"little guy!"

The people of Shicun were shocked beyond measure. What kind of child is this? With such achievements at such a young age, it would be no exaggeration to say that he is a young true dragon.

"Little one, how do you feel?" The uncles and aunties in the village gathered around the little one, stroking and pinching him.

At this moment, the Supreme Bone on the little boy's chest has disappeared. This time, with Chicang's arrangement, the Supreme Bone has been completely revived and truly reappeared completely. Therefore, the Little Boy has a high degree of control over it and can move and retract it freely.

His body is white and crystal clear, flowing with brilliant treasure light, and dormant with vast energy, blood and strength. When you are up close, you can really feel a kind of oppression, which is horrifying.

"Uncles and aunts, I'm fine. I feel like I have endless strength." The little one smiled happily, showing his white teeth.

"Okay, great. Our village has given birth to an incredible child. He will definitely be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the real Golden-winged Dapeng in the future." The clan elder smiled from ear to ear, imagining the future there. Everyone was very enthusiastic. jubilation.


Suddenly, the little boy screamed. It turned out that Shi Linhu and other adults gathered around him, pinching and touching him without saying a word, and then playing back.

What was even more embarrassing was that several little girls also squeezed in, drooling with envy as they looked at his ivory-white body.

The little boy suddenly blushed, and quickly pushed away everyone, running to Chi Cang. He had already prepared a set of clothes for the little boy.

After putting on clothes, the blush on the little face gradually disappeared.

"Haha, when the little one grows up, he will become shy."

"That's right, when I couldn't walk before, my uncle would play it often and he would never blush."

"When Little One grows up, we can no longer call him Little One. Everyone calls him by his first name." Shi Yunfeng, the old patriarch, said understandingly.

"I understand, from now on I will call you Little Dot Shi Hao."

"Time flies so fast..." someone lamented. In the blink of an eye, Shi Hao grew from a child with no power to restrain a chicken to the most powerful person in the village besides Liu Shen and Chi Cang.

Adults such as Shi Linhu and Shi Feijiao are no longer opponents of Shi Hao. The improvement brought by that piece of bone is really great. Not only that, Chi Cang's arrangement also maximized Shi Hao's potential, just like It triggered a huge active volcano, causing it to erupt violently and violently.

To put it bluntly, the little brother who got his Supreme Bone was far inferior to him at the same age.

Even if Shi Yi is in an extremely powerful ancient country and has been baptized with the essence and blood of various relics, it is still not as good as a drop of thunder liquid in the Blazing Blue Thunder Pond. The two are not on the same level at all.

Moreover, most of the thunder liquid that Chi Cang prepared for Shi Hao was used to revive the Supreme Bone. Otherwise, it would have to be diluted many times before it could be used by the little one.

"Uncle Chi Cang, thank you." Shi Hao did not forget to thank Chi Cang. Without him, his Supreme Bone would never have been able to grow.

After seven days and seven nights of training, Shi Hao clearly knew how difficult it was to resuscitate this bone. Several times he was almost sucked to death. Whenever this happened, the runes arranged by Chi Cang inside the black cauldron would erupt like a vast ocean. The vitality poured into the young bones like a bottomless pit.

Time and time again, it was finally reproduced completely.

Chi Cang smiled and touched Shi Hao's head.

“Everyone has his own path, and no matter how difficult it is, you need to walk it yourself.

I just gave you a chance. What the future holds depends entirely on you. "

Shi Hao was very smart and very perceptive, and he could understand the meaning of Chi Cang's words.

But immediately, there was some confusion on his little face.

"Uncle Chicang, are you leaving?"

When Chi Cang heard this, he was slightly startled, realizing that Shi Hao thought that his words were a sign of leaving.

He was about to shake his head, but for some reason, he suddenly thought of Liu Shen, whose heart was above the Nine Heavens. He felt that Liu Shen had many things hidden in his heart and would leave one day. What would happen to him then? So, he temporarily changed his tune.

"Maybe one day, but not now. Don't worry, for me, Shicun is my home. No matter how far away I am, I will always come back."

