The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 22 Revealing it in person

The scene suddenly froze.

A bunch of ancient relics and the four supreme beings were all in a daze, shocked by Chi Cang's words.

What is he saying? just looking around? Do you think this is your own back garden?

The bull demon, demon ape, golden-haired lion, etc. are all out of their minds at this moment. Five of the six souls have been lost, and they are almost gone.

This big devil doesn't speak easily, but once he does, he will definitely scare people to death.

The four great beast masters are all looking here. You actually let them continue to fight. Isn't this offending four of them at once?

In the center of the mountain range, on the battlefield ten miles away, the little red bird looked at Chi Cang with interest and was not angry because of what he just said.

Its opponent, the stick-wielding creature that looked like Zhu Yan, was eager to try, and seemed to want to come and have a fight with Chi Cang.

The other two looked furious. Qiongqi looked at him fiercely. His body was huge and towering against the sky. The majestic mountain peaks in front of him were no different from small mounds of earth.

The demonic bird's eyes were even colder, exuding a monstrous rage.

"I hate humans."

It made a sound that shook the vast earth.

This sentence represented an attitude. Suddenly, murderous intent filled the air, raging across the endless mountains, and the entire battlefield was affected.

Qiongqi echoed: "This sacred object is of great concern. The fewer people who know about it, the better. One more person means one more competitor. I think we should work together to get rid of this arrogant human being."

Its voice was not concealed, and all living creatures heard it. The ancient relics were so stunned that they stood there frozen, their brains blank.

The most worrying thing has happened. The four supreme beings are going to join forces to kill them. The four most powerful beasts are attacking together. Who can stop them?

When Zhu Yan's descendant heard this, it was ready to make a move. It had long wanted to fight the seemingly unfathomable Chi Cang, and Qiong Qi's words were exactly what it wanted.

However, it did not act impulsively and rashly. It just kept staring at Chi Cang on the back of the cow, ready to turn the iron rod in its hand at any time.

As for the little red bird, it sneered. It was not interested in the Sky-Swallowing Bird and Qiongqi and didn't want to join forces with them at all.

"Haha, the reputation of Sky Swallowing Bird, Qiong Qi, and cunning and vicious is truly well-deserved." Chi Cang laughed and taunted loudly.

"Human, what did you say?" The Sky-Swallowing Bird was furious. It killed its mentor, and it was most taboo about others saying this to it. At this moment, Chi Cang's words clearly touched the taboo in its heart.

Qiongqi is also angry, cunning and vicious is not a good word, no one likes to be described like this.

"Human, you know what? You're playing with fire."

The two supreme ferocious beasts were still wary of Chi Cang, and they couldn't see through Chi Cang, so they wanted to unite with the other two beast masters to attack Chi Cang.

As a result, what Chi Cang said was too unpleasant for them to bear, and they couldn't help but want to take action.

The little red bird agreed with Chi Cang's description. Everyone knew about the Sky-Swallowing Bird's murder of his master, but Qiongqi was once a sacrificial spirit of an ancient country. After absorbing the power of faith, he was unwilling to sit on one side and destroy a country. It swallowed all the people, and its ferocity was even worse than that of the sky-swallowing sparrow.

Both guys are not good people, so the little red bird rejects them.

"In the battle just now, you two seemed to be fighting fiercely, but in fact it was just a show and did not harm the roots.

And the two of them fought with real fire, a true life-and-death battle.

I can imagine an outcome where both of them will suffer losses, but you two will be intact. When the mountain treasure is born, your chances of winning it will be greater.

Isn't this cunning?

I was traveling around the wilderness with my mounts, and I happened to come here. I had no intention of participating in your battle, but you two wanted to kill us. Isn't this cruel? Chi Cang smiled and talked eloquently.

Little Red Bird and Zhu Yan's descendants suddenly realized that Qiongqi and Sky-Swallowing Bird were just putting on a show for them, and there was no life-or-death duel.

The intention was to give them a bloody blow, while Qiongqi and the Sky-Swallowing Bird had an absolute advantage in the fight for the mountain treasure.

What a pair of cunning beasts.

The little red bird was not surprised by this, but it looked at the two ferocious beasts with a somewhat unkind look. The descendant of Zhu Yan squeezed the iron rod tightly and frowned tightly. It didn't think so much just now, it was really talking to Xiao Hong. A bird is beaten to death, but now after Chi Cang said these words, it also came to its senses and realized something was wrong.

Qiongqi and the Sky-Swallowing Bird were exposed, and the anger in their hearts became even stronger. Without this human being, the Fire Nation Sacrificial Spirit and Zhu Yan's descendants would both suffer losses. However, they could conserve their strength and completely suppress their opponents after Shan Bao was born.

Now, the good situation has been ruined by this human being, which makes people really angry.

“What I hate the most is human beings. Not only are they extremely prolific, but they also like to gossip and play with words.

He is sowing discord among us and will plot against you in the future. Don’t believe his nonsense. "The Sky-Swallowing Bird is making its last effort and doesn't want to break up with the Little Red Bird and the others for the time being.

Unfortunately, its previous deeds and actions make its words have no credibility at all.

After realizing this, the Sky-Swallowing Bird was very angry and directed all his anger at Chi Cang.

"Kill this human being who talks nonsense and lies."

Qiongqi strongly agrees with this. It has long been unhappy with Chi Cang.

"I'm going to eat him alive." This extremely ferocious beast roared in a low voice. As its body moved, the sky and the earth cracked, as if the pillar supporting the sky had collapsed.


The iron rod in Zhu Yan's descendant's hand hit the earth heavily, causing a huge earthquake and several large cracks.

It was plotted by Qiongqi and the Sky-Swallowing Bird. It felt very unhappy and wanted to have a fight with them.

"Don't make the mistake of yourself. If we fight, he will reap the benefits. This is the cunningness of human beings." The Sky-Swallowing Bird sensed the hostility of Zhu Yan's descendant and said in warning.

Afterwards, the two ferocious beasts no longer hesitated to kill Chi Cang who had ruined their good deeds.

"Kill me? Just you? Go and practice for another 1.8 million years."

Chi Cang sat cross-legged on the back of the cow and did not move, shaking his head there. Seeing the two supreme beings in such a posture was very angry. They were venerables. They respected the earth and overlooked hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers. It was rare for them to resist. As a result, To be looked down upon by a human being in this way is unbearable.

"court death!"

The Sky-Swallowing Bird shouted coldly, and spread out a pair of magic wings to block out the clouds and sun. The entire central mountain range was shrouded under it, and the day turned into night.

The devil ape, the golden lion, etc. were all frightened and fell to the ground long ago, their limbs were trembling, their faces were pale, and their lips were trembling.

Only the Bull Demon was doing better and was still standing. However, it wasn't that it didn't want to fall, but that it didn't dare to fall.

There is a big demon king on his back. If it affects him, it will be irreparable.

Chi Cang sat still in the cross-legged position, his hair flying, looking up at the sky, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

No one saw clearly how he took action. A finger made of thunder stood high, as if it was the only one in the world. It was like an emperor pointed out with one finger, and he was so majestic that he was the only one in the sky and on the earth.

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