The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 37 Thunder Scale Eagle

At this time, the demon ape waved his palms, flapped his two fleshy wings again and again, revealing his fierce image, and signaled himself to deal with the green-scaled eagle that kept screaming in the sky.

The four hooves of the Bull Demon were glowing with fire, and it let out a low beastly roar. It looked at the Blue Scaled Eagle with a very unkind look.

The red dragon and the thunder sparrow rose into the sky and were about to take action.

The skin and bones of the blue-scaled eagle entrenched in the sky were cold. The ferocious power of the ancient relic almost froze its blood. It felt frightened and had an urge to escape.

However, after looking at the three eggs below, it was still chirping and still refused to leave.

"Little dragon, little bird... come back quickly, don't hurt it." Shi Hao shouted, a little anxious. He clearly knew how powerful these ancient relics were, and they could run rampant in the wilderness.

If the six ancient relics move together, the so-called large tribe with tens of millions of people will simply not be able to withstand it and will be exterminated.

They started to attack, but how could the poor green-scaled eagle be able to withstand it? I'm afraid it will be torn into pieces in an instant.

Shi Hao's words were still very effective. Red Dragon and Thunder Bird stopped and did not continue to charge forward.

At this time, an emerald green wicker extended from the distance, hanging down like a divine chain, and gently brushed one of the three eggs.

All of a sudden, the eggs brushed by the tender willows were covered with rays of rays of light, hazy and misty, crystal clear and brilliant, which was very astonishing.

The spots on the eggshell are glowing, like rounds of little suns, emitting a blazing light and bursting with intense vitality.

Immediately afterwards, these spots began to spread, and the lines became more complicated, like dragons and snakes dancing.

"This egg has experienced an atavism. Its vitality is countless times stronger than before. Part of the life mark inherited from the ancient demon bird inside has revived. If it hatches, it will definitely be much stronger than the other two." The patriarch Shi Yunfeng said in surprise. .

The villagers and the ancient relics were all shocked. A flick of the willow tree produced such an effect. What kind of power did it exert?

The blue-scaled eagle hovering in the sky also stopped chirping. Looking at the special egg, its eyes were straight, as if it couldn't believe it. It wanted to rush down and take a closer look, but it was instinctively afraid and could only stay anxious in the sky. of tweets.

After the wicker flicked by, he slowly pulled away, as if he wasn't very interested, just doing it casually.

The next moment, Chi Cang arrived. Although his eyes and expression were very peaceful, his emperor-like appearance and extraordinary temperament still gave him an inexplicable aura, as if he was the Lord of heaven and earth, and all things in the world were surrendered.

The blue-scaled eagle was completely silent and did not dare to breathe. This was an instinctive fear.

The ancient relics also put away their fierce looks and did not dare to show them in front of Chi Cannian.

When he came to the three eggs, the lightning in his hand surged and turned into a thunderstorm, dripping on the eggshells.


Lightning intertwined, thunder exploded, and three eggs the size of a basin trembled slightly in the thunder. The spots on the eggshells were like bottomless pits, greedily sucking in the thunder.

After a long time, the thunderstorm disappeared and everything calmed down. The three eggs at this moment were different from before. There were more thunder patterns on the surface. They were mysterious and simple, containing vigorous vitality, almost overflowing, and, on the eggs, Electric light flashes from time to time and makes crackling sounds.

People were stunned. Liu Shen just brushed an egg at random, and the egg experienced an atavism. In the future, the bloodline must be noble, far higher than the same level.

As a result, Chi Cang made another thunderstorm, causing the three eggs to undergo unimaginable transformations, all of which rose to a higher level.

They are indeed the two most powerful creatures in Stone Village currently.

"This time, the blue-scaled eagle has turned into a thunder-scaled eagle." Shi Linhu and others were in a daze.

The blue-scaled eagle in the sky was also stunned. Why did his child become a thunder eagle? Moreover, judging from the fluctuations it emits, its potential is shocking.

Later, Chi Cang spoke and allowed the Green Scaled Eagle to land in Stone Village to see its children.

The blue-scaled eagle flapped its wings, and regardless of Chi Cang's intention, it hurriedly circled down and came to the three eggs wrapped in lightning to examine them carefully.

Not long after, the Green Scaled Eagle let out a cry of joy, because it knew the good intentions of Chi Cang and others and helped its child achieve evolution, and will surely surpass its mother in the future.

After this day, Shicun added several new members. Under the careful care of the children, the three eggs hatched quickly.

There was a crisp crackling sound, and an egg cracked. The thunder-spotted eggshell shattered, and a cute little guy rolled out from inside. His whole body was flashing with lightning, as if he had just been bathed in thunder.

Soon, another egg also cracked, and a little guy struggled to get out. He poked his head into the egg, his eyes were very bright, and he was also surrounded by lightning.

The third egg is the most special, because it was brushed by the Willow God and experienced an atavism, and it was also drenched by the blazing thunderstorm and absorbed a large amount of thunder light.

When the eggshell cracked, a brilliant glow burst out, full of vitality. Then, all the eggshells turned into powder at once, revealing a magical baby bird.

Its scales are different from the previous two. They are purple and radiant, like a fire burning, blooming with purple thunder, which looks very extraordinary.

The three young birds are very agile, and the intelligence in their eyes is amazing. The big watery eyes seem to be able to talk, turning from time to time, looking at everyone curiously.

"He's born, so beautiful." Shi Hao squatted there, his eyes shining, and he liked these three little guys very much.

The other children also seemed to have discovered a new world, and they were all smiling.

The blue-scaled eagle also came. Seeing these children emerging from their shells, it chirped happily.

"The eldest is called Dapeng, the second is called Xiaoqing, and the third is called Ziyun." The children named the three baby birds respectively. Unexpectedly, the three newly born baby birds seemed to be able to understand human speech. There was a nod and a childish cry.

The adults also felt that the three baby birds were a little unusual and liked them very much. They all took out food to feed them. Dapeng, Xiaoqing and Ziyun had great appetites and ate them all, causing a burst of cheers. Laughter, for a while, the stone village was full of joy.

On this day, Shi Hao and his friends played wildly for a while and returned to Shicun.

Recently, he has practiced the blood-moving realm to the extreme. Without using the power of bone inscriptions, he can reach a huge force of 160,000 kilograms with one arm using only his physical body. He has surpassed the so-called limit by a long way. He is already a veritable little god. .

After reaching this step, we have truly reached the extreme that we can reach so far. If we go further, we will break into the cave heaven realm. Chi Cang specially asked Shi Hao to relax and give himself a holiday to combine his mental and physical strength. The state is restored to its peak, the fatigue of successive trainings is eliminated, and the best posture is entered into the next field.

I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, reunion with your family, and happiness.

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