"Yeah!" Xiao Shihao nodded heavily. He already regarded Chi Cang as a relative, so naturally he didn't want him to leave and travel far away.

"Go and share the joy of recovery with those who care about you." Chi Cang pointed to the excited villagers over there.


Shi Hao's face was full of smiles, and he happily rushed towards the patriarch, uncles, aunts, and friends. He was so happy.

Looking at the people in Shicun celebrating happily, Chi Cang felt very warm. How great would it be if the whole world was like this?

Unfortunately, this is not possible.

He shook his head, walked over to the fainted Bull Demon, kicked it a few times, and found that the guy was fast asleep, foaming at the mouth, and unconscious.

The Supreme Bone of Rebirth and Nirvana is related to reincarnation, exhausts the mysteries of heaven and earth, and contains the secret of reincarnation. Not to mention the Lihuo Bull Demon, even the Venerable will become dizzy if he looks too deeply.

This is not measured by the power of the bone, but by the level of the laws it contains.

Not to mention others, even Shi Hao himself cannot understand the runes in that bone for the time being. Only special and powerful beings like Chi Cang and Liu Shen can read them without any scruples.

The Bull Demon may have noticed that the runes in that bone were extraordinary, and was reluctant to look away due to greed. In the end, it was stunned by the runes that were beyond its understanding.

Chi Cang kicked a few more times, but there was no response. He turned around and dragged the Bull Demon away from Shicun.


The Lihuo Bull Demon, which was like a hill, was thrown to the ground, making a deafening noise.


Thunder and lightning surged, acting on the body of the Bull Demon. The direct electricity made its body tremble and smoke emitted from its body.

Not to mention, electric beef may be a brand new method of cooking. There is a kind of aroma of beef coming to the nostrils, which makes Chi Cang start to consider whether to roast the cow and eat it.

Perhaps sensing the invisible danger, the Lihuo Bull Demon jumped up and jumped a hundred feet high.

It only felt a numbness, and a strong current flowed between its muscles, causing it to tremble and tremble from time to time.


The bull demon screamed, sensing the dangerous light in Chi Cang's eyes, he quickly ran over and tried his best to please.

Chi Cang was speechless, this cow was so flattering, smarter than humans, and more enlightened.

In the end, he was a little annoyed and temporarily gave up the idea of ​​making it into an electric cow.

"Take me for a walk in this vast wilderness."

Chi Cang knew that this vast wilderness had been very unstable recently, and there were powerful creatures fighting for the mountain treasures. He wanted to take a look.


"Life is full of green hills" 5000 points reward

"Mo Xuren" rewards with 5,000 points.

"California Bistro" 500 points reward.

"My favorite drink is animal milk c" 500 points reward.

"Buddha of Infinite Light and Longevity" 500 points reward.

"I still like her" 500 points reward.

"Red-Eyed Panda" 200 points reward.

"I should be a fan of the East." 101 points for the reward.

"Wuzhao 01" rewards with 100 points.

"The Sword Begins and the Road Dies" 100 points reward.

"Hou Qingming" rewards 100 points.

"Falling Flower Season 617" 100 points reward.

"Southeast King dsy" rewards with 100 points.

"Zege Jixiang" 100 points reward.

"Mu Baiyi" rewards with 100 points.


5 monthly passes for "Beautiful Medusa".

4 monthly passes for "Tiange c".

4 monthly passes for "King of Heavenly Palace丨Hua Ye".

3 monthly passes for "Moxuren".

3 monthly passes for "Life is full of green hills".

"Wujiyi" 2 monthly passes.

1 monthly ticket for "Benzimo is very angry".

1 monthly ticket for "I still like her".

1 monthly ticket for "Book Friends 20200521102755083".

1 monthly ticket for "Fish forget each other in rivers and lakes, people forget each other in Taoism".

1 monthly pass for "Lengmu | east".

1 monthly ticket for "Book Friends 20190617133009047".

1 monthly ticket for "Tears of Heaven and Darkness".

1 monthly pass for "sayfiveagain".

1 monthly pass for "7c丶Monkey".

1 monthly ticket for "Are you sweet or not?"

1 monthly ticket for "0 Life is Everywhere Qingshan 0".

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