The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 17 Each other’s opinions

He knows what the ten evils are.

In the memory of Shicun, the little one in the future will go to Beihai to participate in the fight for the hidden treasure that Kunpeng pays attention to, and Kunpeng, like Chicang, is one of the ten evil spirits.

Each of the ten ancient evils is an unparalleled strong man who can reach the heaven and the earth, roaming the sky and the earth, looking down on the earth and the world. They all have their own most powerful treasures, with vast power, which are what countless people long for.

"Liu Shen, can you tell me something about my past?" Chi Cang said in a low voice.

Even after knowing that he was the Thunder Emperor, he could not remember the past, just like the five-colored bird. This showed that he had suffered unimaginable damage.

This can be seen from Liu Shen's surprise just now. There are rumors in the world that he has died in the past.

From the Five-Colored Bird, he learned that Liu Shen was a creature from the Ancient Immortal Era, known as the ancestor sacrifice spirit, and might know something related to the Thunder Emperor.

Dots of brilliance, hazy, soft and quiet, a wicker filled with fairy light, floating in the void.

"Thunder Emperor, the only humanoid creature among the ten evil spirits, has astonishing talents and is rare in ancient times. He is the youngest of the ten evil spirits. If he had not died prematurely in battle, he was destined to become a king and an ancestor." Liu Shen's words came, Let Chi Cang's heart tremble slightly.

This evaluation is too high. The youngest of the Ten Fierce Demons is enough to show how terrifying his talent is.

Chi Cang continued to wait, but unfortunately, he could not wait for Liu Shen's next words. He looked at the huge blackened wooden pile and immediately understood that Liu Shen was also reborn from nirvana. It was not surprising that he lost some memories.

If you think about it carefully, Shicun is really a gathering place for the old, weak, sick and disabled. Liu Shen, Five-Colored Bird and him all manifested themselves in the Immortal Era, and then were robbed and came to Shicun.

It is really a wonder to see so many ancient creatures gathered in a small village.

Chi Cang didn't speak, and so did Liu Shen. The two of them were silent for a long time, both seemed to be thinking.

After a long time, Liu Shen took the lead to break the deadlock.

"I will be in seclusion for a year. During this period, you will have to worry about the safety of Shicun."

Chi Cang nodded, with his current strength comparable to that of the Venerable, it was more than enough to protect Shicun.

"Do you still need thunder liquid? If it's not enough, I'll give you some more."

After reviving the ancient method, Chi Cang was able to slightly control a corner of the thunder pool.

The previous means of destroying the beast tide and restraining the bull demon were produced by combining this immortal seed. This is a characteristic of the ancient method. It grows together with its own seeds and fights against the enemy together.

Therefore, it is not difficult to extract some thunder liquid from the thunder pool.

However, Liu Shen declined.

"One drop is enough. I can indeed recover a lot by refining this thunder liquid, but for me, the most important thing is to decompose and study the immortal divinity in it and observe the most essential truth.

The best way to achieve true recovery is to let nature take its course. Being patient and understanding the process is not a good thing if it happens overnight. "

Chi Cang nodded, indicating that he understood. It seemed that Liu Shen was very experienced in nirvana, and he might have experienced it more than once.

At this time, the only branch of Liu Shen extended out and stopped above the black cauldron that sealed the little one.

The fresh and tender wicker, covered with budding buds, constantly releases mysterious brilliance, falling on the black cauldron wall and being absorbed by those lines. Suddenly, the visions of ancient ancestors, flowers, birds, insects, and fish become even more grand. , as if we have really returned to the distant ancient times.

"Everyone has his own path, and too much intervention will not make him go further." Liu Shen's voice came, and Chi Cang knew that he was talking about arranging a situation that was against the heavens and reviving the Supreme Bone in the little boy's chest. thing.

"So you've been playing the role of a witness all this time, right?"

"Yes, when he was sent here at first, he was dying and there was not much time left, but I didn't take any action, I just watched. If I took action to save him, he would just survive and live an ordinary life.

Finally, when he was about to wither and die, his vitality reappeared, grew stronger little by little, and survived on his own. This incident illustrates the simplest truth: life is the greatest miracle in the world. "

Chi Cang was deeply touched by the last sentence. He controlled thunder and knew that the most terrifying thing about thunder is its destructive power, which can destroy everything in the world, but the most precious thing about thunder is life.

"This child is extraordinary. He suffered bone digging at a young age, which is equivalent to death. There may be more hardships in the future.

But I believe that even if he has a difficult life, he can turn danger into safety and become stronger step by step.

He can resurrect the Supreme Bone without me. Now that I'm helping him, I just advance the process.

With his understanding, he will not be bad at all, and if he is helped in advance, he will create more miracles on this basis. "

Chi Cang expressed his thoughts. The little one in his memory was a god-like creature with an unspeakable potential. He felt that he should lay the most heaven-defying foundation for the little one, and then let him fight in the sky and traverse the world. between.

Liu Shen was silent for a while, and then he said, "Maybe."

There is neither denial nor approval.

Chi Cang stared at the willow tree and once again saw Willow God's peerless figure in white. Although it was not the first time he saw the three thousand divine kingdoms, Chi Cang was still amazed. This was the road that belonged to Liu God, and it had a powerful aura. diffuse out.

"Are they your experiences? You left your footprints in the Kingdom of Three Thousand Gods and became the sacrificial spirit for their worship and worship. I kind of understand why you are called the ancestor sacrificial spirit."

"As for my situation, you'd better not make random guesses. If you are destined, you will know about it one day."

After saying that, Liu Shen stopped making any sound, and the chaotic energy flooded there. She began to retreat. The thunder liquid dripping from the thunder pool controlled by Chi Cang was not trivial. Even if Liu Shen wanted to study it thoroughly, it would not take him a day. A matter of two days.

Looking at the silent willow tree, Chi Cang sighed slightly. He knew that the Willow God's vision was far away. Above the nine heavens, although he guarded the stone village, he would not pay too much attention to the prosperity and decline of the village. In his opinion, this It is a normal state and a natural reincarnation.

Only little ones with different circumstances can attract Liu Shen's attention and give them some special treatment. However, in essence, Liu Shen is just doing it casually, wanting to see where this creature who continues to create miracles can go.

Becoming a sacrificial spirit in the Kingdom of Three Thousand Gods, he has embarked on an extraordinary path of his own. Along the way, God Liu has seen too many extraordinary creatures and guarded countless places. Little Stone Village is just one of thousands of them. That’s all.

Chi Cang had a premonition.

Perhaps in the end, Liu Shen will gradually discover the unique potential of the little boy and value him more in the process of getting along with him, but one day, Liu Shen will leave Shicun, and this time will not be too long.

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