but feel sad. Tears come.

"Yes, but it's not certain whether this baptism will be successful. He is still young. If he were a little older, he would be more certain of success.

However, my arrangement in the black cauldron should be enough. Thunder is not only destruction, but also vitality. The vitality bred from the ultimate destruction is more precious than anything else.

The Lihuo Bull Demon's psychic true blood can only be regarded as an introduction at best. "

Everyone was horrified. The most precious true blood of a powerful ancient relic can only be regarded as a primer? What exactly did Chi Cang arrange in the cauldron? Absolutely amazing.

From this, they thought of the scene when Chi Cang first came to Shicun. A ball of light floated in his chest, and even the mysterious and powerful Liu Shen got something from it, which was enough to prove that what Chi Cang said was true.

Knowing this, everyone feels much more at ease. With the powerful and extraordinary Chi Cang here, there is no need to worry about the little one's baptism.

In the next few days, the adults in the village also began to use the divine essence extracted from the blood of the Lihuo Bull Demon to undergo baptism and transformation.

Although they are no longer in their golden years of cultivation, as long as the medicine is effective enough, they can still grow again, but the effect is not as good as that of children.

Stone Forest Tiger, Shi Feijiao, etc. have all grown up, from five or six thousand kilograms to tens of thousands kilograms in a flash, which is already in the category of moving blood.

If this state had to be measured numerically, it would require at least eight thousand kilograms of destructive power. At this moment, the two of them obviously met this condition and could practice in this state.

The old patriarch once again brought out his bone book for them to study and practice.

Chi Cang's evaluation of these bone books is not simple. From his current perspective, they are no worse than those of the big tribes.

Later, Shi Yunfeng told everyone the origin of these bone books, which was a sad past that he did not want to recall.

More than a dozen good brothers entered the secret cave together and took back the bone books with their lives. In the end, only Shi Yunfeng and one other person came back, and the other person died.

They paid a heavy price just to fight for Shi Cun to practice and inherit.

"Is that secret cave far away from here?" Chi Cang asked aloud.

He has memories about Shicun, and he has actually known what happened to the old patriarch Shi Yunfeng for a long time.

That secret cave is suspected to be related to a powerful inheritance, and its heels are in the upper world.

Shi Yunfeng shook his head.

"After we came out, the secret cave disappeared. At a glance, there was no trace again.

There is a deeper place there, but we were not strong enough at the time to explore deeper. "

Chi Cang nodded and stopped asking.

Time passes day by day, and in the blink of an eye, it is already the sixth day since the little boy entered the Black Cauldron. The adults in the village have all transformed and made great progress. The overall strength of the village has increased a lot.

The several villages living in this vast wilderness originally had similar strengths, but now the gap has widened, and the difference is fundamental.

Not to mention Liu Shen and Chi Cang, that ancient relic alone is enough to run rampant in the wilderness.

At this moment, the Lihuo Bull Demon has been unsealed by Chi Cang and can move freely. However, it does not dare to run around. If Chi Cang thinks that he has the intention to escape, he will definitely not be able to escape even if he jumps into the river.

Moreover, this village is not only blazing and unfathomable, the charred willow tree at the head of the village is also a hidden boss. This cow is not stupid. He has known about this willow tree in the wilderness for a long time and has never been able to see through it. .

Even those supreme beings competing for the mountain treasure did not dare to invade easily. Naturally, they did not dare to act recklessly in the village guarded by the willow tree.

The supreme being is not talking about the realm, please don’t get it wrong.

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